Anonymous ID: f70a6e Jan. 31, 2020, 8:30 p.m. No.7986830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6863 >>6909 >>6935 >>6973 >>7086

Im going to say this one more time.


Im not necessarily doubting any negative towards Schiff.


But was the traitor thing part of "disinformation is necessary"?


Schiff isnt a complete idiot anyways. Its seeming more and more like hes part of putting together a setup (but we cant use that word) NOT to GET AT trump

But to force everything we've seen occur to get to the point we are at.

And again, he and pelosi on gang of 8 so the only thing that makes sense to me is theyve been part of doing this WITH potus to "impeach" him knowing damn well what was going to happen with entering into (a) court evidence regarding the bidens. Every time i heard him talk it was like he was making a case for trump but subtly. Now with this other ukraine stuff and Q "soon" stuff its like he "accidentally" left himself open for whats probably going to happen with all that.

Everything he did and all the false narratives and lies furthered trumps case and i think


At the minimum thats the role he has to play.

At best he oopsied for years to hopefully later expose the bullshit.


We all know trump wanted impeachment, begged for it. Schiff (and pelosi) was the one to be that guy that made it happen.

I suggested last week (the week to remember) was not necessarily about flynn but about noting schiffs statements and remembering them.


When (if) shit goes down with bidens and more than likely subsequently the clintons and more


His statements during impeachment trial one way or another will be brought up.


Again, not necessarily doubting DS actor or swamp


But we have our own sleepers right? Id just recommend considering that a possibility

Anonymous ID: f70a6e Jan. 31, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.7987010   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Thats what im saying. Cant figure out if hand forcing this with them (although personally i would but a good 85% yes about pelosi but:)

Or maybe they, like i can assume some others, being coerced into a … something…. Then blackmailed for it now they get to play the villains to trump because the plan wouldnt work otherwise.


That last part works for either possiblity or an unknown variable possibility.


Thats all im saying. They definitely are necessary but i hope before its too late we actually find out the why to it. Dont make any sense to know the same shit nunes does and go out and say NOTHING TO SEE HERE THIS IS FAKE AND GAY


If for no other reason the fake news to report it and us to have eyes on.


Some piece of that i think would be agreeable to most, yes?