Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.7987505   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7519


you ever played capture the flag? league of legends? quake arena? UT?


looks at american flag

looks at EU flag…


its a game that the elite play in real life. Its like a "real life RTS", we're the "units/cattle/fodder" that they move around the board.


they've basically been playing a single player game for thousands of years.


And then someone came in and fucked them up.


Ironically we're getting the same treatment the roman citizens did way back in time - they didn't know the war was over for up to 3 generations ( news didnt travel fast back then )


we lack the same situation as them, but seems years of abuse as cause stockholm syndrome and people can't process it.

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:23 p.m. No.7987555   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7630



ok, i'll try to break that down as much as possible.


we're taught language has 'past present future' tenses. words have letters, sentences are made of words, put together in a certain way (syntax/formula)


just like mathematic equations.

you know 2 + (2 * 3) = 8

do the parenthesis first to solve.


you remember how in order to double check your work you could "do it in reverse" /work backwards from solution/answer ( circular logic) to verify


well…. grammar can be "calculated" the same way mathematics are. "Connotation" exists, context matters, when arguing in court of law/legal shit, its all about who can argue the case - not whether 1 + 1 = 2.


^ this is what has been wrong with "the system".

All languages we speak today were born from the same original language system. It was confounded at some point (pick your villain- doesnt change fact it was deliberately modified) so that this "double speak" could be employed.


That's how you can present the same "case" in a court of law, but have two separate outcomes.

the LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR leaves room for interpretation.


With Quantum language construct stuff, that is no longer possible. 1 + 1 = 2 in EVERY CASE ALWAYS no matter who the interpreter is.


As the IMPEACHMENT has been arguing all week, about "INTENT" - intent is key, and they have been manipulating our intent through grammar since ancient times.


That's why the game is over. The framework/system that our "reality engine" runs on has finally gotten that bug in the code fixed, and now everyone has to honest up. You can't manipulate the data anymore. (Truth & Transparency is perma mode)


I hope that helps clarify some of it.

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:33 p.m. No.7987614   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7660



can have a website/framework (separate from 8kun)


subdomain by state.


etc etc something like that ?


its not some place for operations like 8kun


but a platform for communicating with our reps and senators and other local gov't officials.


maybe we can petition netsol for

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:39 p.m. No.7987654   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7690


your brain sees what its expected to see.


as you train your brain to see the unexpected, and to 'see whats not there', they become more obvious.


it is supernatural, and its only weird because people think its fake. dont let it fry your synapses, you have innate power to fight anything that could cause you harm, just don't panic - keep level head.

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:46 p.m. No.7987694   🗄️.is đź”—kun




the C-S-S-C-P-S-G will remove the need to learn all that extra grammar, to be honest. and its for legal/contract stuff, don't expect to have to write your texts with it, but when it comes to buying a house or signing some other contract, it will be mandatory for integrity.


also, keep this in mind:

quantum grammar construct is a mathematically validated human-readable language. It can be parsed by humans and machines. Machines will be able to say "this grammar equation DOES not solve!!" therefore the contract will not be valid. Unlike now, we've been trying to train our AI to 'understand' and 'contextualize' texts. the C-S-S-C-P-S-G will make it as simple as "does 1= 1? yes? bingo!"


We are in 2020, we won't have to reinvent the wheel and learn how to rebuild the automobile.

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:51 p.m. No.7987723   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7752


I'm expecting something out of him. I've found too much and dumped here in the last 24 hours and anons are vibing on it so momentum forward.


i could tell was over target when i got accused of "this slide again?" … I've been here for more than 2 years now, I know there aint been no hot postmaster dig.

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:08 p.m. No.7987828   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7839 >>7904 >>7932 >>8045


just spitballing ideas here..


P = C

16 = 3


Definition of chair


(Entry 1 of 2)

1a : a seat typically having four legs and a back for one person

b : electric chair —used with the

2a : an official seat or a seat of authority, state, or dignity

b : an office or position of authority or dignity

c : professorship holds a university chair

d : chairman sense 1

3 : a sedan chair

4 : a position of employment usually of one occupying a chair or desk specifically : the position of a player in an orchestra or band

5 : any of various devices that hold up or support


Definition of serve

transitive verb

1a : to be a servant to : attend

b : to give the service and respect due to (a superior)

c : to comply with the commands or demands of : gratify

d : to give military or naval service to

e : to perform the duties of (an office or post)

2 : to act as server at (mass)

3 archaic : to pay a lover's or suitor's court to (a lady) that gentle lady, whom I love and serve— Edmund Spenser

4a : to work through (a term of service)

b : to put in (a term of imprisonment)

5a : to wait on at table

b : to bring (food) to a diner

c : present, provide —usually used with upthe novel served up many laughs

6a : to furnish or supply with something needed or desired

b : to wait on (a customer) in a store

c : to furnish professional service to

7a : to answer the needs of

b : to be enough for : suffice

c : to contribute or conduce to : promote

8 : to treat or act toward in a specified way he served me ill

9a : to bring to notice, deliver, or execute as required by law

b : to make legal service upon (a person named in a process)

10 of a male animal : to copulate with

11 : to wind yarn or wire tightly around (a rope or stay) for protection

12 : to provide services that benefit or help

13 : to put (the ball or shuttlecock) in play (as in tennis, volleyball, or badminton)


Definition of master


(Entry 1 of 3)

1a(1) : a male teacher

(2) : a person holding an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctor's also : the degree itself

b often capitalized : a revered religious leader

c : a worker or artisan qualified to teach apprentices — compare apprentice entry 1 sense 1b, journeyman sense 1

d(1) : an artist, performer, or player of consummate (see consummate entry 1 sense 1) skill

(2) : a great figure of the past (as in science or art) whose work serves as a model or ideal

2a : one having authority over another : ruler, governor This decisive battle left him master of Europe.

b : one that conquers or masters : victor, superior in the new challenger the champion found his master

c : a person licensed to command a merchant ship

d(1) : one having control proved himself master of the situation

(2) : an owner especially of a slave or animal

e : the employer especially of a servant

f(1) dialect : husband

(2) : the male head of a household

3a(1) archaic : mr.

(2) : a youth or boy too young to be called mister —used as a title

b : the eldest son of a Scottish viscount or baron (see baron sense 2a)

4a : a presiding (see preside sense 2) officer in an institution or society (such as a college)

b : any of several officers of court appointed to assist (as by hearing and reporting) a judge

5a : a master mechanism (see mechanism sense 1) or device

b : an original from which copies can be made especially : a master recording (such as a magnetic tape)


so with those possible interpretations of "Chair" serves the Master… this one jumped out at me (considering what we know… )




>b : an office or position of authority or dignity


>10 of a male animal : to copulate with


> a youth or boy too young to be called mister —used as a title

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:16 p.m. No.7987869   🗄️.is đź”—kun



come on, you left off the best part


Mary Higgins Clark, author of On the Street Where You Live and Where Are the Children?, has died at 92 years old.


The mystery writer was dubbed the 'queen of suspense,' publishing more than 50 bestsellers in her life.


Clark's books Where Are the Children? and A Stranger Is Watching have been adapted into feature films.

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:19 p.m. No.7987885   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7928 >>7945 >>7959 >>8034 >>8067


yeah i saw this - the old postal service used to do this way back in the day ( my first thought: hidden slush funds )

i already posted in older breads


just postmaster


if there is anything worth anon time right now I would say its the postmaster dig


gives you insight into a hidden layer of reality/global infrastructure we haven't even touched, and it runs on the railroads… the shipping lanes… it IS an avenue of commerce/trafficking

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:27 p.m. No.7987924   🗄️.is đź”—kun


i didn't start one, i mentioned it a few days back on Kobe's death day (idk why i felt compelled to search wikileaks that day but it happened)


it triggered the corney/comey thing for anons then but by then I was swimming in the Quintessence/Aether trying to find the next big piece of puzzle ( quantum grammar came up then )


I love this new world

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:33 p.m. No.7987954   🗄️.is đź”—kun


is it weird I no longer see people as 'crazy' ?


crazy insinuates I don't understand their m.o. or (lack of)logic but suddenly no one seems "crazy" anymore, they just seem to vary from wildly misinformed to slightly uncalibrated.

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:37 p.m. No.7987968   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8034 >>8067




are you fucking serious?


postmaster dig / capture the flag timeline looks like it may be the correct one….



“master” means any person, excepting a sea pilot, in charge of a contract packet or a vessel


Definition of vessel


1a : a container (such as a cask, bottle, kettle, cup, or bowl) for holding something

b : a person into whom some quality (such as grace) is infused a child of light, a true vessel of the Lord— H. J. Laski

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:51 p.m. No.7988027   🗄️.is đź”—kun



spoopy story time!


  • March 2018 my dog died unexpectedly (RIP)

  • April 2018 found Q, got lost researching Q while mourning my dog.

  • August 2018 Spontaneously visit parents due to their health. The night before I arrive, they receive a dog from a cousin of mine that had been deployed to national guard. He couldn't watch after the dog so my dad took her in. She was 4 months old, born [April 2018].


As soon as we met, she "picked" me. I was still fresh/raw/sad from losing my old dog, but this girl.. she told me, plain as a dog can tell a person, "you're my human, i'm your dog now". So i brought her home.


To ramp up the amazing # of coincidences and timing… the dog's name is Winnie.

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:58 p.m. No.7988048   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8062 >>8070 >>8082




autists dont want to leave the house because the outside world is a fucking retarded joke filled with retarded people who think they know how to act in public but its so intolerably fake our skin burns and itches and we get the sweats just being around it.


we'll venture out and reconnect with humanity when there's actually an available port (open mind) to connect to.


until then, we gotta live inside tiny boxes and scream in silence.

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Feb. 1, 2020, 12:06 a.m. No.7988077   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8109


yeah yeah!

if you don't already live in the rurals, I bet every few months for the last few years you momentarily obsessed/looked up property further out of town.


I noticed that some subconscious desires are external/shared.


My sister and I-who have been at odds our entire lives over everything- suddenly had the same idea/desire/plan at the same time. That never happens because my sister is severely lacking in the brain matter department. I actually second-guessed my own desires because they were in agreement with hers. (growing up i figured out if i did everything she didn't, and nothing she did, I would be ok, it worked)

Anonymous ID: 0b1620 Feb. 1, 2020, 12:18 a.m. No.7988126   🗄️.is đź”—kun


mm i spent 36 years a mess. finally pulled it together last year. the new me came in. the one i had crafted and forged in earth-reality-hellfire basically

meticulously analyzing each rough spot and buffing it out.

an artist's work is never finished.



its not weird. "to know yourself is to know your enemy" … what is an enemy? an "other" "to know yourself is to know others".