Synchronicity; I was just about to type out exactly what you said. KEK.
It's even worse for those who live in the shit cities, filled to the brim with brainwashed zombies. I don't blame them for wanting to stay inside until the world awakens.
Synchronicity; I was just about to type out exactly what you said. KEK.
It's even worse for those who live in the shit cities, filled to the brim with brainwashed zombies. I don't blame them for wanting to stay inside until the world awakens.
>My sister and I-who have been at odds our entire lives over everything- suddenly had the same idea/desire/plan at the same time. That never happens because my sister is severely lacking in the brain matter department. I actually second-guessed my own desires because they were in agreement with hers. (growing up i figured out if i did everything she didn't, and nothing she did, I would be ok, it worked)
Same with my younger brother and I. He thinks I'm a piece of shit "conspiracy" theorist now. I think in a few years he'll come around and we'll finally see eye to eye.
>if you don't already live in the rurals, I bet every few months for the last few years you momentarily obsessed/looked up property further out of town.
My youtube history is full of camping videos from the past month, kek.
This is getting too weird.