Anonymous ID: 34c944 Feb. 1, 2020, 3:36 a.m. No.7988775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8842 >>8849 >>8856 >>8861 >>8877

Is Q658 a double Q proof?


Jan 31st, 2018,








FREEDOM_DAY and FREEDOM_ = names of pictures, see caps.




Dec 22nd, 2019


How long do Senate impeachment trials normally take?

What statements have been made re: timing?

Think 'fast-tracking'.

What statements have been made by Chairman Graham re: Senate FISA hearing(s) & witnesses?




Lindsey Graham on Dec 18, 2019:

"I'm going to tell the president, 'no,' to his witnesses request because I think what is best for the country is to get this behind us as soon as possible"


Hence 'FAST-TRACKING', because the last resolution voted on yesterday, after the democrats amendments for more witnesses/subponeas were rebuked, was approved 53-47 and stipulates the record shall be closed (not possible to add any new document/witness), until dismissal is voted on, on Wednesday Feb. 5th, 4PM?


Schedule next week: final arguments from the House and President's teams on Monday 1PM for up to 4 hours, followed by up to 10 minutes statements by each senator over 3 days, then dismissal vote.

[3:14:23-3:15:41] resolution by which record shall be closed till dismissal vote

[3:57:48-3:59:20] 53-47 vote, plus further description of 3 days period


Unless there is some last minute smear/disinfo, dismissal seems assured.


In addition, SOTU the day before the vote, where POTUS will probably drop some truth bombs.



Impeachment end.

[Attempts to send new Article(s) to Senate to delay?]

State of the Union.


“And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.”



So 'FAST-TRACKING', and thus IMPEACHMENT END, effectively happened YESTERDAY?



Anonymous ID: 34c944 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:04 a.m. No.7988868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8886 >>8926



This picture is missing Basel, Switzerland, where the most important bank in the world is, the BIS, Bank for International Settlements.


>[Every 2 months, the 18 governors of the BIS, who are central bankers,] come to Basel to attend the Economic Consultative Committee (ECC) of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which is the bank for central banks.


>The BIS has the right to communicate in code and to send and receive correspondence in bags covered by the same protection as embassies, meaning they cannot be opened.


>The BIS strictly guards the bankers’ secrecy. The minutes, agenda, and actual attendance list of the Global Economy Meeting or the ECC are not released in any form.


>The BIS is exempt from Swiss taxes. Its employees do not have to pay income tax on their salaries, which are usually generous, designed to compete with the private sector.


>The bank’s extraordinary legal privileges also extend to its staff and directors. Senior managers enjoy a special status, similar to that of diplomats, while carrying out their duties in Switzerland, which means their bags cannot be searched (unless there is evidence of a blatant criminal act), and their papers are inviolable.


>All bank officials are immune under Swiss law, for life, for all the acts carried out during the discharge of their duties.


>The BIS is a unique institution: an international organization, an extremely profitable bank and a research institute founded, and protected, by international treaties.


>For a staid, secretive organization, the BIS has proved surprisingly nimble. It survived the first global depression, the end of reparations payments and the gold standard (two of its main reasons for existence), the rise of Nazism, the Second World War, the Bretton Woods Accord, the Cold War, the financial crises of the 1980s and 1990s, the birth of the IMF and World Bank, and the end of Communism.


>The bank has made itself a central pillar of the global financial system.


From the book, "The Tower of Basel", by Adam LeBor.


Ronald Bernard explained in his second interview how the BIS is central for the cabal:

Anonymous ID: 34c944 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:15 a.m. No.7988912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8926



I do not think the Vatican runs the BIS.


It's a pure cabal creation, the central bank of all the major central banks, unaccountable, on a sovereign piece of land within Switzerland.


Came before IMF, the World Bank, etc.


The most important financial institutions of the world, central for everything, and for some reason, it flies under the radar.


Maybe because of the deceptive name, which is related to the pretext they used to set it up (WW1 Germany reparations settlements)?