Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 12:41 a.m. No.7988217   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8229



re: Master P


>On February 15, 1990, Master P released the cassette tape Mind Of A Psychopath.

>His brother Kevin Miller was killed that same year in New Orleans.

>This increased the motivation of Master P to become a successful entrepreneur to change his life and save his family.[3]

Sure it fuckin did!

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 12:47 a.m. No.7988236   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8245


3rd richest hip hop retard, how has he not been placed in the crimes-against-humanity tapestry?


>Miller was one of the first rappers to notice and take advantage of the retail potential of the music industry. As an investor, Master P was one of the first rappers to build a business and financial empire by investing in a wide range of business and investment ventures from a variety of industries. He has since invested the millions of dollars he made from his No Limit record company into a travel agency, a Foot Locker retail outlet, real estate, stocks, film, music, and television production, toy making, a [[ ]] company, clothing, telecommunications, a jewellery line, auto accessories, book and magazine publishing, car rims, fast food franchises, and gas stations


a travel agency you say?


I wonder who traveled with the Master

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 12:50 a.m. No.7988245   🗄️.is đź”—kun



hot keywords that stick out from his business ventures:


travel agency,

real estate,

toy making, a [[ ]] company,


book and magazine publishing


all of these are trafficking / laundering areas.

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 1:44 a.m. No.7988421   🗄️.is đź”—kun


The United States went "Bankrupt" in 1933 and was declared so by President Roosevelt by Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 and Executive Order 6260, [See: Senate Report 93-549, pgs. 187 & 594 under the "Trading With The Enemy Act" [Sixty-Fifth Congress, Sess. I, Chs. 105, 106, October 6, 1917], and as codified at 12 U .S.C.A. 95a. The several States of the Union then pledged the faith and credit thereof to the aid of the National Government, and formed numerous socialist committees, such as the "Council Of State Governments," "Social Security Administration" etc., to purportedly deal with the economic "Emergency." These Organizations operated under the "Declaration Of INTERdependence" of January 22, 193, and published some of their activities in "The Book Of The States." The 1937 Edition of The Book Of The States openly declared that the people engaged in such activities as the Farming/Husbandry Industry had been reduced to mere feudal "Tenants" on their Land. [Book Of The States, 1937, pg. 155] This of course was compounded by such activities as price fixing wheat and grains [7 U.S.C.A. 1903], quota regulation I7 U.S.C.A. 1371], and livestock products [7 U.S.C.A. 1903], which have been held consistently below the costs of production; interest on loans and inflation of the paper "Bills of Credit"; leaving the food producers and others in a state of peonage and involuntary servitude, constituting the taking of private property, for the benefit and use of others, without just compensation.

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 2:18 a.m. No.7988550   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8554

title-4 flags

copyright patents

grammar fraud

maritime law

"land of the courts"


^ want to talk about a spoopy result…

nothing in google search returns only 3 results. we know better.



Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 2:29 a.m. No.7988584   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Kosovo sure has a hard-on for Cabal players


Bill Clinton Boulevard is a boulevard located in Pristina, Kosovo.[a] Following the Kosovo War of 1998 to 1999, Albanians in Kosovo wanted to thank former U.S. President Bill Clinton for his help in their struggle with the government of Yugoslavia. A 10-foot-high (3.0 m) statue of Clinton was unveiled on the boulevard on November 1, 2009, at a ceremony in which the former president spoke.[1]


Elsewhere in Pristina, another street has also been named after U.S. President George W. Bush.[2] In addition, several cities in Kosovo, including Prizren, have streets named after President Woodrow Wilson.

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 2:38 a.m. No.7988605   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8610 >>8623


Postmaster General is a misleading title, it should be something more like "Pirate Captain"


What is admiralty law? Admiralty law is the law of the sea and banking law is international maritime law. Maritime admiralty law was originally for the purpose of governing ships that were importing and exporting products abroad.


Maritime admiralty law does not deal with civil affairs; it’s supposed to deal only with banking or merchant transactions.



So, when a ship arrives at a foreign dock, its merchandise is taken off the ship and unto the land. Of course there has to be a way to transfer custody of the merchandise, so a certificate is issued to account for each product. The certificate would state on its face the “berth date” of the products into the custody of the nation taking ownership.



Does any of this sound familiar yet? This brings to mind the birth certificate. So, why exactly is it required for all babies born to have a certificate of live birth? If certificates can establish ownership of something, then who exactly owns us?



It is said that when we are born, and have had a birth certificate application filed, our vessel (flesh and blood body) is considered lost at sea. For this reason, a trust is created in our name, and we are the beneficiary of that trust. As the beneficiary, we do not get to choose what happens with the trust or the estate within the trust. The executor or trustee decides for us what benefits we get from the trust. This trust is actually a private international trust, and there is no need for its existence to be divulged to the beneficiary. This trust is actually also never “expressed”; it is 100% constructive. Which means that when you’re in court, the judge can “construe” the trust however he/she chooses to be for their benefit. Usually, they make you the trustee, which makes you liable for whatever the trust(strawman) did wrong since the trustee is always a slave to the trust.



So, back to the birth certificate… It has been proven that the birth certificate is a bond. And as such, financial instruments are created from it and traded on the stock markets. The proceeds of these transactions go into the estate of the “private international trust” that the you are unaware even exists. So there is all this “money” being made off of all of us.



This all began in 1910 when a group of 6 bankers and economic policy-makers held a secret meeting at Jeckyll Island(you can read all about this in The Creature From Jeckyll Island). These 6 men represented the wealthiest and most elite people’s interests. The purpose of this meeting was to figure out a way to trick the American people into allowing a central bank into the country(there were several central banks before this that were taken down by the people). Then in 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was signed into effect by President Wilson. This was recounted in 1916 by B.C. Forbes, the founder of Forbes magazine. It was this act that put us into Maritime Admiralty law.



A few years later, in 1921, the Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act was passed by Congress. This Maternity Act forced all birth to be registered with the state under the excuse that it was for health benefits for the people. This leads us up to 1933 when the government took away all the gold and silver with HJR192 and switched the country over to using Federal Reserve Notes(these are the dollars we use today). 1933 was also the year in which the government went bankrupt, again. So what exactly happened?


This whole process switched the country from common law, to maritime admiralty law because we were no longer allowed to pay for anything with real money(gold or silver).



We now walk around exchanging negotiable instruments, which is done only in maritime admiralty law.



So what does this mean for us? It means we can never actually fully own anything (allodial title) because we have no money of substance to pay with. We are only able to pay with promissory notes, which are either in the form of a promissory note(such as when you sign a note to purchase a house) or in the form of Federal Reserve Notes. What this also means for us is that since we can never legally pay with money of substance, the government is actually obligated to discharge any debts we may incur(HJR192). The tricky part, is figuring out how to access this holy grail of administrative processes. You can’t write out a promise to pay on a napkin and hand it to the bank, making the treasury the drawee, and think that you’re going to walk away unscathed. There is definitely more to it than that.

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 2:42 a.m. No.7988610   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8613



Anon education Camp


study links:




Admiralty and Maritime Law


A field of law relating to, and arising from, the practice of the admiralty courts (tribunals that exercise jurisdiction over all contracts, torts, offenses, or injuries within maritime law) that regulates and settles special problems associated with sea navigation and commerce.


History of Admiralty and Maritime Law


The life of the mariner, spent far away from the stability of land, has long been considered an exotic one of travel, romance, and danger. Stories of pirates, mutinies, lashings, and hasty trials—many of them true—illustrate the peculiar, isolated nature of the maritime existence. In modern times, the practice of shipping goods by sea has become more civil, but the law still gives maritime activities special treatment by acknowledging the unique conflicts and difficulties involved in high-seas navigation and commerce.


The roots of maritime law can be traced as far back as 900 b.c., which is when the Rhodian Customary Law is believed to have been shaped by the people of the island of Rhodes. The only concept in the Rhodian Laws that still exists is the law of jettison, which holds that if goods must be thrown overboard (jettisoned) for the safety of the ship or the safety of another's property, the owner of the goods is entitled to compensation from the beneficiaries of the jettison.


Codes enacted by medieval port cities and states have formed the current U.S. maritime law. The eleventh-century Amalphitan Code, of the Mediterranean countries; the fourteenth-century Consolato del Mare, of France, Spain, and Italy; the twelfth-century Roll of Oleron, from England; and the thirteenth-century Law of Visby all drew on the customs of mariners and merchants to create the unique Substantive Law of admiralty that still exists today. Procedural differences existed between maritime cases and other civil proceedings until 1966, when the U.S. Supreme Court approved amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that brought admiralty and maritime procedural rules into accord with those used in other civil suits. The substantive maritime law, however, has remained intact.

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 2:42 a.m. No.7988613   🗄️.is đź”—kun



part 2


read more here:




Admiralty: An Overview


Admiralty law or maritime law is the distinct body of law (both substantive and procedural) governing navigation and shipping. Topics associated with this field in legal reference works may include: shipping; navigation; waters; commerce; seamen; towage; wharves, piers, and docks; insurance; maritime liens; canals; and recreation. Piracy (ship hijacking) is also an aspect of admiralty.


The courts and Congress seek to create a uniform body of admiralty law both nationally and internationally in order to facilitate commerce. The federal courts derive their exclusive jurisdiction over this field from the Judiciary Act of 1789 and from Article III, § 2 of the U.S. Constitution. Congress regulates admiralty partially through the Commerce Clause. American admiralty law formerly applied only to American tidal waters. It now extends to any waters navigable within the United States for interstate or foreign commerce. In such waters admiralty jurisdiction includes maritime matters not involving interstate commerce, including recreational boating.


Admiralty law in the United States developed from the British admiralty courts present in most of the American colonies. These courts functioned separately from courts of law and equity. With the Judiciary Act, though, Congress placed admiralty under the jurisdiction of the federal district courts. Although admiralty shares much in common with the civil law, it is separate from it. Common law does not act as binding precedent on admiralty courts, but it and other law may be used when no law on point is available.


Parties subject to admiralty may not contract out of admiralty jurisdiction, and states may not infringe on admiralty jurisdiction either judicially or legislatively. Since admiralty courts, however, are courts of limited jurisdiction (which does not extend to nonmaritime matters), 28 USC § 1333(1), the "Savings to Suitors Clause," does provide for concurrent state jurisdiction so that non-admiralty remedies will not be foreclosed. Moreover, state courts may have jurisdiction where the matter is primarily local.


Under admiralty, the ship's flag determines the source of law. For example, a ship flying the American flag in the Persian Gulf would be subject to American admiralty law; and a ship flying a Norwegian flag in American waters will be subject to Norwegian admiralty law. This also applies to criminal law governing the ship's crew. But the ship must be flying the flag legitimately; that is, there must be more than insubstantial contact between the ship and its flag, in order for the law of the flag to apply. American courts may refuse jurisdiction where it would involve applying the law of another country, although in general international law does seek uniformity in admiralty law.


Just as the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure placed law and equity under the same jurisdiction in 1938, the 1966 rules subsumed admiralty. Nonetheless, the Supplemental Admiralty Rules take precedence over the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in the event of conflict between the two.

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 2:54 a.m. No.7988674   🗄️.is đź”—kun


my… beliefs?


what beliefs?


that they've been hiding a very big lie from us?

and that we've had more than we've known since Q showed up?


my beliefs do not at all involve inflicting any kind of pain on anyone, emotional or physical.

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 3:05 a.m. No.7988701   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8703 >>8730 >>8767 >>8827 >>8926

empire of the three city states


They are what is called the Empire of the City. The Empire of the City actually consists of three cities, which belong to no nation or state and pay no taxes: Vatican City, the City of London ([inside] London), and Washington DC. Vatican City controls the world through religion, the City of London controls the world through currency, and Washington DC controls the world through force.


This relates to the Post Master

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 3:31 a.m. No.7988768   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8772 >>8824



my brain flies. i used to resist it, feel overwhelmed and spastic, and prayed prayed… finally dawned on me i should be harnessing this power.


as a result, I no longer speak much out loud because no one can keep up.


trains of thought constantly choochooing around.


i call these consciousness flows. I'm going to dump my current one, and you can let your own brain pick up the associations/curiosities.









John 1:1





Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 3:45 a.m. No.7988813   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8841 >>8932




ready for this bizarre thing?

that's a picture of a printed book.


i found this page

links to "" which is a big fat 404


it seems like its been erased from the internet, can only find people quoting the missing article

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 3:57 a.m. No.7988847   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Jesuits = "Vatican Army"


Pope Francis = Jesuit

Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio; 17 December 1936)

The name Francis is of Latin origin.

The meaning of Francis is "free man, from france".

he's born in Argentina though

Anonymous ID: 64ed18 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:03 a.m. No.7988864   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8879



to expound about the tuning forks and frequencies


432 and 528 are frequently considered "healing frequencies". just type either of those numbers in, "432hz music" into youtube and check it out.


Binaural audio/tones/beats is also a thing, I've tried them and personally they didn't do much for me but I could also have been doing it wrong.