Anonymous ID: ac62a2 Feb. 1, 2020, 1:11 a.m. No.7988318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8405 >>8428

At this point it should be clear as fuck what the problem is with the majority of people.


There is Corruption, no doubt about that. Only thing hard to tell is who is in on it and who isn't, so far the whole left wing political landscape seems to be corrupt.

I don't have to remind you about all the Clinton email leaks, the seth rich happening, the media smoke screens or all the other pizzagate barps and burps, last but not least epsteins fuckery on his island and deep state fuckery when he off'ed himself (or not).

All these Kikes and corrupt dingos, who went into panic mode since day one, since the very first second someone else got the power outside there corrupt box. We saw it all.


and thats the thing


we saw it, but not the majority of people out there, why?


It could be seen from everywhere on this damn globe, livestreamed and shared on all fuckery social websites, openly censored in front of everyone faces and what not. It was seen, but not everyone relized what he saw. This syhmptom is called Delusion. You have to understand this now, anons! This is important to understand why the majority wasn't able to see.


Consider the following, with all the research the CIA has done, MK Ultra, monarch and the fuck do i know what else they researched, overall, it was a research about the human mind. This went on for over 20 30 40 years and only god knows what they found out. Now we see how deep the corruption goes, into the cia, into the fbi, …., we see media helping them to build a false narrative, a smoke screen, we see media boosting memes, manufactured memes, we see brainwashing coming from the media. … … could it be, that the reason the majority of people is blind on purpose, is because they where brainwashed into schizophrenica?


if this is the case, than no matter how hard and big the fact is becoming, these people will stay in there delusion, and you know it.

Anonymous ID: ac62a2 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.7988938   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i don't know either


watched a little bit the movie The Stand, keeping in mind that these corrupt folks used some looking glass or cia out of body shit and wrote down the story. There is that crop field, with that old lady, maybe the crop field is this board and the old lady is Q. At the time they wrote the story, they didn't know the meaning of all of this, of course.