Anonymous ID: d57077 Feb. 1, 2020, 12:12 a.m. No.7988099   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8158 >>8179 >>8708 >>8861

Judicial Watch - Islamic Charities Triply-Funded Under Trump Admin


U.S. Funding of Islamist "Charity" Groups Triples Under Trump


Why would the Trump administration be giving more taxpayer dollars to radical Islamist organizations than the Obama administration? Our Corruption Chronicles blog has the alarming details:


The amount of American taxpayer dollars that go to Islamist organizations has drastically increased under the Trump administration, which has doled out millions to radical nonprofits, including a recent allocation to a terrorist front group named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism financing trial.


Between 2017 and 2018 the U.S. government more than tripled its funding to organizations either influenced or controlled by Islamist activists from $4 million to $13.5 million, according to an analysis conducted by a think tank dedicated to protecting Western values from Middle Eastern threats.


The Philadelphia-based nonprofit, Middle East Forum (MEF), reviewed millions of dollars in government grant data and found that the Trump administration is dedicating a lot more to radical Muslim groups than the Obama administration, which gave Islamist-linked organizations an average of $1.7 million annually. A big chunk of the money, around $8.7 million, has gone to the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a surrogate of the south Asian paramilitary group Jamaat-e-Islami, which was recently banned by the Indian government under anti-terrorism laws. An ICNA subsidiary known as Helping Hand for Relief and Development has openly partnered with the Pakistani terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which was involved in the 2008 Mumbai terror attack that killed 164 people. The $8.7 million was delivered in 2018 for "disaster assistance projects," according to the government data obtained by MEF.


Other radical groups whose coffers have been filled by the Trump administration include Islamic Relief ($800,000), which is closely tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and has been designated as a terror-financing organization by Israel and the United Arab Emirates; the Islamic Institute of Knowledge, which is linked to the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah and the Iranian regime, has received $780,000 from the U.S; the Muslim American Society, identified by MEF as the Muslim Brotherhood's leading activist organization in the U.S., got $160,000 from Uncle Sam. The group's Philadelphia branch recently broadcast a disturbing video of kids at its center singing about chopping off the heads of Jews. Dar al-Hijrah, an extremist mosque in Virginia that the U.S. government says operates as a front for Hamas, received $100,000. Al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Aulaqi was the imam at the Falls Church mosque and two of the 9/11 hijackers attended his sermons as well as Nidal Hassan, the Ft. Hood terrorist sentenced to death for murdering 13 and wounding dozens of others at a Texas Army base.


Just a few months ago, another $100,000 went to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) via a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) grant program. CAIR is a terrorist front group that was named as a co-conspirator in a federal terror-finance case involving the Hamas front group Holy Land Foundation. For more details read a Judicial Watch special report on Muslim charities. CAIR was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine. The Obama administration allowed CAIR to transform the way U.S. law enforcement agencies conduct anti-terrorism training by permitting the group to bully agencies at the local, state and federal level to alter materials determined to be discriminatory against Muslims. This includes getting the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to purge anti-terrorism training curricula of material coined "offensive" to Muslims. Judicial Watch uncovered that scandal, obtained the FBI records and published an in-depth report. CAIR also got several local police departments and the U.S. military to eliminate anti-terrorism training materials and instructors deemed anti-Muslim.


The Trump administration seems to have maintained a cozy relationship with CAIR, recently joining forces with the group by suing a Michigan suburb for rejecting a Muslim organization's zoning request to construct a mosque within city limits.

Anonymous ID: d57077 Feb. 1, 2020, 2:02 a.m. No.7988490   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8500


>companies like nestle need to be revolutionized like monsanto. did you know. monsanto's mission statement:


You appear quite naive. My experience has shown that corporations do exactly the opposite of what their "mission statements" claim. One well-known example is Google, which began with a mission statement, "Don't be evil."

Anonymous ID: d57077 Feb. 1, 2020, 2:09 a.m. No.7988523   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Don't get too excited about these magical new vaccines yet. Recombinant RNA vaccines are genetically modified. We don't yet know what they will include in those vaccines. Once it's injected into your body, it WILL CHANGE your genetic future, including any offspring you are able to have after receiving the vaccination. The Gates Foundation's exploits in Africa included distributing vaccines which were intentionally designed to permanently sterilize those who were vaccinated. Until at least one generation after the recombinant RNA vaccines are injected into a large population, we won't know what effects they have. Even then, bad people can easily change what you're being injected with, for better or worse.

Anonymous ID: d57077 Feb. 1, 2020, 3:21 a.m. No.7988745   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Pages straight out of Brave New World, where humanity had been genetically "tuned" into classes. Lower classes were tuned to resist radiation and worked in the mechanical section, keeping the human colony running; middle-classes were tuned for servant-work for the higher classes; next-level workers could be scientists, doctors, etc. ("Betas") and the highest level was the ruling class, who enjoyed a hedonistic existence with minimal duties and maximal privileges.


THIS is exactly where we're being herded by those who call us "goyim." They told us their plans via the book and movie, now they're implementing their plan. IIt's disturbing that Trump's executive order plays into and even helps implement this part of (((their))) plan. Is that plan we're supposed to trust actually a plan to remake humanity into a bunch of genetically-engineered freaks?