Anonymous ID: 903c5d Feb. 1, 2020, 6:43 a.m. No.7989748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

anon note this poster from last bread:


>>7989545 (lb)

anon, while post count isn't a good indication of a shill below like 25 , when they have 39 posts, that's fairly clear.

but not certain (sometimes people are just in a bad place and they shit post in a depressive state, it's uncool, but hey are not really a shill)


but when they start saying stuff like the poster to whom I link does, "K Y S" "D um b N word"


no american would talk that way or post it here. no one would talk to people they want to convince like that. It's a hateful person who thought they were getting over, and now they are lashing out because, well, they have been found out.


he'll be here in this bread too puching whatever bullshit he was pushing before.

Anonymous ID: 903c5d Feb. 1, 2020, 6:51 a.m. No.7989822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9892


I would love to see sweeping arrests at all the ivy league schools, and state universities.

the way that they looted the student loan dollars in my home state is obvious to me . . .


but the people who did it are very big names and run towns, etc, from their franchise municipal 'special people' situations.

we have a town manager who is a job for life person. She's like preistess of municiple graft here . . . (I'm don't know her well but I do know she's just a groomed person managing this town for her people).


the names are what you would expect. They pretend to be other than they are. Their kids always go to the head of the class (the kind who cheat on the SRA card box).


anyway, yes, more arrests of corrupt fake accademics.


it would help the ones that aren't a fraud do good work.


Also I suggest we break the ivy colleges up.


they could each be 10 to 15 different schools under different administration.

it would keep the managment and sociology (political brainwash) departments for profiteering off of the engineering and medical schools.


also I would say that they should be disallowed from holding patents. I would antitrust the State of California's patent portfolio and put it into the public domain.


I'm not saying destroy the schools. What I am saying is that the 'university's need to be broken back up into their pieces.

Anonymous ID: 903c5d Feb. 1, 2020, 7:04 a.m. No.7989928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9993 >>0016 >>0026


any narrative that has Trump plotting biohazzards is bogus. Trump wouldn't do that, it's an appauling and evil way to conduct business: targetting innocents with a virus!

if anything they caught wind of something and are tyring to have as little damage as possible.

even the creepy asshole democrats wouldn't be on board with a world wide plauge that kills scores and multitudes in every town.


maybe some creepy spy types would, the spooky-guy leaders (we know who) maybe the leaders of democrats are broken and destroyed and following evil.

and I'm going to tell you this, so listen, if you did a survey of ANTIFA and asked them 'are you in favor of a pandemic that helps your cause': most of them are going to be 'what the fuck why would you think that about me I'm here to save the world'.


most pepole do not willfully plot evil pluages that will result in horrorible death. Even Democrats, for the most part, want health and well being for the people. Their leaders? Their criminally minded communist leaders who took over the Dem party in the 1970's?


there is no way to know what they want or the psychopaths in accademia who are their kin.

Anonymous ID: 903c5d Feb. 1, 2020, 7:08 a.m. No.7989958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9968


Chinese people are far and wide. There is no 'restriction' for Chinese people.

Chinese people aren't be targetted for any travel restrictions.

maybe people from the effected towns and cities in China have to be quaranteed if they come from those places . . . that's it.

they aren't going to be made to be slaves. They won't have their liberties taken away. they will be treated with compassion and understanding. They aren't pariahs. They are just people, victims of bad governance made to deal with ever increasing policies of hazing that are set up to enslave them. They are just like you and I.

Anonymous ID: 903c5d Feb. 1, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.7990027   🗄️.is 🔗kun


cities are bad?

it's just a form of government.

I've never been good with genetic engineering from the first time I head about in the 1970s.

I was always afraid of the ones who want to 'play god'.

and look what they wrought.

People who bioengineer a virus to kill more peole are, in my estimation, war criminals.

if someone didn't make deadly, it would be of no use for the ones who stole it.


we get these supposed-british releasing mosquitoes that are bioengineered: I'd seriously consider that the ones who do that are criminals.


here is a thing about being bitten like a pincushin by mosquitoes: you don't just get the bad stuff, but they might 'infect' you with some genetic material that aids you in some way.


catch the cure so to speak.


giving people genetic material by bioengineering mosquitoes to give you a bad dose of DNA is criminal in my estimation. If it's not illegal, it should be.

Bioengineering is creepy. The people who do it are suspect.

Anonymous ID: 903c5d Feb. 1, 2020, 7:31 a.m. No.7990132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0191


those are very good points.

I thought that as I wrote it and that is why I said 'randomly' as the last part.

yes they do have some who think 'culling' is a good thing for those who don't support the party.


but the virus doesn't say 'oh this is a Communist official, this one is a peasant'

it just kills who it kills and doesn't care about politics.


if such policies exist they are only effective if the people don't know about it. Otherwise they have revolution.

Yes, I agree that there are psychopathic elements to all Communist policies, especially in captive nations like Tibet.


but a random death for random people, who are their citizens in their show-place cities?

it's a fail for them. this is out of their control and they fucked up if that was what they were planning.


I will give you your points, I agree with that as a point of view: yes they are capable of doing great harm to the population.


but random virus?

maybe they think that they have an antidote.

Anonymous ID: 903c5d Feb. 1, 2020, 7:36 a.m. No.7990190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0287 >>0307


It was my first evidence how the 'favored short kids' were cheaters. They 'map skills' involved a lot of study and reading and we were never given enough time to do it, or to solve all the questions. It involved measuring and it took time to do the calculation. The 'score cards' were left there for us to 'grade ourselves'. If you were doing it honestly you got through some of the colors, and wouldn't have been able to go through the whole box without cheating.

I suppose the girl could have just taken the cards from the wrong end of the box? But then the teacher would know that she didn't do the exercises in the correct order.


It was an early 'red pill' for me to see her cheating. I thought she was one of the 'special smart ones' like they make they out to be.

Anonymous ID: 903c5d Feb. 1, 2020, 7:41 a.m. No.7990235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0262


OK, next point:

the policy of the party would need to be moral. They would have laws that could apply to those who did this. It woudl be said by their courts, if this speculation were true, that 'these individual' were 'counter revolutionary' and went against the 'masses' by doing this. Those who did it would be, even in the Communist judicial system, seen to be (and clearly would be) criminals if they masterminded some evil plot (this is comic book plot line bleeding into my conjecture) to 'cull' the popluation (this kind of narrative existed in 1930's science fiction, 1950 - 60 horror films and comic books )


even to communists 10% population cull virus release would be a criminal offense probably would be killed on the spot for doing it if they were Bolshivick type communists enforcing their justice.

Even though they live within a broken system of control-freak activism, most of them still want to be 'good' or 'heroic'.


so under any circumstance, these 10% cull-virus releases would be criminal. if your conjecture is true that 'the party' did it, expect a purge within the party and those who did swinging from a white oak tree (do they have White Oak in china)?

Anonymous ID: 903c5d Feb. 1, 2020, 7:46 a.m. No.7990271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0288


for the fullsize you see that it's a virus inside the suit.

you might try making an overlay for the virus so that when the image is in thumbnail it's more obviously a virus. An outline of it in a 'trace' effect overlayed with just the outline and all the rest as transparent would make the idea that it's a virus inside the suit pop out even in a smaller size. In other words 'cartoonify' the virus inside the suit.

Anonymous ID: 903c5d Feb. 1, 2020, 7:55 a.m. No.7990332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0340


I don't stroke your ego with your art but give you an idea about how to make your meme more obvious and effective.

take the advice or not, but don't piss on me.

you'd only be pissing on yourself.

and maybe the tinkle would sparkle, so even though that's what it was you got all over you, the sunlight in the soft day in the field of your being would make you sparkle like a golden angel . . . but you'd smell bad anyway, and no one would want to get close.

Anonymous ID: 903c5d Feb. 1, 2020, 8:17 a.m. No.7990470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0488


no, anon.

some people are gifted.

I didn't want to 'notice' that the girl was cheating. The cards were color coded. I could see her walking back and forth to the box and what color her cards were.


Even a gifted kid couldn't have gotten through all the problems, per card. Each one took a bit of time to finish.

You needed to do calculations. You had to measure distances with a paper and mark it out on the edge, and then give an answer as to mile or feet or whatever, and other things like that.

it wasn't simply reading, but calculating. it took time even for a genius. She had to be cheating is what I concluded at the time.