Anonymous ID: 02412d Feb. 1, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.7993795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3809 >>3982 >>3987 >>4227 >>4325

Romney Officially Disinvited from CPAC, New Bill in Utah Seeks His Removal


Romney has officially been disinvited from CPAC according to Matt Schlapp, Chairman of the American Conservative Union.


The American Conservative Union organizes CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference).


So this tweet is highly official.


Newsthud was one of the first to break this story on Friday.


Moments ago, per Fox News Republicans in the Senate secured enough votes Friday evening to reject Democratic efforts to extend the Trump impeachment trial and call new witnesses, as the final vote on whether or not to remove President Trump from office could drag into next week.


After hours of debate during the day, the Senate voted 51 to 49 to block a Democratic motion to call new witnesses. The vote came after vehement demands from Democrats to call former national security adviser John Bolton to testify about the Trump-Ukraine saga.


However, there are still hard feelings from Conservatives against the 2 Republicans who opted to vote with Democrats.


Matt Schlapp American Conservative Union Chair or CPAC has officially UNINVITED Senator Mitt Romney to CPAC 2020.




On other fronts it seems that Utah legislators are scrambling to find the ejection button when it comes to Romney.


NOQ Report has this:


Mitt Romney is expected to vote for witnesses in the impeachment trial today. He does so against the will of the party and a majority of people in Utah, which he was sent to Washington DC to represent. He also does so against the best interests of the nation, as there are only left-wing arguments that can be made to justify extending a fruitless impeachment any longer.


A new bill being promoted by Utah Representative Steve Quinn, H.B. 217, would establish a mechanism through which voters in the state could recall a sitting United States Senator. He says the bill is not about Romney, but the timing of the Republican’s bill couldn’t be more conspicuous.


“If I had a dollar for everyone who asked me today [after the bill was made public] if this was about Sen. Romney, I would have $20,” said Quinn.


Despite his protestations, any support for the bill will come from those who are angry with Romney for his clear betrayal. He hates President Trump. Nobody disputes this other than those playing the political correctness game. He has opposed the President at every turn since long before he became a Senator, and he has continued to try to subvert Republican leadership on the impeachment issue.


It’s a longshot, as the threshold laid out in the bill is 25% of voters from the previous election. But given the state of affairs ahead of the 2020 election, if there was ever a time this could happen, it’s now. If the bill becomes law, a concerted effort to recall Romney and replace him with an actual Republican would be necessary.


It’s rare for Republicans to support the recall of a Republican, but Mitt Romney is a unique situation. He’s representing a state that President Trump won by 18-points, and it was only that close because Evan McMullin got 21%. Romney needs to go.

Anonymous ID: 02412d Feb. 1, 2020, 1:18 p.m. No.7993833   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From Jerusalem to Jeddah


Analysis: Israeli delegations have been quietly visiting Saudi Arabia for the past two years, with the tacit consent of the regime; while Riyadh may publicly claim no ties with 'the Zionists,' everyone - including the Iranians - knows the truth and is waiting to see how this state of affairs unfolds


On one hand, Adel al-Jubeir, the veteran Saudi minister, insists that "we have no ties of any kind with Israel." On the other, Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, in an historic statement, called on Israeli businessmen to head to Saudi Arabia and explore options for joint ventures.


A single day passed between the apparently contradictory Saudi and Israeli messages - the first a denial and the second a surprising call to action.

But beneath the surface everything is coordinated, which both Deri and Jubeir - an experienced political fox who served as his country's ambassador to Washington – know all too well.

The truth is that Israeli delegations have been quietly visiting Saudi Arabia for the past two years. Some were accompanied by senior members of the security community, some by businessmen.

Most – although not all – hold passports from other countries, but it is clear to their Saudi hosts who they really are and where they really came from.

In fact, I recently received a box of cookies with "Made in Jeddah" written in English and Arabic. The gift giver did not have to explain where they came from.

Anonymous ID: 02412d Feb. 1, 2020, 1:40 p.m. No.7994013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DARPA, CIA Scientist and Engineering Dr. Robert Duncan Whistleblower


I will begin by saying, we are living in a time where the dangers of Military technology is now beyond our control. We live as guinea pigs in a world where those with the power, knowledge and technology keep us from our true freedom. To live with free will in this beautiful world. They manipulate us, direct us and destroy everything that was truly divine and sacred in our mind.


In this timeline we must decide, will they take our spirit and destroy what god intended or will we stand and fight the evil and it’s new designs. Faith, we must have faith.


Dr. Robert Duncan is a scientist and engineer who worked on black projects for DARPA, CIA, Justice Department and the Department of Defense. He was involved in artificial intelligence and cybernetics. As an MIT student he studied under professor Noam Chomsky on linguistics, studying computer AI language.


During his career he became aware of the military’s experimentation on targeting US civilian populations and soon realized he was part of creating a dangerous weapon if used for dark projects.


Dr. Duncan gave a presentation at The Bases Project conference which explained what he worked on ,his inventions and what the military plans were for using them. He stated, government has been creating something called Cybernetic Hive Minds. This technology was being created in the 60’s for specific functions. The list of uses is seen below.





Increased Intelligence


Brain Storming




Mind Control


Accelerated Education


Predictions of Mass Influence


Rapid Communications


He would like the public to understand, the military is way ahead in technological weaponry then the civilian industry. But he states Universities are now trying to catch up to this technology. MIT has already inserted a micro chip into persons that have memory loss. One example of a successful experiment, is a rat that had a micro chip implanted to record memory. Once the information was recorded in the chip, they went ahead and implanted that same chip into another rat that was fresh to the experiment and this new rat was able to have memory of the previous rats actions.

Anonymous ID: 02412d Feb. 1, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.7994119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4181



Progress Of Syrian Army Offensive In Southern Idlib On Febriary 1, 2020 (Map Update)

On February 1, government forces continued developing their advance in southeastern Idlib. They liberated several new positions and besieged a Turkish observation post south of Maarat al-Numan.

Anonymous ID: 02412d Feb. 1, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.7994181   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The army liberates Louf and Qamhana villages in Idleb eastern countryside

SANA-Units of the Syrian Arab Army on Saturday continued their military operations against terrorist organizations in Idleb eastern countryside and liberated Louf and Qamhana villages on Maarat al-Numan- Khan al-Sobul axis to the East of Sarakeb city.


Led By Al-Julani Himself, Militants Launch Large-Scale Attack On Aleppo City, Employ Several SVBIEDs

Initially, militants attacked SAA positions with several suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (SVBIEDs). Pro-government sources said that three or even four SVBIEDs were used, while HTS claimed that only two suicide attacks were carried out.

Iba’a, HTS’ news network, released a video showing the terrorist group’s leader Abu Mohamad al-Julani meeting some of his Inghimasi [Arabic term for gunmen who are ready to fight until death] minutes before the battle. The prominent terrorist is reportedly leading the offensive in person.


Blasts Shake Southern Damascus in al-Tadamon and Yarmouk Camp

A number of blast were witnessed in Damascus, which were believed to be part of a plan to remove destroyed buildings in al-Tadamon and Yarmouk Camp reports Jesr.


People of Golan reiterate rejection of occupation’s plan to build wind turbines on their lands

In a statement on Saturday following a meeting at Majdal Chams, the people of the Golan said the Israeli decision to build wind turbines is a blatant aggression against them that seeks to displace them and seize their lands.

They reaffirmed their commitment to their land and to their Syrian identity, declaring that they will go on full strike on Sunday and will exert every possible effort to confront this decision.


Syrian Army Makes Gains In Aleppo Countryside Despite Militants’ Attacks

On February 1, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies advanced further in the southwestern Aleppo countryside securing two new towns.

According to the Military Media, army units imposed its control of the town of Humayra‏ in the afternoon. Later, the army advanced further, capturing the town of Halisah, a stronghold of Turkish-backed militants.

This new advance came amid a large-scale attack by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies on the northwestern part of Aleppo city. The attack is still ongoing, with heavy clashes being reported in the district of al-Zahra.

The SAA’s recent gains demonstrate that the power of militants’ attack in northwestern Aleppo is much lower than HTS supporters want to demonstrate.