Anonymous ID: 826f91 Feb. 1, 2020, 3:24 p.m. No.7995038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5122



Now we have his messages to a friend and business associate. At first glance, they might seem relatively inoffensive – a couple of joshing missives exchanged with friends. A bit off-colour, maybe, but who among us doesn't have a slightly creepy uncle who tells crude 'jokes' at Christmas and seems overly interested in the bridesmaids at family weddings?


Then you think about the timing. These were sent in March 2011, within days of this newspaper publishing a photograph of the Duke posing with his arm around Virginia Roberts's waist and shortly after incriminating pictures emerged of him walking with Epstein around Central Park.


One of the emails consists of a cut-and-pasted fake news story about breast cancer that is so tasteless it turned my stomach.


It is a 'joke' which manages the double whammy of being utterly unfunny AND stupid.


There is no wit to it; it is a poorly constructed jibe which uses cancer patients as an excuse for a sexual punchline. I truly can't think of anyone in their right mind who would find it amusing.




The crude pastiche was circulating on the internet and Andrew, 59, forwarded it to Mr Rowland in an ill-judged attempt at humour.


The Duke sent the message in March 2011 to Mr Rowland, who described it as the 'latest email from HRH'. Mr Rowland then forwarded it to his father, David, another of Andrew's friends and business associates.


Mr Rowland Snr responds to his son, asking if the message had been sent by the Duke. Jonathan Rowland replies: 'Yes he's nuts.'


The revelation is likely to infuriate the Palace as there are 13 cancer charities with links to members of the Royal Family, including the Queen, the Prince of Wales and Prince William. It is not the first time that the Duke has been accused of highly offensive and inappropriate behaviour.


A joke too offensive for a British tabloid to publish? It must be truly off.


And: "Yes he's nuts" …


I had a look around, do you think this is the "pastiche":


" The report indicated

that regular sucking of the breast lowers the risk

level. However, the report also indicated that the

breasts must be sucked as often as possible, to help

women fight breast cancer. In other words, a

woman’s partner needs to do his own part too by

sucking her breast as often as possible. Doctors in

the report recommend that women reduce the risk of

breast cancer by having their breasts sucked but

only regular sucking of the breast lowers the risk
