Q: What's the root cause that incites man to kill man?
Q+: Is it something IN THEM?
QBonus: If true:[possession]?
▶ The Ultimate Goal Of Any Living Beings Are Immortal And Nirvana The Lord Messiah 04/17/20 (Fri) 15:06:07 d6bcbc No.8820771[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Original Source: freejoy.aimoo.com
Muh DoG otoacoustic autistics
>As the information provided in the online, internet. If you guys have determination, then you will find out the secret of God and others, stop chasing for money, power & energy.
Gramma nazi-cat gonn'a eat u a-livE, Louise; Please!
>then you guys do not deserve to live.
That is a threat:[]
Cease and desist with the threat[s]: Please.
Shall we commence with the S.L.[u]T.?
Q: Does Truth exist? i.e. Pinch yourself until it hurts. [can you?]
Q+: What are the consequences for "pinching" live, sentient beings? (i.e. harming beings that don't want to sense harm)
QBonus: A Consequence of your reply…
Symbiosis or [die]<:>Logic. (Benign is fine: ButT know, No W.I.P.E.s though)
(who needs "red-dot" when you see like Orca?)