What is the “Safire” Project?
What is the “Safire” Project?
Safire Project?
Electricity powered…
Hidden by scientism the religion
Liquid, solid, gas…Plasma
The most common, most abundant form of matter. The universe is teaming with plasma! Flowing in huge intergalactic twisted ribbons called birkland currents.
Space is a relative vacuum, not absolute, we know this cause satellites “induce” charge depending on the conditions of the solar wind through which they pass/are exposed to.
Birkland currents induce power from the environment through which they pass…
If traversing through relatively higher potential environments, they induce, if less, discharge given an opportunity.
The discharge may be in the visible light… or many variants of the electromagnetic spectrum depending on all the variable factors or conditions.
Stars Manifest along these ribbons, they’re spin axis parallel to the direction of the flow through the ribbon (birkland current).
Pearls on a string like.
NASA can see more localised birkland currents in our sola system making connections from our sun to the planets/ moons/comets/satellites…
NASA calls these Interplanetary field lines. (See ISWA enlil spiral)
At the suns equator, a current sheet separates the northern/southern (positive/negative) charge environments ( depending on the suns cycle) as it flips…with the sun spot cycle…
This sheet is wavy, earth passes through this sheet roughly every 2 weeks (see iswa enlil spiral nasa),
Impacting geomagnetic sensors on earth/satellites…