Here are my decode skills. From what I think it means:
Typewriter - meaning they're tracking his electronics communications
11:34; 2:34; 2:322. Not sure what the 2 means, but 322 is skull and bones.
1) Haircut. Very interesting pickup. He said he got diagnosed on March. Possible meaning he was caught on March. Military trail? Only Military has those kind of haircuts.
3) I do believe your decode is good. It's got to do with Clinton Foundation. CH maybe Child Handling? I havn't seen this CH before, but reminds me of Ray Chandler (Child Handler).
6) He mentions discs too. Maybe he's got tracking anklets.
7) Yes your decode is good.
Other stuff I noticed:
His hand is behind his back a lot. He's doing the show not of his own free will? As in his hands are tied and he must send the comms out?
One of the shots, he has a scarf around his neck, maybe they going to hang him. That would be good.
Also one of the background is Lincoln. Not sure what this is about.
Also, the Q card, you'll see it has Baby on it! I recken he's getting charged for his crimes against childrens!