Western Australia: State Government’s decision to lift the temporary restrictions imposed on the packaged liquor industry in WA on March 25.
So no more liquor restrictions in WA! lol … 1 step in going back to normal
Western Australia: State Government’s decision to lift the temporary restrictions imposed on the packaged liquor industry in WA on March 25.
So no more liquor restrictions in WA! lol … 1 step in going back to normal
Bombshell video!!! A MUST watch for all Aussies!
These are just Notes. Please let me know if anything incorrect or misrepresented:
AUSTRALIA jurisdiction 200m offshore of the land Australia to 200 naughtal miles. This is citizenSHIP, because it's in the water/ocean. Company. You're given a license, a birth certificate. If you do something wrong, you get locked up. You need a license to be in Australia. Maritime Law. Private Company.
OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE is vacant. Waiting for Australians to come back, and is needed to accept people who denounce their Citizenship.
Australian Resident = AUSTRALIA. You live in the waters.
We need license to come back to the Land Australia.
All ships are in capital letters. AUSTRALIA is a ship.
Australia the land itself, is Australia (not AUSTRALIA). Australia is not AUSTRALIA.
AUSTRALIA is administrator of Australia.
Note: Your Drivers License, your name will be in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
AUSTRALIA citizenship, you are a defender of Australia. You are in its administration AUSTRALIA. You are living in the administrative part of Australia.
Good people to note: Wayne Glue, Rod Callanum, Steven Spiers. They are on the right track, but they're asking AUSTRALIA to stand down, but they are part of AUSTRALIA, so be tricky here. Authority must come from Australia, not AUSTRALIA. Must find a way to become Australia National, which is the land Australia.
AUSTRALIA Citizenship, you must denounce it to come back to Australia national, but Old Parliament house is empty, so we must first fill it to accept people back to becoming an Australian National.
Australia = Certificate of Birth. AUSTRALIA = State Birth Certificate.
AUSTRALIA is owned by District of Columbia!!! Private foreign ownership.
AUSTRALIA = Debetor. Defender. Dead in the water. Australia = Creditor. Defender of the Cargo of the Ship.
We need to get a Certificate of Birth. We need to leave AUSTRALIA to get into Australia. We need 25 Commonwealth Nationals to start this process. This way, any bill from AUSTRALIA dont go to District of Columbia, it goes to Australia. That's how you control AUSTRALIA.