Anonymous ID: d2849a May 6, 2020, 1:21 a.m. No.9048415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2420


>Ebony Bowden, an Australian "journalist"


Trump says coronavirus comeback underway: People are ‘starting to feel good’


By Steven Nelson and Ebony Bowden - May 4, 2020


WASHINGTON — President Trump invited The Post into the Oval Office on Monday for an hour-long interview during which he declared “there’s a great optimism” in America and predicted a strong economic rebound from the coronavirus crisis during the fourth quarter of 2020.


Trump said he believes a national comeback from the coronavirus pandemic is underway and that Americans are beginning to “feel good.”


“I think they’re starting to feel good now. The country’s opening again. We saved millions of lives, I think,” said Trump, sitting behind the Resolute desk with a long list of accomplishments by his administration printed out in front of him.


The president predicted that the steep economic downturn will end soon as states allow businesses to reopen after COVID-19 infected nearly 1.2 million Americans, killed almost 70,000 and left 30 million unemployed — about 18 percent of all US workers.


“You have to be careful, but you have to get back to work,” Trump said. “People want the country open… I guess we have 38 states that are either opening or are very close.”


Trump, wearing a navy suit, blue tie, and with an American flag pin on his lapel, praised Florida’s first step Monday toward reopening businesses. “Florida is doing great,” he said, calling Republican Ron DeSantis “a good governor.”


“I think they’re starting to feel good now. The country’s opening again. We saved millions of lives, I think,” he said.


The president also foresaw a dramatic rise in economic indicators by the end of year.


“We’ll open it up and I think your fourth quarter is going to be very good,” he said.


“We did the right thing and now we’re bringing the country back. And I think there’s a great optimism. I don’t know if you see it, but I think there’s a great optimism now.”


Trump said he was optimistic that steps taken by his administration will tamp down COVID-19.


“Hopefully we can keep the plague, keep the virus at bay. If we have a flare up, we can put it out. We’ve learned a lot.”


But Trump dismissed a leaked Centers for Disease Control and Prevention projection of daily deaths nearly doubling over the next month as “fake news.”


Asked about The New York Times report, he said, “I know nothing about it. I don’t know anything about it. Nobody told me that. I think it’s — I think it’s false, I think it’s fake news.”


White House spokesman Judd Deere said Monday that the report — estimating 3,000 deaths per day by early June — had not been “presented to the coronavirus task force or gone through interagency vetting.”


The Times reported that CDC projection was “based on government modeling pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.” The projection also forecast a surge in new daily infections.


Trump also contrasted the widespread shutdown of businesses with a “herd immunity” approach that he said could have killed more than 2 million people, according to early projections.


Trump said that if there was a silver lining in all the misery it is that Americans are now eager to return supply chains to the US, including the production of medicine from China.


“Now, the one thing that the pandemic has taught us is that I was right,” Trump said. “You know, I had people say, ‘No, no, it’s good. You keep — you do this and that.’ Now those people are really agreeing with me. And that includes medicine and other things, you know.”



Ebony Bowden Tweet


My Australian followers will be pleased to know that President Trump asked after our 2004 Miss Universe Jennifer Hawkins after I dropped bombshell about my ethnicity at the end of our one hour interview. Guess he didn’t notice the accent.


>These people are stupid.

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 6, 2020, 1:35 a.m. No.9048466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2482



Findings on George Pell Royal Commission to be released within days


A royal commission's findings about Cardinal George Pell's knowledge of historical child sexual abuse complaints will be released within days.


Federal Attorney-General Christian Porter says he has been advised that the two Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse reports can now be published in full.


Mr Porter said that would happen within days, although he would not give a specific release date.


"The advice is that it is now okay to publish the unredacted version," he told the ABC on Tuesday.


Mr Porter said he would read the reports and consider the final legal advice, but did not expect there to be any problem with the release of the documents.


"They've only just arrived with me now that that advice has been received, so it's just a matter of process from here and that will be a matter of days."


The reports into the Catholic Church's response to abuse complaints and allegations in the Melbourne archdiocese and Victoria's Ballarat diocese were released in December 2017.


Both had sections blacked out to avoid prejudicing any current or future prosecutions, including the child sexual abuse case against Cardinal Pell.


The former Vatican treasurer and Melbourne and Sydney archbishop was freed from jail on April 7 after the High Court overturned his convictions.


The royal commission's findings will not relate to abuse allegations against Cardinal Pell himself, but rather his knowledge of complaints against pedophile priests and Christian Brothers.


In 2016, Cardinal Pell told the royal commission he was deceived about pedophile priests in "a world of crimes and cover-ups" and did not know about the abuse.


Cardinal Pell was a Ballarat priest from 1973 until 1984, overseeing the diocese's schools and at times acting as an adviser to the bishop.


He also served as one of the Melbourne archbishop's advisers while an auxiliary bishop between 1987 and 1996.

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 6, 2020, 2:15 a.m. No.9048562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2420

US Marines get clearance for NT deployment amid coronavirus travel ban


The Australian Government has approved the deployment of US Marines to the Northern Territory this year after their original rotation was postponed in late March due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Around 2,500 Marines were expected to arrive in Darwin in early April as part of an annual rotation to the Top End that has taken place since 2012.


But the risk of spreading COVID-19 into the Territory and its vulnerable remote Aboriginal communities was considered too great at the time.


Defence Minister Linda Reynolds today informed US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper the military contingent had now been given approval.


"I was pleased to inform Secretary Esper that after careful consideration, the Government has decided that a modified 2020 Marine Rotational Force - Darwin can proceed later this year, adhering to strict measures in place to protect against COVID-19," she said in a statement.


"The decision was based on Australia's record to date in managing the impacts from COVID-19, as well as strict adherence by deployed US Marines to the mandatory 14-day quarantine and other requirements."


The size and date of the deployment have yet to be determined, although the Marines usually stay in the Top End throughout the dry season.


There have been a total of 30 cases of coronavirus detected in the NT since the outbreak started, but only three remain active, including two Australian Defence Force personnel who recently returned from the Middle East.


NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner welcomed Ms Reynolds' announcement and said local businesses would get a "massive boost" by having the Marines in the Top End.


"That is exactly what we need right now," he said in a Facebook post.


He added: "We've also secured a number of guarantees to ensure the Territory remains the safest place in Australia."


His spokesman said these included health screening four days before they travel to Australia.


The US Marines were likely to undergo quarantine at Defence barracks in the Northern Territory, the spokesman said.


The ABC is seeking details about where US Marines would be treated if any were confirmed to have COVID-19.


Ms Reynolds said the annual rotation was important for the region.


"Hosting this key Alliance activity provides interoperability benefits as well as signals our firm joint commitment to regional security," she said.


The deployment of US Marines to Darwin was first announced in 2011 by the then US president Barack Obama and then Australian prime minister Julia Gillard.



Defence Minister Linda Reynolds Tweet


Spoke with US Secretary of Defense @EsperDOD where we reaffirmed our Alliance is based on shared values and close friendship.


While responding to #COVID19 at home, we’re maintaining force readiness and working together to support our neighbours in the #Pacific and S/E Asia



US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper Tweet


Great conversation with #Australia MinDef @lindareynoldswa today. In the face of #COVID19, our #UnbreakableAlliance remains strong with the recent approval of the @USMC @MrfDarwin rotation and continued Alliance cooperation for a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific.

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 6, 2020, 2:38 a.m. No.9048632   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the news


Rugby Australia plunged into more turmoil after Peter Wiggs exit


Rugby Australia's boardroom dramas have amplified with Peter Wiggs tendering his resignation after a heated email exchange with interim chairman Paul McLean.


Touted as RA's next chairman, Wiggs had been pushing for the immediate installment of Australian Olympic Committee CEO Matt Carroll as departed chief executive Raelene Castle's replacement.


In an email exchange published by The Australian on Wednesday, McLean entertained Carroll's appointment.


However, citing a conflict of interest because of Wiggs' friendship with Carroll, McLean suggested Wiggs remain in a director role.


Instead he proposed incoming board member Hamish McLennan, a former Ten boss and News Corp senior executive, a more suitable chairman.


Fellow board members had also reportedly pushed back on the move that would have skipped any formal recruitment or interview process.


Supercars chairman Wiggs, credited for steering RA's player pay-cut deal during his brief RA posting, replied by saying what little regard he had for the board had "extinguished" and he would resign on Wednesday.


Confirming Wiggs had done just that, McLean said he "understood his reasons" for departing.


"He has undertaken some very important work and has made a valuable contribution to the organisation, in a very short time, and we are thankful for his contribution," McLean, who is also RA's acting chief executive, said.


"The immediate priority of the board is to install a replacement for Peter, and an interim chief executive."


It's another setback as the cash-strapped organisation navigates a way back to the field while trying to arrange a new broadcast deal.


It is hoped a domestic Super Rugby season could return in July, while a Bledisloe Cup series remains a prospect later this year.


But RA, awaiting rescue funds from World Rugby, faces a potential revenue hit of $120 million if no play is possible this year.



University of Adelaide insists mystery departures nothing to do with finances


The University of Adelaide says the unexplained departure of its two top leaders this week — chancellor Kevin Scarce and vice-chancellor Peter Rathjen — has nothing to do with its finances, and that it is not at risk of insolvency.


On Monday, Rear Admiral Scarce resigned as chancellor with immediate effect, cutting the former South Australian governor's term at the university short by six months.


Less than 24 hours later, Professor Rathjen took indefinite leave from the role of vice-chancellor.


The university has refused to provide any explanation for the two men stepping aside, but a spokesperson today said it had nothing to do with the financial position of the university.


"The recent announcements are not in any way related to the financial health of the university or the impacts of COVID-19," the spokesperson said.


"The university, like many institutions, is facing a budget shortfall due to COVID-19, but is in a sound financial position and is expecting a strong recovery after the pandemic has ended.


"There is no risk of the university becoming insolvent."


The spokesperson added that "there is no suggestion of financial impropriety".


The university's council met outside its normal meeting schedule on Monday, the day of Rear Admiral Scarce's resignation.


The spokesperson said there have been "a number of additional meetings throughout the COVID-19 situation", but did not directly respond when asked about the subject of the meeting.


Premier Steven Marshall said that he had not had any "update" from the university on what was going on — although he said he had spoken to its deputy chancellor, Catherine Branson.


"I have now spoken to the deputy chancellor and offered any support," he told reporters today.


The ABC has contacted Rear Admiral Scarce and Professor Rathjen for comment.



Anonymous ID: d2849a May 6, 2020, 3:03 a.m. No.9048713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2420

COVID-19 treatment news: How blood plasma could be used to treat future cases


Australians who have recovered from coronavirus will soon be able to donate their plasma to help create a new treatment for future patients.


Health Minister Greg Hunt said almost 6000 Australians have already recovered from COVID-19 and their blood and plasma could be used on a voluntary basis.


"This treatment has the potential to assist those who are facing extreme conditions," Mr Hunt said today.


"(It is for those) in ICU, those in advanced stage of the effects of COVID-19 - Australia is leading the world in research and treatment."


He said the trial is still in the early stages of development and it will depend on the Therapeutic Goods Administration on how big it can be.


"We think somewhere between 50 and 100 patients, so that we can demonstrate this product is safe to use in patients with COVID-19 and is effective in neutralising the virus," Mr Hunt said.


The trial will be overseen by researchers from blood products giant CSL, who have started development of the potentially life-saving COVID-19 treatment at its Melbourne-based Broadmeadows facility.


The project will rely on recovered coronavirus patients donating their plasma, which contains antibodies that fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


The company will firstly collect a small sample of plasma so it can detect, purify and concentrate these antibodies, to make what it calls 'COVID-19 Immunoglobulin'.


A second phase will involve a larger batch of COVID-19 Immunoglobulin being produced for clinical trials in Australian hospitals, to establish the safety of the product.


It's hoped the treatment will eventually be used on patients seriously ill with complications caused by coronavirus, particularly those who may need ventilation.


"This is a treatment, not a vaccine," CSL's Chief Medical Officer Dr Charmaine Gittleson told reporters today.


"The hope is that the COVID-19-specific antibodies combine to the virus and neutralise it, assisting that patient in recovery and preventing progression."


The company estimates about 800 plasma donations will be required to treat 50-100 critically ill patients in a clinical trial.


More than 5000 people have recovered from coronavirus in Australia


The Australian Red Cross Lifeblood will collect donations from May 11.


"We'll be talking to hospitals and health departments in order to recruit donors as well as looking to our existing donors to identify suitable participants," Lifeblood chief executive Shelly Park said in a statement.


"This work may ultimately help treat patients suffering from this terrible disease and I would urge anyone who has recovered from a confirmed case of COVID-19 who thinks they may be eligible to donate blood, to contact us."


Mr Hunt said CSL, and Australia more broadly, is leading the world in research and treatment of the deadly disease.


"We don't want to over-promise, but in particular this treatment has the potential to assist those people who are facing extreme conditions, ones who are in ICU, those who are in an advanced stage of the effects of COVID-19," Mr Hunt told reporters.


Trials using plasma as a treatment for patients suffering from COVID-19 are also underway in other countries including Canada, China, the UK and the US.

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:30 a.m. No.9062355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


are not endorsements


#7 - Part 1

>>7995098 Video: National Security Address: Admiral Michael S. Rogers - Australian Strategic Policy Institute 2019

>>7995267 Q Post #3821 - Who was the 17th Director of the NSA? (Admiral Michael S. Rogers)

>>7998185 Britain’s plan for post-Brexit union with Canada, Australia and New Zealand REVEALED

>>8001693 Review unearths years of sex abuse by Jesuits priests

>>8007270 Rabbi Joseph Gutnick who crowned Netanyahu warns against Trump plan

>>8007939 Human trafficking cases on rise in Australia

>>8022048 Elon Musk's SpaceX clears first hurdle to Australian broadband market

>>8022176 AusAnon's custom number plates - DOITQ

>>8035843 Video: Sky News Australia - Nancy Pelosi ripping up Donald Trump's speech will cause a 'big shift'

>>8046647 'Like terrorists': Malcolm Turnbull assails Liberal climate deniers


>>8046697 Pyne under fire for comments about cyber attack on Parliament

>>8050981 Julie Bishop says climate change has been 'weaponised' in Australian politics

>>8057610 First stop White House as Australia’s new ambassador to US Arthur Sinodinos meets Trump

>>8057610 Arthur Sinodinos Tweet: Humbled to represent Australia as custodian of our most important bilateral relationship

>>8057821 Psychiatrist struck off for posting 'bizarre' QAnon conspiracy theories

>>8058648 #QAnon currently trending on Twitter in Australia - 5:45 pm, Friday 7 February 2020

>>8062983 Video: Sky News Australia - When Australian news seems to get it more than a majority of the MSM in America…

>>8068946 Charged ALP lobbyist found dead before he was due to face court on child sex charges

>>8071296 Pedophiles coerce kids as young as three to film themselves

>>8071627 Westpac knew anti-crime provisions were inadequate years ago, MPs told


>>8089252 Court to decide if serial WA paedophile should remain in community

>>8089264 Sir Ron Brierley expected to plead not guilty to child abuse charges

>>8099730 Downer revelations could have put Five Eyes alliance at risk: Hockey

>>8099743 Struggling Biden touts experience, vows to rebuild Australia alliance

>>8112891, >>8112938 'Every parent's worst nightmare': Child rapist to die behind bars after horrific Sydney dance studio attack

>>8113057, >>8130803 Parents in the dark as child predators evolve, online exploitation soars

>>8119432 Video: TheJuiceMedia - Honest Government Ad | Quiet Australians - "Qanon Conspiracy Nutjob" at 1:48

>>8134708, >>8141879 Broke, homeless, shunned: disgraced TV star Robert Hughes’ miserable new life

>>8142036 Parliamentary trip to UK cancelled after High Commissioner pens angry letter over Huawei leak

>>8142036 Intelligence committee cancels UK visit amid diplomatic tensions over Huawei policy leak


>>8142592 Malaysian nationals facing deportation, allegedly exploiting foreign workers in sex and agricultural industries

>>8155124 US praises Labor MP Anthony Byrne’s Huawei stance

>>8155353 Catholic Church creates one-stop shop for victims of modern slavery

>>8161354 Video: Qanon hit piece from Channel 7 Weekend Sunrise, 16 February 2020

>>8162763 Holden brand and local design operations to be wound down in Australia and NZ

>>8165230 Bernie Sanders Tweet: Fires threatening an entire continent are extreme—a Green New Deal to tackle climate crisis is not

>>8165230 New York Times climate change article - The End of Australia as We Know It

>>8165309 Kevin Rudd Tweet: Time for all of us to boycott GM brands

>>8171207 New Q post referencing Australia - "I WAS INVESTIGATED and it could have been the UK, by AUSTRALIA, could have been by ITALY"

>>8171446 Former Australian PM calls party colleagues' conduct over climate change "idiotic"

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:32 a.m. No.9062361   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 2

Julian Assange Indictment and Extradition Bun

>>8130996 Australian MP Announces Visit to Belmarsh Prison Amid Rising Calls for Julian Assange to Be Freed

>>8181291 Australian MPs say Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is 'a man under enormous pressure' following prison visit

>>8183702 Twitter Temporarily Locked WikiLeaks’ Account a Week Before Julian Assange Extradition Hearing

>>8183702 Anon speculates - Q hinted Wikileaks as an org is under C_A control but the source (Assange) is with the good guys

>>8192224 Dana Rohrabacher denies offering Assange a pardon from Trump

>>8204328 Julian Assange intends to seek asylum in France, lawyers say

>>8219423 Julian Assange and his Australian lawyers were secretly recorded in Ecuador's London embassy

>>8231933 Mrs Christine Assange Tweet Bun

>>8241344 Julian Assange an 'ordinary criminal' who put lives at risk, court told

>>8252669 Julian Assange was 'handcuffed 11 times and stripped naked'

>>8252669 Julian Assange attempted to warn White House, Hillary Clinton of impending WikiLeaks release, lawyer says


>>8265321 Julian Assange's extradition hearing finishes a day early

>>8300053 Imprisoned academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert deserves more sympathy than Assange, Sharma says

>>8330713 Consular officials pressured over trial conditions facing Julian Assange

>>8365724 Assange trial rehearsal? Hung jury results in mistrial for former CIA tech accused of handing ‘Vault 7’ docs to WikiLeaks

>>8365727 Roger Waters Talks to Tucker Carlson About Assange

>>8386157 Chelsea Manning attempts suicide in her jail cell and is resuscitated by guards

>>8397641 Chelsea Manning Is Ordered Released From Jail

>>8542944 Assange bids for bail amid virus outbreak

>>8568276 Coronavirus: Julian Assange loses bail bid amid infection fears

>>8676607 Fears for Julian Assange amid coronavirus outbreak in UK prisons

>>8720222 Julian Assange hearing to continue despite virus


>>8753335 Belmarsh ‘barely functioning’: Assange tells friend Covid-19 is raging through British prison

>>8753335 British journalist Vaughan Smith Facebook Post: Julian Assange's incarceration in the time of Covid 19 threatens his life

>>8763019 WikiLeaks Tweet: Julian Assange's newly revealed partner, and mother of their 2 young children, speaks for the first time

>>8763019 WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange fathered two children inside the Ecuadorian embassy with lawyer

>>8763074 Video: Julian Assange’s fiancée (and children) talks to camera for the first time on the one year anniversary of his imprisonment

>>8870904 Assange baby, fiancee's mum were spied on

>>8914571 Julian Assange in bid to postpone court hearing

>>8914616 Julian Assange 37 page Indictment - Case 1:18-cr-00111-CMH - Document 31 - Filed 05/23/19 (PDF)

>>8945372 Assange's case may be delayed until November amid coronavirus lockdown

>>8959504 FBI releases tweets between Roger Stone and Julian Assange

>>9026781 Julian Assange's US extradition case delay by coronavirus complications, will take place in September

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:35 a.m. No.9062369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 3

>>8171446 Video: Australia's bushfires show drastic effects of climate change

>>8171842 Video: Weekend Sunrise Australia - Qanon Hit Piece - Interview with Joe Uscinski, Political Scientist, University of Miami

>>8181677 Prime Minister spruiks Australian role in NASA's Mars plan at launch of space agency base

>>8181738 Kogarah dance studio rapist Anthony Sampieri to appeal life sentence

>>8181821 256 Australians spend more than $1.3 million watching child sexual abuse online

>>8181821 AIC Study: Australians who view live streaming of child sexual abuse: An analysis of financial transactions

>>8181875 Fresh charges for ex-Labor MP Orkopoulos

>>8183810 Government considering bringing foreign cyber spy powers onshore to hunt Australian paedophiles

>>8192337 Encryption laws haven't created weaknesses: ASIO boss

>>8204142 Scott Morrison flies to US spy base for first classified briefing


>>8204352 44-year-old Queensland man charged with possessing child-like sex dolls

>>8219557 Study identifies 16 child sex abuse rings in Victorian Catholic Church

>>8226445 Brisbane CBD stabber was on counter terror list, police reveal.

>>8232358 New $100 note design revealed with added security measures - New Oz $100 note covered in owls

>>8241572 ASIO boss warns of rising foreign interference and far-right extremism in Australia

>>8241572 ASIO Director-General’s Annual Threat Assessment

>>8252920 Trump wants stronger ties with India, Japan and Australia

>>8252946 Former NSW Labor minister Milton Orkopoulos has parole revoked

>>8262255 Perth paedophile who sexually abused his daughters, stepdaughters to remain behind bars

>>8262279 Kim Beazley offers Bloomberg impromptu campaign wisdom on Bernie Sanders poll bounce


>>8262732 ABC Qanon hit piece: Far-right groups and conspiracy theories are being brought together through the internet

>>8271716 Ebony Bowden, an Australian "journalist" mocking Indian reporter's accent

>>8272185 Australian man accused of abusing young children in Tulsa

>>8272185 Australian ‘child predator’ arrested in Oklahoma

>>8273050 Scott Morrison, Jacinda Ardern clash over policy to deport convicted New Zealand nationals

>>8273132 Convicted child sex offender and Marist Brother William Wade pleads guilty to concealing child sex crimes

>>8278224 Rachel Noble, Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate, announces senior staff appointments

>>8278748 ASIO hiring intelligence officers - How to get a job as an Australian spy

>>8290159 Army would follow US withdrawal from Afghanistan

>>8297468 Australia in Daily Mail Headlines: Sergei Skripal, Miley Cyrus and Tom Hanks - Anon's gut feeling is comms are hot


>>8306284 Fiona Barnett's book: Eyes Wide Open, Revised 2nd edition 2019 - (PDF)

>>8306305 NZ deputy PM Winston Peters slams Peter Dutton over response to Jacinda Ardern deportation comments

>>8306327 President Donald Trump Tweet: Australia’s Central Bank cut interest rates and stated it will most likely further ease

>>8306396 Allegations against former St Kevin's head of junior school referred to police by child safety authorities

>>8306414 Video: Boys Club: Private school privilege and a culture of cover up | Four Corners (St Kevin's College)

>>8314054 Mum jailed over 'depraved' abuse of young daughter at sex parties

>>8314521 Fears private details of Defence Force members compromised in database hack

>>8316660 Five Eyes closes on tech child sex deal

>>8316828 Australian Signals Directorate has already spied on Australians, boss confirms

>>8322293 Freedom of Speech ‘No Longer Exists’ in Australia and the UK: Katie Hopkins

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:38 a.m. No.9062376   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 4

George Papadopoulos Tweet Bun - Part 1

>>8071343 It’s now or never for the President to hold the U.K., Australia, Italy and Ukraine accountable for spying

>>8099739 Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, and his intermediaries meet with an advisor to two Presidential campaigns

>>8099739 You can understand why Australia’s feet are to the fire now

>>8099739 The Australian government was mocking candidate Trump to my face and spying on his team

>>8099739 The “meetings” in London between myself and Downer/Halper were the same exact set up

>>8110733 Brennan was running this spying scandal against us along with Australia, the U.K., Ukraine and Italy

>>8142164 The lower level grunts like Alexander Downer and others having already been interviewed

>>8152327 Alexander Downer Tweet: In the end I guess the Democrats will choose Bloomberg and the race will be on!

>>8155183 This clown is about to get exposed in a spectacular fashion

>>8172016 Lower level grunts like Alexander Downer have all ready been interviewed. Just a matter of time


>>8209872 Alexander Downer Tweet: "The move by former Australian High Commissioner to the UK…was the act of a close ally”

>>8251542 Alexander Downer Tweet: Catching up with a mate in London! A great man (Boris Johnson)

>>8251542 The next clown that is going to have his true role exposed is Alexander Downer

>>8271811 Should I bring @AlexanderDowner on my podcast for an in-depth discussion?

>>8375095 Alexander Downer Twitter Thread: No transcript exists because there was no recording

>>8375095 I reported Alexander Downer to the FBI, Mueller and Congress…Five eyes at risk

>>8398369 The President should absolutely veto the FISA bill…and include new provisions to the 5 eyes intelligence agreement

>>8408032 Who was the head of the CIA office in London during the time all these operatives were “bumping” into me in London?

>>8438639 I reported Downer to the FBI, Mueller and Congress for incredibly bizarre behavior at our “meeting.”

>>8658955 Downer is the low level grunt that is going to squeal on the higher ups. He has no loyalty to the Obama administration


>>8670737 A counter intelligence trap against the Trump campaign in 2016, leveraging the UK and Australia to do so

>>8689168 The walls are closing in on Brennan. The low level grunts like Alexander Downer have flipped on him

>>8732834 I had informants from the US, UK, Australia working with the FBI/CIA/MI6 trying to entrap me in a fake conspiracy

>>8754825 U.K. and Australian officials were mocking candidate Trump to my face while they were spying on me

>>8754825 Alexander Downer and the Australian government were willfully trying to sabotage the campaign and spy on me

>>8767543 Guys, There is nothing like American lamb. Don’t ever get that fake stuff from Australia or New Zeland

>>8800196 Australia and the U.K. are stonewalling the investigations

>>8800196 The propaganda trying to cover up Australia’s role in willfully spying on the campaign and me in London has begun

>>8800196 The Daily Beast trying to rewrite history and cover up Australia’s true role in spying

>>8800196 Strzok’s boss, Bill Priestap, was in London two days before Alexander Downer and his handler, Erika Thompson

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:39 a.m. No.9062381   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 5

George Papadopoulos Tweet Bun - Part 2

>>8803187 Expect Australia’s/UK role in this to be much more visible moving forward

>>8822189 Australia/U.K. are up to their eyeballs in spying with the last administration

>>8822189 Senator Graham in his letter to Australia made it clear that Alexander Downer was instructed to meet with me

>>8823422 If the U.K. and Australia are not held accountable, they will interfere again in this election against Trump

>>8860173 I always said the Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, was a wannabe spy

>>8860173 Remember when the Australian prime minister was on a call mocking and lying directly to the President

>>8860173 Alexander Downer was hostile and 'wanna be spy’ former Trump aide says |

>>8860192 Clapper was in Australia the same days I was meeting Mifsud in Rome.


>>8860192 I always said it was a spy op designed to harm the campaign. I was right. POTUS should raise this with Australia

>>8860192 Australian government was lying directly to the President with the hope that he would get caught up in a fake “obstruction” trap

>>8870642 The Australian government is already distancing themselves from the Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer

>>8870642 CIA involved in targeting me and other Americans as I always suspected Halper/Turk/Downer with them. Big problem!

>>8945582 We need to know who sent the Australians to spy on me in mid April 2016…Australia is knee deep

>>9006542 Alexander Downer, the Clinton errand boy, is the next to be exposed

>>9006542 Gina Haspel was running the agency’s London office in 2016. When all the spies and operatives like Alexander Downer…were around

>>9006542 I was meeting the U.K. and Australian governments at the highest levels during the campaign and transition

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:41 a.m. No.9062391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 6

>>8322569 For at least the second time, POTUS tweets at @abc but "incorrectly" tags Australia's @abcnews instead

>>8330571 Joe Hockey’s claims on Alexander Downer jeopardising Five Eyes ‘not credible’

>>8330911 Attorney General Barr And International Partners Announce New Initiative In Protecting Children From Sexual Exploitation

>>8330911 Attorney General Barr Announces the Launch of Voluntary Principles to Counter Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

>>8338917 Victims of paedophile school gardener John Bodey take legal action against WA Education Department

>>8338949 Morrison government to stop funding international collaboration on shift to zero emissions

>>8339071 Julia Gillard: ‘It’s important to show that women can hold their own’

>>8339298 Australia in the US Tweet: Home Affairs @PeterDutton_MP joins @IvankaTrump, Attorney General Barr & our five eyes partners

>>8339335 U.S. Senators Cardin, Barrasso Lead Senate Recognition of US-Australian Firefighting Cooperation

>>8342712 Biden or Sanders? Voters in Docklands could play a key role in picking Trump's opponent


>>8342822 Australia reaches breakthrough deal to buy US emergency oil supplies

>>8343204 Australian police praised for helping capture US pedophile

>>8343204 Spanaway, Washington man sentenced to 15 years in prison for production and distribution of images of child molestation

>>8343407 Suspected foreign agents ordered to hand over documents as new unit targets China links

>>8343730 Mark, @awakeinaus Tweet: Why would [Tom Hanks] he continue to post like this? He has to 'hide' it in plain sight for people to see

>>8343730 Tom Hanks Tweet: Kids sock, washed ashore. Lost ashore. Bondi Beach. New South Wales. Hanx

>>8344301, >>8344348 The Hanks tweet on the main QR Thread last night, received a few Interdasting replies

>>8346125 "Koala Kai" - Cobra Kai commercial on Fox News and Q Post #3331 - Karate Kid Analogy

>>8351034 Charity World Vision in allegations of corruption and nepotism

>>8354981 Facebook sued by Australian information watchdog over Cambridge Analytica-linked data breach


>>8355066 Russia sensationally claims Australia tampered with MH17 wreckage after the plane was shot down

>>8355066 MH17 investigation: Russia's ambassador to Australia accuses AFP of cover-up

>>8355934 Call for investigation into Australian Prime Ministers and their family members since Keating

>>8357990 World Vision accused of corruption and nepotism

>>8360039 Video: Why We Sued Big Tech for Artificial Intelligence Misuse & Contribution to Win for Humanity

>>8365788 Huawei gives up on Australia in short term but wants probe of 5G competitors

>>8374887 Essential poll: Scott Morrison regains lead as preferred prime minister after bushfire backlash

>>8375024 Child sex abuse victim says Anglican Church fobbed her off, then offered payout in exchange for silence

>>8375168 Spygate Could Make Watergate Look Like A Third-Rate Burglary

>>8375245 PICACC celebrates first year; firm in its resolve to end online sexual exploitation of children


>>8378439 WA Bishop Christopher Saunders steps down over ‘serious sex abuse allegations’

>>8386760 POTUS Oval Office Address: Anons identify gift from Scott Morrison to Donald Trump, statue of digger Leslie 'Bull' Allen

>>8386940 Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne Lays Keel For Future USS Canberra

>>8386940 Foreign Minister Marise Payne Tweet: We laid the keel today for USS Canberra, @Austal_USA’s littoral combat ship

>>8386940 Video: Austal USA - USS Canberra (LCS 30) Keel Laying Ceremony

>>8386971 Apple cops Dutton's scorn over US meeting

>>8387076 Secretary of State Michael Pompeo Tweet: Good conversation with Foreign Minister @MarisePayneMP

>>8387076 US Department of State: Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with Australian Foreign Minister Payne

>>8398120 Westpac hit with third class action lawsuit over AUSTRAC scandal

>>8398280 Top Australian Army general to head military taskforce to manage coronavirus outbreak

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:43 a.m. No.9062402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 7

Coronavirus / COVID-19 Bun - Part 1

>>8058791 Australians evacuated from Wuhan sent to MINES near Darwin to keep them isolated from Christmas Island evacuees

>>8262824 Coronavirus: PM initiates emergency response plan as Australia prepares for global pandemic

>>8311342 Economic modelling of potential Corona virus scenarios by ex-RBA economist - "Toll may hit 96K"

>>8322051 Border officials in coronavirus quarantine after child-like sex doll discovery

>>8316791 Has Australia’s leader learned from the catastrophic fires? The coronavirus is a test

>>8346573 Coronavirus toilet paper row at Western Sydney Woolworths leads to two women charged

>>8346573 Bold_Westie, @West_Sydney Twitter Thread and Videos: All because of toilet paper / March Toilet paper madness

>>8348264, >>8356215, >>8366945, >>8387920, >>8376006, 8387920 Video: Tracking the Coronavirus in Timelapse Data Animation

>>8365553 World watching Australia for virus response: Trump adviser

>>8385925 Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus at hospital in Australia


>>8386646 Anons speculate - Tom Hanks in Australia - Q Post #906 - This is BIG.

>>8393843 The CoronaVirus Cover Op 2020 - Draining The Swamp Operation…. Disguised as a Public Health Safety Response

>>8397835 PM Scott Morrison addresses nation on coronavirus health and economic plan

>>8397865 Katy Perry self-quarantined before fleeing Australia for the US

>>8397969 Video: Coronavirus: PM addresses the nation on pandemic | Nine News Australia

>>8398523 Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton diagnosed with coronavirus

>>8398523 Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton Tweet: This morning I woke up with a temperature and sore throat

>>8398734 Prime Minister Scott Morrison Twitter Thread: Only people who had close contact with the Minister…need to self-isolate

>>8407138 Ivanka Trump self-isolates after Peter Dutton meeting

>>8407138 Kellyanne Conway Tweet: White House Medical Unit informed me that Mr. Dutton was asymptomatic during the interaction


>>8408423 South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham possibly exposed to second coronavirus carrier, Australia’s Peter Dutton

>>8408423 Statement from the Office of Senator Lindsey Graham: Senator Graham continues to work from home while under self-quarantine

>>8409131 Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton Tweet: I’m feeling much better this morning - thank you to everyone for your well wishes

>>8409131 Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton Tweet: This is a time for everyone to pull together as the PM & Premiers did yesterday

>>8417683 Baz Luhrmann in isolation after star Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson tested positive for coronavirus

>>8426085 Anons speculate - Tom Hanks Vegemite Tweet and Instagram Door Frame barcode

>>8433742 Coronavirus puts the nation on ‘war footing’

>>8434230 Anons speculate - Nicole Kidman is moving back to Australia in the midst of a worldwide pandemic

>>8446919 Former PM Julia Gillard self-isolating after she hugged Canada's first lady week before she tested positive to COVID-19

>>8447023 Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton Tweet: I've been discharged from hospital and am at home self-isolating with my dog Ralph


>>8447023 Prime Minister Scott Morrison Tweet: Great news @PeterDutton_MP. Take care of yourself

>>8459313 Dassi Erlich Tweet: In Israel news - courts have been postponed due to the virus so there will be no #courtdate66

>>8459428 British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert not reported among prisoners freed among coronavirus fears

>>8459450 'Do Not Go Overseas': Aussie PM Calls on Citizens to Avoid International Travel

>>8459520 Australian researchers map immune response to Covid-19

>>8459600 Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Are Released From the Hospital

>>8459600 Chet Hanks Instagram post on parents release from hospital in Australia

>>8459664 How Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson may have exposed Australia's media to COVID-19

>>8459690 Australian border to remain open despite coronavirus

>>8464501 Red Cross needs 14,000 blood donors amid '800 cancellations a day'

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:47 a.m. No.9062411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 8

Coronavirus / COVID-19 Bun - Part 2

>>8468788 Tom Hanks Instagram image digg - Corona typewriter and medical sink basin

>>8472001 Q Post #252 - Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.

>>8472001 Q Post #2145 - Sky News: "Drinking young blood could prevent age-related diseases, study reveals"

>>8472633 Australia blocks arrival of all non-residents in expanded coronavirus travel ban

>>8472762 Dutton says hoarders to be 'dealt with' by AFP, Border Force

>>8494541 Coronavirus Australia: Queensland researchers find 'cure', want drug trial

>>8514205 Western Australia and South Australia lock down their borders to stop the spread of coronavirus

>>8514299 Lifesavers being 'harassed' by beachgoers defying crowd bans over coronavirus fears

>>8515753 Australia coronavirus shutdown: which places are closed and which are open

>>8528169 Coronavirus in Australia: Everything that shuts on Monday, from pubs to cafes and cinemas


>>8528206 Australia Warned Beer Could Run out if Not Classified as ‘Essential’ to Life

>>8528361 Billionaire Clive Palmer taps deep pockets to fight the coronavirus

>>8542944 Assange bids for bail amid virus outbreak

>>8543187 Australian Defence Force adjusts posture in Middle East due to coronavirus

>>8543229 COVID-19: Defence sends troops to state health authorities

>>8543229 Defence is following whole-of-government guidance from the Department of Health in relation to COVID-19

>>8543431 Bid to halt coronavirus spread could see some NSW prisoners freed

>>8547258 Australian PM says 'stay at home' as coronavirus shuts down large sections of economy and social life

>>8547348 Jacinda Ardern asks for coronavirus relief for New Zealanders banned from Australia's welfare

>>8557015 Australian Government text message regarding Coronavirus prevention steps


>>8568276 Coronavirus: Julian Assange loses bail bid amid infection fears

>>8569045 Australian Officials ready to help Aussies in US

>>8569045 Australia in the US Tweet: Message from Ambassador @A_Sinodinos: Our Embassy & Consulate-Generals are here to support you

>>8582224 Inside the G20 'Zoom' summit: Scott Morrison is told he needs a 'war plan' to deal with coronavirus pandemic

>>8582304 Experts condemn Clive Palmer-funded ads claiming hydroxychloroquine can cure coronavirus

>>8595734 Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson return to the US after recovering from coronavirus

>>8595817 Accused paedophile Charles Batham arrested amid coronavirus chaos in Italy

>>8596012 COVID-19: General Raymond Says No Impact On Space Ops; Space Fence Operational

>>8608569 Fears of blood shortages as donations drop during coronavirus

>>8613099 'Astonishing breach of faith': Private hospital company stands down 800 staff


>>8632606 Australia's richest man Anthony Pratt to spend $1million funding the trial of two drugs that may treat COVID-19

>>8632656 Australia rolls out COVID-19 vaccine trial for healthcare workers

>>8632656 BCG vaccination to Reduce impact of COVID-19 in Australian healthcare workers following Coronavirus Exposure (BRACE) Trial

>>8636921 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tweet: Caught up with Prime Minister @ScottMorrisonMP this evening

>>8636921 Press Release: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison

>>8640947 Senator Malcolm Roberts Tweet: Should China pay compensation for unleashing COVID19 on the world?

>>8645439 Video: Scott Morrison prays for Australia and commits nation to God amid coronavirus crisis

>>8646209 'Twiggy' Forrest's $160m China deal to bring lifesaving supplies to Australia

>>8646218 AFP News Agency Tweet: Rupert Murdoch's News Corp to stop printing 60 regional newspapers amid COVID-19 advertising downturn

>>8657292 AusAnon's photo: "Card Transactions Only - This at my local Officeworks. They are going to use this virus to outlaw cash"

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:48 a.m. No.9062416   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 9

Coronavirus / COVID-19 Bun - Part 3

>>8658908 'We will have significant supply': Drug considered the best treatment for coronavirus will soon be available in Australia

>>8659356 Defence Minister Linda Reynolds Tweet: The Australian Defence Force has established Operation COVID-19 ASSIST

>>8662795 Video: Alexander Downer: Coronavirus exposes 'inherent problems' with globalisation

>>8676503 Hydroxychloroquine: Australian government waives regulatory requirements for drug

>>8676797 John Durham Forges Ahead With Investigation Of Trump-Russia Probe Origins Despite Coronavirus Pandemic

>>8677194 Anti-child exploitation drive relentless amid quarantine: Philippine National Police

>>8677640 Video: WA Premier cracks up explaining it's not unlawful to get a kebab | ABC News

>>8689983 Canberra to push China to ban wildlife meat trade

>>8690132 Australian scientists discover head lice drug kills coronavirus in lab

>>8690328 The Prime Minister Of Australia Warns That Life Will Not Return To “Normal” Until A Coronavirus Vaccine Arrives


>>8690552 Australian state will install home surveillance hardware to make sure if you're in virus isolation, you stay there

>>8691017, >>8681850, >>8681939, >>8691622 NO CASH PAYMENTS – Caltex service station, country NSW Australia – picture

>>8701361 Scott Morrison’s Support Surges in Australia After Record Stimulus

>>8701572 Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton warns of dodgy COVID-19 test kits

>>8701607 Jacinda Ardern takes aim at Australia for telling thousands of New Zealanders 'it's time to go home' amid coronavirus pandemic

>>8701867 Alexander Downer Financial Review article: 'Australia is doing well. Now we must manage the aftermath'

>>8704469 'Obsolete scum of white Australia' behind anti-Chinese sentiment, says NSW Labor MP

>>8719653 Secretary of State Michael Pompeo Tweet: Productive call with Prime Minister @ScottMorrisonMP about coordinating efforts to respond to #COVID19

>>8719653 Prime Minister Scott Morrison Tweet: Australia & the US are good mates & we will continue to align our efforts as we work towards the recovery

>>8720552 Controversial drug hydroxychloroquine to be given to coronavirus patients in Australia


>>8732925 Video: Scott Morrison gives Easter message to Australians as COVID-19 pandemic restrictions hit long weekend

>>8732990 How Australia IGNORED the World Health Organisation and stayed one step ahead on COVID-19

>>8741250 Ship at center of virus outbreak raided by Australian police

>>8744121 AussieQne 369, @AussieQne Tweet: ITS ILLEGAL TO TALK ABOUT CORONA CURES IN AUSTRALIA!?!?!?

>>8744131 Video: Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly warns - ‘Illegal’ to make unsubstantiated claims of COVID-19 cure

>>8763878 Peter Dutton warns that coronavirus is 'much more serious than people realise' as he is finally cleared of the deadly disease

>>8765708 Electronic tracking devices among new coronavirus powers for WA security agencies

>>8776869 The three tests Australia will need to pass before the coronavirus restrictions end

>>8787437 Australia takes aim at the World Health Organisation after it supported the reopening of China's wet markets

>>8798021 Australian Couple Fined By Confused Police After Posting Old Vacation Photos


>>8798021 Surfing: Coronavirus lockdown advice leaves room for confusion

>>8808091 Focus on Coronavirus Analytics - Australian Statistics - Confirmed Cases, Deaths and Recoveries - April 2020

>>8810628 Coronavirus: Three steps to Australia’s ‘road out’ from restrictions

>>8810823 Secretary of State Michael Pompeo Tweet: Wonderful discussion with Australian Foreign Minister @MarisePayne today about U.S.-Australia cooperation

>>8810823 Foreign Minister Marise Payne Tweet: Great to talk with friend @SecPompeo re (Australia and U.S.) practical cooperation on #COVID19

>>8810898 How we'll commemorate Anzac Day 2020 during COVID-19 restrictions

>>8819062 World Health Organisation - Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) Emergency Press Briefing transcripts

>>8823215 Video: Australian Strategic Policy Institute Presents: Covid-19 and Radicalisation - Qanon / Pizzagate 'conspiracy theories'

>>8823278 Video excerpt: Covid-19 and Radicalisation - "Conspiracy theories like 'Qanon'…they are becoming more and more powerful…"

>>8823278 Video excerpt: Covid-19 and Radicalisation - "The guy who turns up at a pizza shop believing a whole heap of children are locked away in the basement…"

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:50 a.m. No.9062420   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 10

Coronavirus / COVID-19 Bun - Part 4

>>8850013 Australia Adds Voice to Growing Calls for China Coronavirus Enquiry

>>8860406 'Nothing particularly disturbing': Coronavirus app safe, review finds

>>8860486 Pandemic gives Arthur Sinodinos 'baptism of fire' as US ambassador

>>8881647 Scott Morrison calls Donald Trump to discuss holding the WHO to account for pandering to China

>>8881647 Prime Minister Scott Morrison Tweet: Just got off the phone with US President @realDonaldTrump, constructive discussion on our health responses to #COVID19

>>8882431 Coronavirus: PM Scott Morrison talks with Bill Gates over World Health Organisation's future amid pandemic

>>8893943 Britain backs Morrison's call for probe into coronavirus' China origins

>>8893943 Prime Minister Scott Morrison Tweet: I also had calls yesterday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President @EmmanuelMacron

>>8894216, >>8895747 Clive Palmer buys 32,900,000 doses of Hydroxychloroquine for Australians

>>8898638 Tom Hanks sends typewriter to bullied Australian boy named Corona


>>8898687 Video: Coronavirus: Tom Hanks makes new Aussie friend | Nine News Australia

>>8909759 From YouTube Australia's front page - Channel 9 News COVID-19 thumbnail - Looks like a gun firing at Trump's head

>>8912665 Australians turn out for driveway dawn service to mark Anzac Day in time of coronavirus

>>8923616 Video excerpt: Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson donate blood for coronavirus vaccine

>>8923616 NPR podcast - “Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!” - We Call To Check In On Tom Hanks (complete interview)

>>8925358 Anzac Day inspires the fight against virus

>>8925392 The Royal Family Tweet: The Duke was due to attend the Dawn Service in London tomorrow. Instead he will join a collective act of remembrance

>>8925392 Statement - Prince Edward, Duke of Kent - Anzac Day 2020

>>8945474 How Australia partly funded two Chinese scientists from the Wuhan lab linked to the COVID-19 outbreak

>>8945737 Clive Palmer takes out three-page ads promoting purchase of malaria drug, hydroxychloroquine


>>8945789 China Warns Australia: Drop Push for Coronavirus Probe

>>8946264 Anon notes the similarity between the Palmer Foundation logo and the 8kun logo - Hmmm…

>>8959531 Australia was told there was a '50% chance' coronavirus may have leaked from a Wuhan lab two months ago

>>8959571 Coronavirus: Trump administration to closely monitor Australia’s winter virus experience

>>8959634 China labels Australia 'gum stuck to the bottom of China’s shoe' over calls for coronavirus inquiry

>>8959698 Coronavirus pandemic saves convicted paedophile from prison

>>8961025 Video: Prime Minister Scott Morrison flags easing of coronavirus restrictions in near future | ABC News

>>8970178 Australian intelligence officials have no evidence of Wuhan lab link to coronavirus

>>8970251 Coronavirus Australia: US secretary of state Mike Pompeo backs Scott Morrison call for virus inquiry

>>9021935 Jacinda Ardern to join Australian national cabinet meeting on Tuesday


>>9022200 Chinese government slams Australia over COVID-19 dossier coverage

>>9035392 US, UK and Australia working together on COVID-19 vaccine

>>9048415 Trump says coronavirus comeback underway - New York Post article co-written by >>8271716 Ebony Bowden, Australian "journalist"

>>9048415 Ebony Bowden Tweet: My Australian followers will be pleased to know that President Trump asked after our 2004 Miss Universe Jennifer Hawkins

>>9048562 US Marines get clearance for NT deployment amid coronavirus travel ban

>>9048562 Defence Minister Linda Reynolds Tweet: Spoke with US Secretary of Defense @EsperDOD where we reaffirmed our Alliance

>>9048562 US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper Tweet: our #UnbreakableAlliance remains strong with the recent approval of the @USMC @MrfDarwin rotation

>>9048713 COVID-19 treatment news: How blood plasma could be used to treat future cases

>>9049269 Doctors banned from prescribing potential COVID-19 drug

>>9050361 COVID-19 outbreak in meat processing plant - ATTEMPT TO SLIDE AUS FOOD SUPPLY?

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:53 a.m. No.9062430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 11

>>8398280 Australian Signals Directorate - Leadership - Principal Deputy Director-General Lieutenant General John Frewen DSC AM

>>8398369 Judge Napolitano says Trump should veto FISA bill: Nothing but 'cosmetic' reforms

>>8398457 Parole denied for Hey Dad! sex predator Robert Hughes

>>8407234 Foreign Minister Marise Payne Tweet: A timely meeting with friend @SecPompeo to discuss #COVID19, infrastructure…

>>8408824 Peripatetic Katherine Keating pops up at Palm Beach

>>8419490 Defence Minister Linda Reynolds Tweet: Tackling orphanage trafficking needs us to work together in Australia & globally

>>8419490 Modern Day Slavery, Orphanage Tourism and the Modern Slavery Act 2018

>>8434230 Nicole Kidman and family 'relocating back to Australia to be closer to mother Janelle'

>>8434619 NSW south coast man charged with terrorism offences

>>8437036 Man arrested after allegedly planning terror attack on electrical substation


>>8438540 Fraser Anning declared bankrupt by courts on ‘egging’ anniversary

>>8459350 High Court overturns SA pedophile sentence

>>8459467 Video: Killing Field: Explosive new allegations of Australian special forces war crimes | Four Corners

>>8459498 Footage Shows Australian Special Forces Shoot And Kill Unarmed Man In Afghanistan

>>8459638 Wikileaks Tweet: Newly obtained video by ABC's @4corners shows alleged execution of unarmed Afghan by Australian SAS soldier

>>8468637 Australian "Hey Dad" Actor Robert Hughes - Timeline of allegations of sexual misconduct, arrest, and conviction

>>8472720 Ghislaine Maxwell, citing death threats and extensive legal fees, sues Jeffrey Epstein's estate

>>8486065 Evil 8 paedophile Alfred Impicciatore's appeal dismissed over notorious WA child abuse case

>>8486065 The horrors of the 'Evil 8' and how a young girl was preyed upon by her father, strangers (2017)

>>8486290 Defence Minister Linda Reynolds Media Releases - Statements on Four Corners report


>>8494961 Second NSW South Coast man charged with a terrorism offence

>>8528467 Third man charged following operational activity on the NSW South Coast

>>8542385 Q Post #3898 - The key that opens all doors. The 'Start'. (Links to this Daily Caller article >>8375168)

>>8543343 War hero Ben Roberts-Smith interviewed by police over alleged killing

>>8543613 Jill, @1Swinging_Voter Tweet: ABC smartarse Andrew Probyn hogging the press conference just got owned by the Prime Minister

>>8543613 Jill, @1Swinging_Voter Tweet: We need to see more of this from the Prime Minister!! Don't dance to the media tune!

>>8543613 Video: Prime Minister Scott Morrison to ABC journalist Andrew Probyn - "You don't run the Press Conference, OK?"

>>8543726 Australian Secret Intelligence Service - Black Ops Arm Of The Aus Deep State?

>>8557079 Malcolm Turnbull's wife Lucy suddenly stands down from her high-powered job 'for personal reasons'

>>8568249 Christchurch mosque attacker Brenton Tarrant changes plea to guilty, to be sentenced for 51 murders


>>8568301 Australian paedophile fights to stop police alerting Indonesia to convictions

>>8568600 Chinese government prepares to charge Australian academic

>>8569098 Video: Trump ‘came to appreciate’ Turnbull standing up for Australia

>>8569161 Q Posts #479, 908 and 910 - What phone call between POTUS and X/AUS leaked? Why that specific conversation? Focus - why AUS?

>>8569655 The Australian Store Where Everything Sold Is Sent to China

>>8569706 Chinese-backed company's mission to source Australian medical supplies

>>8582388 Australian police crack online child exploitation network

>>8582418 New South Wales woman charged with child exploitation offences

>>8587984 Man hands out $100 to every Person Waiting in Line for Welfare

>>8588025 Police identify 11 alleged victims in case of immigration agent accused of rape

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:56 a.m. No.9062435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 12

Dassi Erlich / Yaakov Litzman / Malka Leifer Extradition Bun - Part 1

>>8081538 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Tomorrow-bipartisan motion in Parliament will demand Leifer return to face justice!

>>8088032 Malka Leifer Extradition Motion to be heard in Parliament

>>8092565 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - SPEECH - Dave Sharma, MP - Monday, 10 February 2020

>>8092622 Dassi Erlich Tweet: So many members of parliament from both sides of the aisle standing on behalf of #bringleiferback

>>8092622 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Proud our Gov stood together 2night 4 all survivors of sex abuse

>>8121472, >>8121480 Federal MPs plea: Extradite Leifer

>>8121472 Video: Dave Sharma MP speech - #bringleiferback motion

>>8121480 Josh Burns MP speech - #bringleiferback motion

>>8160882 Dassi Erlich Tweet: These 2 hearings are to allow cross examination of the 3 psychiatrists who declared…

>>8160882 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Leifer was not only fit to stand trial but unequivocally faked her mental illness to escape justice


>>8181387 Judge in Malka Leifer case will allow private psychiatrists for defense

>>8181497 Dassi Erlich Tweet: This panel unanimously decided Leifer is faking on Sept 23 2019!

>>8181497 Dassi Erlich Tweet: We have been patient. We have been calm…But when we go backwards…we have had enough!

>>8181497 Dassi Erlich Tweet: This is a completely unprecedented move

>>8192296 MPs astounded at further Malka Leifer extradition delay

>>8203889 Dassi Erlich Tweet: President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin is visiting Melb next week. We requested to meet with him

>>8203889 Dassi Erlich Tweet: This letter was written by the Members of Israel's Jewish Peoplehood Coalition

>>8203889 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Our response to President Rivlin's letter addressed to Ambassador @MarkSofer

>>8252882 Israeli President Reuven Rivlin pledge to intervene on Malka Leifer extradition: MP

>>8262486 Rivlin pledges to help extradite alleged pedophile Leifer to Australia


>>8272203 Leifer psychiatrist cross-examination ends

>>8306237 Dassi Erlich Tweet: When will they stop protecting the abusers and start supporting the abused?

>>8374723 Court again rejects bid to speed up extradition proceedings against Malka Leifer

>>8374787 Dassi Erlich Tweet: This Saturday 14th March @3pm, Loud fence will tie ribbons around the fence of Adass Israel School

>>8386468 One step closer to justice? The Malka Leifer case will return to court on Wednesday

>>8386468 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Breaking news!!!! Just in from Israel…Judge Lomp has decided not to allow any more defense witnesses

>>8398028 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Reminder: #bringleiferback Loud fence event moved to Sunday @5.30pm

>>8433962 Dassi Erlich Tweet: I got emotional today, returning to a place where we walked in day after day…a hell we couldn't escape

>>8433962 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Today, we had a community standing beside us, visibly showing us they cared

>>8438430 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Courtdate#66 will go ahead 18th March (closed session) with prosecution delivering closing arguments

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 1:58 a.m. No.9062437   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 13

Dassi Erlich / Yaakov Litzman / Malka Leifer Extradition Bun - Part 2

>>8459313 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Australian Story Ep 3 'The Justice Principle' airing March 23 @8pm!

>>8459313 Dassi Erlich Tweet: In Israel news - courts have been postponed due to the virus so there will be no #courtdate66

>>8477089 Australian Story Tweet: Silent no more: Three sisters’ extraordinary campaign to bring their former headmistress to justice

>>8477089 The Justice Principle (Updated) - Dassi, Nicole and Elly return to Israel to investigate why the case has stalled

>>8485809 Video: The Justice Principle - Part 1 - Nicole Meyer and Elly Sapper give their first Australian interviews

>>8485823 Video: The Justice Principle - Part 2 - For Dassi and her two sisters, justice finally seems closer than ever before

>>8582185 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Judge Lomp is anticipated to make a final decision on Leifer’s mental fitness on 21 May

>>8582185 Dassi Erlich Tweet: The decision may be appealed to the Supreme Court within 30 days of the decision being handed down

>>8658771 Three Australian Jewish community organisations plea for expediting the Leifer extradition hearings

>>8658771 Joint letter to President Reuven Rivlin


>>8658832 Israeli Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, accused of interfering in Malka Leifer’s extradition, tests positive for coronavirus

>>8677372 Netanyahu, heads of Mossad, NSC, MOH all in isolation after Litzman infected

>>8871023 Health minister recovers from COVID-19 after weeks-long illness

>>8906270 Litzman reportedly offers to leave Health Ministry

>>8906270 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Good news for Israel. Good news for us! #bringleiferback

>>8922851 ‘May justice prevail’: Litzman departs Health Ministry

>>8923059 Video: The Justice Principle - Part 3 - We join Dassi, Nicole and Elly as they return to Israel to investigate why the case has stalled

>>8923059 Statement ofIsraeli Health Minister MK Yaakov Litzman

>>9021901 Dassi Erlich Tweet: Nicole's interview with Woman's Weekly during her last trip to Israel #bringleiferback

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 2 a.m. No.9062446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 14

>>8596309 Defence Minister Linda Reynolds Tweet: Thank you to our 6,500 ADF personnel who served on Operation Bushfire Assist

>>8620356 Man reports woman to AFP after she offers child for sexual abuse over Whatsapp

>>8620356 Australian Federal Police - Online Child Sexual Exploitation - Child Protection form for reporting concerns to the AFP

>>8620467 Brisbane man in Court for child exploitation allegations

>>8632225 How Anita Cobby's killers could be released from jail under a radical plan to change the meaning of 'life behind bars'

>>8632515 Westpac still some way off settlement with AUSTRAC, court hears

>>8632568 Australian flight attendant jailed for abuse of children overseas

>>8633046 Awakening Greatly, the team that made vids Q has linked to, looking for Qanon patriots outside the US for their next video

>>8646321, Q Post #3893 - Rainbow Fairy Twitter Thread: An attempt to gather as many Q-related photographs from around the world

>>8646338, >>8646350, >>8646369 AusAnons from Perth, Sydney and Melbourne featured in Rainbow Fairy's global QAnon Twitter Thread


>>8650035 Defence Minister Linda Reynolds Tweet: 73 years since the establishment of the Defence Signals Bureau, now @ASDGovAu

>>8659036 President Donald Trump - Proclamation on National Child Abuse Prevention Month, April 2020

>>8670963 Australian "Journalist", Caroline Overington, has written a book about missing toddler William Tyrrell

>>8691883 When Catalog is broken try using the index - - It will always show the most recent posts

>>8701445 William Tyrrell top cop faces five years in jail after being found GUILTY of illegally recording conversations

>>8701753 Video: Sky News Australia - Full Special Investigation: Donald Trump vs The Deep State

>>8720499 Western Sydney man arrested for alleged online sharing of child abuse material

>>8732811 Lead investigator on the William Tyrrell case convicted and fined $10,000 over illegal recordings

>>8738775 Q Post #3920 - What happens when state actor(s) [assets] are removed?

>>8738775 Q Post #3921 - FISA INDICTMENTS = START


>>8741615 ‘Crossfire Typhoon’: Here Is A 171-Page Transcript Of Ex-Trump Aide (Papadopoulos) Secret Conversation With FBI Informant

>>8741615 Full Transcript of George Papadopoulos' Oct. 31, 2016 conversation with FBI informant (PDF)

>>8743106 Sydney man arrested following AFP online child abuse investigation

>>8743190 WA man charged over alleged illicit firearms stash

>>8743258 Adelaide alleged online sex predator to face court today

>>8752094 Q Post #3929 - Patriots: be cautious in your interpretations of info posted…FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)

>>8752094 Q Post #3931 - Planned & coordinated [D/ F]. This is not about politics. Something far more sinister [evil] has been allowed to flourish


>>8752094 Crossfire Hurricane Team had multiple reports disputing many material claims of Steele and his dossier - and warning of "disinformation"

>>8754989 Barr on Durham Investigation: ‘Evidence Shows That We’re Not Dealing with Just Mistakes or Sloppiness’


>>8756749 OPSEC = Operational Security. Anons - We are at war. Be CAREFUL what you give the enemy.

>>8765994 Q Post #3947 - - WWG1WGA!!!

>>8765994 Hev123 truthseeker Tweet: 'Australia Here!' #Australia #Qanon #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE

>>8766281 Q Post #3951 - Best documentary of the year -

>>8766281 Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses

>>8767414 Q Post #3949 - - WWG1WGA!!! (Q The Wake Up Twitter Thread)

>>8767414, >>8767462, >>8767468, >>8767829, >>8767842, >>8767913, >>8768088, >>8768104, >>8768120,>>8776247, >>8776283 AusAnons respond - WWG1WGA!!!

>>8767702 Q Post #3942 - - WWG1WGA!!!

>>8767702 SYUNSER Tweet: 'American Patriots in Australia!' #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE #WWG1WGA #QAnon

>>8770140 China, Macquarie Consortium and Long Beach Container Terminal Mini Bun

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 2:05 a.m. No.9062458   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 15

Virginia Roberts Giuffre / Prince Andrew / Jeffrey Epstein Bun

>>7998613 Prince Andrew called his 'victim' Virginia Roberts 'a very sick girl'

>>8036310 Jeffrey Epstein victims’ lawyer claims she has a NEW witness who saw Prince Andrew with Virginia Roberts at nightclub

>>8071562 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Twitter Thread - Thank you Australia for being my sanctuary, a safe place for kids to grow up

>>8142607 Judge takes rare step to help serve elusive Ghislaine Maxwell with lawsuit

>>8151230 Annie Farmer Tweet: Grateful that Judge Freeman is not letting Maxwell's disappearance block this attempt to hold her accountable

>>8151230 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: Take her down @anniefarmer It’s time that spider gets served with a dose of justice!!

>>8151230 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: She’s out there & I sincerely believe @NewYorkFBI knows exactly where she’s hiding


>>8219935 Virginia Roberts says EVERY SINGLE room of Jeffrey Epstein's $77million mansion had cameras

>>8219935 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: I’ve seen the video rooms - EVERY SINGLE ROOM was being filmed


>>8219935 'Epstein and I have everyone on videotape' Ghislaine Maxwell alleged to have confided

>>8223501 Witness claims he saw Prince Andrew kiss and grope Virginia Roberts on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘paedo island’

>>8290196 Prince Andrew faces more lurid claims: New court evidence that he DID meet with his teenage accuser Virginia Roberts

>>8339023 Prince Andrew hires General Pinochet's former lawyer as he fights FBI Epstein probe

>>8339023 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: That was expected- I knew he’d never help with any probe or investigation because he’s guilty as sin

>>8418041 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: Naomi has so much information that would be useful to the investigation, one would only hope she cooperates

>>8418041 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: Not too far from reality- these ppl are sick. Mentally, physically & sexually!

>>8472720 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: Memo to GM- How dare you play the victim card when you victimised me and countless others

>>8511740 Virginia Roberts fled Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell after they asked her to have their surrogate baby

>>8543126 Epstein ‘pimp’ Ghislaine Maxwell denies victim’s baby surrogacy claim – as Epstein’s ‘no father figure’


>>8543126 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: Laura Goldman…You say you know where GM is but won’t turn her in

>>8543126 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: She’s not a pimp- she’s a pedophile who recruited me & many others into a sex trafficking ring

>>8632362 DUKE'S DEFENDER - Fergie says online trolls blasting Prince Andrew over paedo shame should show more ‘respect’

>>8645700 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: #PainIsComing #GreatAwakening #EndChildTrafficking

>>8645700 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Retweet: JLGraham @jlgraham22 - Done in 30! @realDonaldTrump Dark to Light!

>>8677000 Prince Andrew refuses to appear on US documentary to discuss friendship with Jeffrey Epstein

>>8689455 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: #PrinceAndrew refuses to discuss his relationship with #Epstein because he is guilty of being an active participant

>>8712410 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: I’m loving the spirit of the people!! Time’s are changing… finally & for the better!!

>>8755376 Prince Andrew reunites with ex Sarah Ferguson to deliver gifts to front line workers fighting coronavirus


>>8755376 Antonia Marshall Instagram Post: @sarahferguson15 and @hrhthedukeofyork packing all the care packages for @thameshospice in Windsor today

>>8755376 Sarah Ferguson Instagram Post: Thank you so much @kikas_cupcakes for the wonderful cupcakes donated to the front line workers

>>8810690 Jeffrey Epstein's victims could have chance to sue Prince Andrew after they get cash payout from disgraced financier's estate

>>8924760 Hand over everything you have on Prince Andrew: Victim's lawyers demand Jeffrey Epstein's estate hands over tranche of evidence

>>8924782 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: They want ALL the evidence and are not taking NO for an answer. CO-conspirators- we’re coming for you

>>8924782 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: They’ve got a few roo’s loose in the top paddock, if you know what I mean, thinking they’ve escaped justice

>>8935160 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: I am working so hard on trying to spread the word here too…Aussies took me in and taught me to love, live & laugh

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 2:08 a.m. No.9062466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 16

>>8772722 Tom Hanks attempts dodgy Australian accent, jokes about his coronavirus diagnosis and THAT Vegemite photo on Saturday Night Live

>>8773119 Tom Hanks opening monologue, Saturday Night Live - Season 45 Episode 16 - Saturday Night Live at Home

>>8773623, >>8849161 Tom Hanks Saturday Night Live diggs and decode: Corona typewriter, clock time at 11:34 - Q Post #1134 - “enjoy the show” - Comms?

>>8773623 Saturday Night Live - Tom Hanks opening monologue on Streamable -

>>8787394 Westpac braces for $1.03bn AUSTRAC hit

>>8800299 Barr Pressed Australia for Help on Mueller Review as DOJ Worked to Free Its Hostages

>>8802988 Q Post #3965 - >Are we under attack - Always.

>>8802988 Q Post #3966 - FISA lead-in [stage 1 act 1]

>>8802988 Q Post #3967 - These people are pure evil. This is not about politics. You are ready

>>8802988 Q Post #3970 - Think of the World Awakening.


>>8805722 Video: Senator Heffernan Legal & Constitutional Affairs - Judges and others on a police list from 2015

>>8822039 Senate Judiciary Committee Releases Transcripts of George Papadopoulos and FBI Spies

>>8822181 Papadopoulos Reacts to Declassification of Spygate Transcripts: “Durham Knows” Who Sent Clinton Errand Boy to Meet with Me in London

>>8823278 Elise Thomas - Researcher, ASPI International Cyber Policy Centre and Qanon Hit Piece author - selected anti-Q articles

>>8823327 Australian Strategic Policy Institute - Counterterrorism Yearbook 2020 - (PDF)

>>8823327 'Manifestos, Memetic Mobilisation And The Chan Boards In The Christchurch Shooting' - Hit Piece author Elise Thomas on 4chan, 8chan, 8kun et al.

>>8829876 China must come clean on coronavirus, former Australian foreign minister Alexander Downer says

>>8829942 Downer raised Russia concerns at US embassy without government approval - Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

>>8831619 Q Post #3674 - WAS THE CoC FOLLOWED?

>>8831859 Video: "QAnon - The World Is Watching” from Awakening Greatly YouTube Channel, featuring Patriots worldwide


>>8833466 Q Post #3984 - Greetings from Maryland, DC, Hawaii, and beyond. WWG1WGA!!!

>>8834906 Q Post #3981 - - TOGETHER WE WIN. WWG1WGA!!! (SSG_PAIN Birthday Twitter Thread)

>>8834906, >>8834955, >>8835021 AusAnons respond - Happy Birthday from Australia! - WWG1WGA!!!

>>8835605 Screencaps from "QAnon - The World Is Watching” video - AusAnons prominent!

>>8836413 AusAnon decodes Q Post #3975 - "Clear your mind. Heal. Q." (CHQ) - AusAnon quoted in Q Post #3979 - Anons note Australian time stamp

>>8842598 Turnbull publisher names Morrison office in 'massive' book breach

>>8844988 AussieQne 369 @AussieQne Tweet: Australian patriots on the ready. Spotted at a market in Queensland Australia - #WWG1WGA Australia

>>8848760 'Trump kept talking over the top of me': Turnbull recounts tense call

>>8854045 Police bust ‘horrific’ child sex abuse ring spread across five states

>>8858719, >>8859864, >>8859692, >>8859823, >>8962678 Justinian Deception Youtube Channel Video Bun


>>8860085, >>8860146 16 charged in national operation targeting web site selling child abuse material

>>8860173 Alexander Downer was hostile and 'played me' former Trump aide says

>>8860192 (March 2016) US spy boss James Robert Clapper Jr makes secretive visit to Australia

>>8870721 Video: Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull on how the Liberal Party operates behind closed doors | 7.30

>>8871965 Kirsten Dunst Instagram picture - 'fallen Woody doll' - posted from New Zealand, anons speculate on comms, digg on Dunst's childhood career

>>8871992 Crazy Days And Nights: Anonymous Blogger, King of the Hollywood Blind Item on Kirsten Dunst, pedophile Producers, Directors and Actors

>>8877526 Video: Shaun Attwood interviews Wilfred Wong - Satanic Sacrifice and Satanic Ritual Abuse

>>8882394 Federal Government to spend $94 million stockpiling fuel in the US

>>8886044 Australian Navy joins US fleet near Chinese drilling ship as tensions soar

>>8886044 Australia joins U.S. ships in South China Sea amid rising tension

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.9062474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 17

Cardinal George Pell High Court Appeal Bun - Part 1

>>8132037, >>8132107 George Pell High Court appeal hearing date set for March

>>8195787 George Pell: High Court weighs details of witness testimony

>>8204086 George Pell’s legal team argue DPP adopted a “piecemeal approach” in defending guilty verdict

>>8273007 George Pell’s lawyers ‘have failed to identify judicial errors’

>>8365396 George Pell's appeal is before the High Court tomorrow. Here's what might happen

>>8374696 George Pell appeal: cardinal's lawyers say jury was wrong to reject defence arguments

>>8386313 George Pell's High Court appeal sees prosecutors defend appeal judges' viewing of victim's video testimony

>>8386362 Man charged over George Pell death threats

>>8387098 George Pell: High court reserves decision on granting special leave for an appeal

>>8459225 High Court to continue on Pell's bid for freedom despite coronavirus outbreak


>>8622676 Pell accuser knowledge of sacristy under scrutiny

>>8658409 Two new accusers say George Pell abused them when they were boys in the 1970s

>>8658625 George Pell High Court judgment on appeal against child sex abuse convictions to be handed down next week

>>8662683 High Court comes to swift judgment in George Pell case

>>8671557 George Pell accusers air sexual abuse claim against the Cardinal - ABC Revelation program: Episode 3 - Goliath

>>8701282 George Pell’s bid for freedom: high court verdict to decide disgraced cardinal's future

>>8711366 Judgement summary - PELL v THE QUEEN - Special leave to appeal decision of the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Victoria unanimously allowed

>>8711366 Full Judgement - Pell v The Queen [2020] HCA 12 - 7 Apr 2020 - Case Number: M112/2019

>>8711762 George Pell to walk free from prison after child sex abuse conviction quashed

>>8711762 Most senior Catholic to be convicted of child sex abuse WALKS FREE from jail after granted appeal in unanimous decision


>>8711762 Cardinal Pell leaves prison after high court quashes conviction – as it happened

>>8711762 Ex-Vatican treasurer Cardinal Pell acquitted of sex offences, leaves jail

>>8711829 Cardinal Pell to walk free after Australian court acquittal

>>8711829 Cardinal George Pell leaves prison after high court quashes conviction

>>8712151 Relief for Pell supporters, while abuse advocates mull consequences

>>8712196 STATEMENT FROM CARDINAL GEORGE PELL - 'I have consistently maintained my innocence while suffering from a serious injustice'

>>8712252 Pope appears to offer Pell support at mass

>>8712275 Pell verdict paves way for inquiry reports

>>8712289 Archbishops say Pell has been vindicated

>>8712346 Statement From Victorian Premier Dan Andrews

Anonymous ID: d2849a May 7, 2020, 2:13 a.m. No.9062482   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7 - Part 18

Cardinal George Pell High Court Appeal Bun - Part 2

>>8712372 Dassi Erlich Tweet: A tough day for so many. News George Pell has been released has left us utterly gutted

>>8712410 Virginia Roberts Giuffre Tweet: Absolutely abhorrent- there was so much evidence you could poke a stick at

>>8720389 Witness J, former choirboy who accused George Pell, says case 'does not define me'

>>8720389 Witness J Media Statement via Dr. Vivian Waller - Principal Solicitor, Waller Legal - Pell v The Queen [2020] HCA 12

>>8720580 George Pell's legal woes far from over: Cardinal will still have to face a surge of civil cases from alleged sexual abuse victims

>>8720694 George Pell spotted at BP petrol station along Hume Freeway

>>8731891 Video: Nation remains divided over Pell’s acquittal | Nine News Australia

>>8732776 Cardinal George Pell to be interviewed by Andrew Bolt following release from prison

>>8741191 Child sexual abuse victims should not be put off by George Pell decision, experts say

>>8741328 Pope Francis accused of comparing convicted child abuser cardinal to Jesus after controversial comments


>>8753568 Cardinal George Pell writes about suffering, jail and coronavirus in News Corp piece

>>8753773 George Pell Easter message: In the suffering, we find redemption

>>8787381 Pell's jail diaries detail 'petty humiliations', job as roof gardener

>>8787563 Police investigating George Pell over fresh child sexual abuse allegation – report

>>8787563 Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse - Catholic Church in Ballarat (PDF)

>>8787582 George Pell faces fresh child abuse allegations days after cardinal's convictions were quashed by the High Court

>>8790895 Video: Full Cardinal George Pell interview with Andrew Bolt - Sky News Australia

>>8894042 Cardinal George Pell: Authorities weigh up release of redacted material

>>8945519 Federal Attorney-General Christian Porter seeks 'final advice' on release of commission's Pell findings

>>9048466 Findings on George Pell Royal Commission to be released within days