Anonymous ID: 5a4ec2 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:30 p.m. No.7995769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5798 >>5873 >>5882

My dear family and friends, I'm jin wei.


I am now in Han Hou, the epidemic region in Wuhan. I would like to explain to you the general situation in both the city of hubei and the whole genie. As of now, we face 90,000 cases of pneumonia. so what is the infection rate? If someone sick is quarantined and untreated, this virus can spread to 14 people. this is a very large rate. Family meetings are held in our culture during the New Year's Eve celebrations. but this year is very different from the previous years. I hope people don't leave their homes, they don't meet and gather. this year is celebrated every year, if you do not leave the house and survive, you can celebrate other years.


Now let me talk about the general condition and the situation of our doctors in direct contact with patients. For the moment, our situation is so bad that our staff, health department officials, other organizations, municipal officials and even government officials cannot provide us with sufficient support. With this video, we are calling for support to the whole world. what we want are medical supplies, gloves, high insulating bio-hazard suits and pants. these materials were consumed, we cannot reach them. Although there is such a deficiency, our doctors who are due to shift still go to the patients.


As someone who comes to nose with this disease, the reason I made this video clearly is to warn you all and to be a little more informative. I warn again. During the New Year's Eve celebration, please don't go out. stay at home! otherwise why should we risk our lives? I take this risk in order to protect the health of you and my friends. I hope you understand me. I also know that not all of my relatives have a social media account. If you are watching this video, please forward the phone and tell your friends what I told you in this video. this is your human duty, definitely let everyone know! you have to do everything you can to educate yourself about this disease. this is a citizenship duty.


Now it is bad news. corona virus mutated and now it has reached stage 2. While we were still at stage 1, we were able to neutralize the virus by following the symptoms and treat the patient. but after this last mutation, it has reached the class of viruses. because now one person has reached the point where it can infect 14 others. the rate of infection increases exponentially / exponentially (faster every day).

please, keep in mind, don't go out. don't meet people. don't go to parties. thank you all.edit: they will suphe the video may not be real. The Twitter users of Twitter have even felt the anxiety in their voice. Someone who will make a joke will not have such a protective suit. An official who wears this dress will not make such a fool. In addition, 14 cities are currently quarantined in China.Peace out. the shit has hit the fan