Anonymous ID: 5effe0 Feb. 1, 2020, 3:40 p.m. No.7995216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5261 >>5367 >>5431 >>5636

Mike Bloomberg Offers ’60 Million’ Latinos: $15 Per Hour Plus Mass Migration


Michael Bloomberg is making a pitch for Latino votes with an offer of $15 per hour wages — but also a flood of new Latino migrants eager to compete for jobs, apartments, and K-12 desks in Latino communities.


“I believe we can once again be a country that welcomes immigrants, values immigrants, respects immigrants, and empowers them to pursue the American Dream,” Bloomberg said in a January 30 tweet.


The conflicting policy offer reflects shared goals of the Democrat Party’s two main leadership factions: Bloomberg and other investors who are eager for imported consumers and workers, and progressives who are eager for imported pro-government voters.

Anonymous ID: 5effe0 Feb. 1, 2020, 3:41 p.m. No.7995225   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Are You Humans Or Devils?" Chinese Woman Lashes Out At Authorities After Relatives Die From Virus


A local from Wuhan City videotaped herself lashing out at the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the way it handled the coronavirus outbreak that has killed scores of people in China, including her own relative(s). The video was recorded on Jan. 26 and has since gone viral on Chinese social media.


There are several similar videos circulating on Chinese social media, and this woman is so far the only one who eschewed wearing a mask despite the fact that revealing her face could compromise her identity. But she did not reveal her name in the video.


Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province, is the epicenter of the deadly novel coronavirus outbreak.


Speaking in a local dialect, she asked angrily, “Chinese Communist Party, when are you going to step down? You promised us that Chinese people will enjoy ‘moderate prosperity’ in 2020, but what have we attained [from you] so far? We lost our relative(s) [because of you]!”


Because there is no plural form in the Chinese language, it is difficult to determine if she has lost more than one relative.


The term “moderate prosperity” has been used in CCP propaganda since the 2000s, when Hu Jintao was leader of China. At the end of 2019, regime propaganda chief Wang Huning launched a nationwide campaign proclaiming that the country’s 2020 plan is to “secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.”


“Tell me, what does it mean to achieve ‘moderate prosperity’?” the woman said. “What does ‘moderate prosperity’ mean to us when people have lost their lives? What on earth are you doing? What do we need such a government for? I beg you, please go away! Step Down! We need good leaders who can help us live a good life. We don’t need such a corrupt government.”


She pointed out that China’s economic prosperity is an illusion and the coronavirus outbreak could put more pressure on the economy. In fact, China’s GDP growth rate of 6 percent in the second half of 2019 was the slowest rate of growth since 1991.


“The soaring home prices and high cost of living have caused hardships for Chinese residents. And now so many people are dying. Everyone will get to see the economic bubble burst,” she said.


“You should bear the consequences of your actions. Do not implicate us ordinary folk. Now we are bearing the brunt of it, and we are being sacrificed for what you have been doing!”


She then asked, “What on earth are you? Are you humans or devils?”


Her video has been shared by many Chinese Twitter and Facebook users. Followers of her video highly praised her tirade. Some said they particularly liked her last question, saying “What a great question, asking Party officials if they are ‘humans or devils’—it is right to the point.”


Several followers commented, “Do not beg the CCP to step down. Overthrow the CCP.”


One of them said, “I heard people say the CCP is on the brink of collapse. Now I really believe it is true.”

Chinese Authorities’ Response to the Outbreak


The first group of whistleblowers of Wuhan pneumonia alerted their social media network on Dec. 30 and 31, revealing that hospitals in Wuhan had identified several cases of SARS-like viral pneumonia.


Wuhan police ordered those whistleblowers to meet with law enforcers at the local police department and forced them to sign an agreement that said they were “spreading rumors.”

Anonymous ID: 5effe0 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.7995476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5509 >>5678 >>5696

Amazing Coincidence: Coronavirus Vaccine Just Announced!


The race is on to develop a new vaccine for novel coronavirus, and leading the pack is Professor Yuen Kwok-yung and his team from the University of Hong Kong (H.K.U.), which reportedly already somehow developed a vaccine that’s just awaiting testing.


The chair of infectious diseases at H.K.U., Yuen told reporters that he and his colleagues were able to isolate the new virus from his city’s first imported case, and transform it into a vaccine that, upon being tested and approved, can be publicly released.


“We have already produced the vaccine, but it will take a long time to test on animals,” Yuen is quoted as saying, without giving an exact timeframe for when these tests might be completed. He did, however, indicate that the testing phase on animals usually takes a few months, followed by at least another year to conduct human clinical trials.


Yuen says he based his new vaccine on a nasal spray influenza vaccine that he previously developed. By simply modifying this earlier vaccine with part of the surface antigen of novel coronavirus, Yuen and his team believe they’ve cracked the code.


But, again, it will take years, more than likely, for the thing to be officially approved. And by that time, there’s no telling how many people will already have developed coronavirus as this global emergency intensifies with each passing day.


National Institutes of Health also working on a coronavirus vaccine


The Navy Times is also reporting that the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) is involved in developing a vaccine for novel coronavirus, using similar methods of Yuen.


Because M.E.R.S. (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and the more well-known S.A.R.S. (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) are both relatives of novel coronavirus – and scientists have already been working on vaccines for those – the plan is to borrow from what’s already been developed to target those in creating a new vaccine for coronavirus.


“Scientists are just getting started working, but their vaccine development strategy will benefit both from work that has been done on closely related viruses, such as S.A.R.S. and M.E.R.S., as well as advances that have been made in vaccine technologies, such as nucleic acid vaccines, which are DNA- and RNA-based vaccines that produce the vaccine antigen in your own body,” the Navy Times reports.


The coronavirus currently circulating was previously unknown, it’s important to note, hence why most news outlets are referring to it novel. It remains to be seen, should the truth ever fully come out, where it came from, and whether or not it was an intentional bioweapon, as some believe.


Further, it represents the third major outbreak over the past two decades of a new type of coronavirus, demonstrating that this particular class of virus has a mutating virulence similar to that of influenza.


U.S. planning to fast-track coronavirus vaccine


With the recent announcement by U.S. authorities about plans to fast-track a coronavirus vaccine into human trials within three months, the expectation, according to one expert, is that the soonest the world could see a coronavirus vaccine is one year.


This is according to Peter Hotez, co-director of Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development, who helped develop a potential new vaccine for S.A.R.S. – but only in a best-case scenario, it’s important to note.


“The problem is each vaccine is different,” Hotez is quoted as saying about how a new vaccine could only potentially come to market within a year if it’s confirmed to work on the first try in animals and doesn’t cause complications in subsequent human trials.


“It’s not like you can snap your fingers and make a treatment.”