Anonymous ID: f433a1 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:07 p.m. No.7995508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5514 >>5522

>>7993712 (pb)

>>7994446 (pb)


I found out about the Grammar Syntax dude back in 2011-2012 and it all sounded legit but was way over my head back then. What he did bring up that I dug more on back then was the Fringe on the Flag and the Sovereign Citizen ideas.


I went through my old HD and found this Text I saved which was about the PostMaster General of the US and their role in the "Plan" that was in place.


Will Thread


Anonymous ID: f433a1 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:07 p.m. No.7995514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5524 >>5670




The Universal Postal Treaty For The Americas


The Universal Postal Treaty For The Americas 2010 was a self executing Treaty presented under the Codes of the Universal Postal Union and the UNITED STATES and has been accepted as positive law, the highest form of law. As always you may read the entire Treaty at the Link provided.


I wish to present a brief overview of what was in the Treaty, what it accomplished, how it effects We the People and the Global Trust and how it effects our abundance and prosperity. So, here it is From the beginning.




When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with others, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which they may choose to aspire, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold that no truths are self-evident, but must have their usefulness demonstrated. That all people are created with equal freedom from tyranny, but frequently accept domination or obedience to a legal code, to a greater or lesser degree from person to person. That people are endowed with only what rights they have chosen to be endowed with, through wisdom or common folly, for wealth or ilth. That people can secure for themselves, with understanding of their own unique situations, those rights which best allow them to live in peace and fruitful harmony with nature and all Her various species.


That whenever any person, Government, or other entity, not fully recognizing the unique situation of each individual, becomes in any way oppressive or destructive, people may choose to ignore, alter, abolish or separate themselves from such an institution, and to live in peace and harmony. That man can choose to resolve any conflict through intelligence, with, adequate communication and a full understanding of each and every point of view involved, by each and every person involved. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes, but only after calm consideration of the True Will and mutual goals of all those individuals involved. All experience has shown that people are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpation evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism or Dogma not chosen by the individual concerned, it is their right, it is their duty to themselves and their Creator, to throw off such a Government and to accept responsibility, each for their own actions and future security.

Anonymous ID: f433a1 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.7995524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5532




Declaration Of Peace


The general post office styled as the UNITED STATES has been in a perpetual state of war since its inception. The 'Powers That Be' have used the UNITED STATES as a weapon to wage war on the sovereign people of America, operating under the Emergency War Powers Act and the secret presumption that the sovereign people are the enemy of the UNITED STATES for the purpose of evading their liabilities under the original equity contract and to pillage and plunder the private property of the people they were created to serve.


The general post office styled as the UNITED STATES has been used as a weapon to wage an economic war at arms length against all of the people of the world bringing all of humanity to the brink of destruction as the CREDITOR'S master plan of total economic slavery over the sovereign people of the world has been implemented.


The Powers That Be have used the UNITED STATES as a weapon to wage war on the sovereign people of the world via the unconscionable creation, production and distribution of harmful drugs for the purpose of enslaving the people and funding and executing their genocide against humanity.


The Powers That Be have used the UNITED STATES as a platform for their propaganda, creating the world's problems and then presenting themselves as the world's savior bringing about the solution and protection from their self created illusionary boogie men for the purpose of enslaving the sovereign people of the world.


Let it be known by all of humanity that the:




From this day forward the UNITED STATES shall be used as a tool, actuated by humility, to promote universal peace, love and unity among all men. The UNITED STATES shall become a broker and facilitator of peace; a springboard for ascension and balance within the world consciousness. The UNITED STATES shall immediately stand down and withdraw itself from all acts of aggression and vacate all occupied land and shall immediately bring all American soldiers home.


The agents and agencies of the UNITED STATES shall immediately cease and desist in all forms of gun and drug production and distribution; all forms of terrorism and genocide of the people, all standard operating procedures of the powers that be since the days of the East India trading Company.


All Administrative Agencies of the UNITED STATES shall immediately remove all gold fringed military flags from their offices and courtrooms and shall display the civilian flag of peace. The Custodian of the Alien Property shall immediately update his/her files, removing the names and private property of the American people from their files/lists and make the return of the property to the rightful owners. All administrative agencies and administrative courts shall operate in peace and honor, servants of the sovereign people.

Anonymous ID: f433a1 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:09 p.m. No.7995532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5548




A Transitional Committee shall be seated for the purpose of ensuring a peaceful and efficient transition from an Empirical War based mentality and operating system to one of peace, humility and unity. Said Transitional Committee shall establish and empower an interim government for the united states of America and shall operate until such time as the people can be duly informed as to the true history of the UNITED STATES and the fraud that has been perpetrated against them, not to exceed one year.


The Postmaster general of the organic post office for the united states, creator of the general post office styled as the UNITED STATES and located within the ten miles square commonly known as Washington, D.C., under whose direction the UNITED STATES operates, shall operate in the capacity of trustee for the people and shall take instructions from the Transitional Committee until such time as the Interim government shall be seated and empowered.


Declaration of Causes for Separation


On July 26, 1775 the Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin as the first postmaster general of the organic Post Office for the united states, union of several states. In 1776 the united states of America declared its independence and in May 1789 the Constitution for the united states of America was adopted.

On Thursday, Sept. 17, 1789 we find written, Mr. Goodhue, for the committee appointed for the purpose, presented a bill to amend part of the Tonnage act, which was read the first time. The bill sent from the Senate, for the temporary establishment of the Post Office, was read the second and third time, and passed. The bill for establishing the Judicial Courts . . . , for establishing the seat of government . . . The organic post office for the united states of America established the seat of government, a general post office, under the direction of the postmaster general.


This is verified on March 1825, when an act was passed entitled "An act to reduce into one the several acts establishing and regulating the post office department," 3 Story, U. S. 1825. It is thereby enacted; That there be established, the seat of the government of the United States, a general post office, under the direction of a postmaster general.

The organic post office for the united states of America established the ten miles square, styled as WASHINGTON, D.C., as a general post office and independent postal zone with the rights and authority of a sovereign nation, operating under a corporate structure under the direction of the postmaster general to function as the seat of government of the United States.


Treaties are the highest form of law. The Universal Postal Treaty For The Americas 2010, an international Treaty, set as positive law the following which will be covered more in the Breach of Trust section and can be read in its entirety by clicking on the provided link.


  • (No Link in my Text copy) -

Anonymous ID: f433a1 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:10 p.m. No.7995548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5554




Complex Regulatory Scheme

Claim On Abandonment

House Joint Resolution 192 which guaranteed our Right of Redemption of the estate via Discharge of the Debt

Declaration of Peace see below or read the entire document

Law Form

Established a Transitional Committee to operate under the Postmaster General-Organic

Sets a new course for the courts More fully covered in The Breach section


From this day forward the UNITED STATES shall be used as a tool, actuated by humility, to promote universal peace, love and unity among all men. The UNITED STATES shall become a broker and facilitator of peace; a springboard for ascension and balance within the world consciousness. The UNITED STATES shall immediately stand down and withdraw itself from all acts of aggression and vacate all occupied land and shall immediately bring all American soldiers home.


The agents and agencies of the UNITED STATES shall immediately cease and desist in all forms of gun and drug production and distribution; all forms of terrorism and genocide of the people, all standard operating procedures of the powers that be since the days of the East India trading Company.


All Administrative Agencies of the UNITED STATES shall immediately remove all gold fringed military flags from their offices and courtrooms and shall display the civilian flag of peace. The Custodian of the Alien Property shall immediately update his/her files, removing the names and private property of the American people from their files/lists and make the return of the property to the rightful owners. All administrative agencies and administrative courts shall operate in peace and honor, servants of the sovereign people.


A Transitional Committee shall be seated for the purpose of ensuring a peaceful and efficient transition from an Empirical War based mentality and operating system to one of peace, humility and unity. Said Transitional Committee shall establish and empower an interim government for the united states of America and shall operate until such time as the people can be duly informed as to the true history of the UNITED STATES and the fraud that has been perpetrated against them, not to exceed one year.

Anonymous ID: f433a1 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:11 p.m. No.7995554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5573




The Postmaster general of the organic post office for the united states, creator of the general post office styled as the UNITED STATES and located within the ten miles square commonly known as Washington, D.C., under whose direction the UNITED STATES operates, shall operate in the capacity of trustee for the people and shall take instructions from the Transitional Committee until such time as the Interim government shall be seated and empowered.

A Transitional Committee shall be seated for the purpose of ensuring a peaceful and efficient transition from an Empirical War based mentality and operating system to one of peace, humility and unity. Said Transitional Committee shall establish and empower an interim government for the united states of America and shall operate until such time as the people can be duly informed as to the true history of the UNITED STATES and the fraud that has been perpetrated against them, not to exceed one year.


The Postmaster General of the organic post office for the united states, creator of the general post office styled as the UNITED STATES and located within the ten miles square commonly known as Washington, D.C., under whose direction the UNITED STATES operates, shall operate in the capacity of trustee for the people and shall take instructions from the Transitional Committee until such time as the Interim government shall be seated and empowered.


The Treaty sets a new course for the courts.


These Administrative Courts shall operate as established, for the purpose of facilitating the prosecution of grievances against an administrative agency by the American people for the administrative agencies trespass on the private rights of the sovereign people of America and shall operate side by side with the common law courts for the people.

Anonymous ID: f433a1 Feb. 1, 2020, 4:12 p.m. No.7995573   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I counted wrong so you get one more


FWIW i forget where i found this and am just submitting it for the true autists to work their magic


God Speed Anons