Anonymous ID: 076c0c Feb. 1, 2020, 5:36 p.m. No.7996388   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Everyone's tired, anon, even people who are brainwashed, though tired in different ways. It sounds like you are angry and ground down, well guess what? YOU MADE IT HERE, you made it this far! That counts for something good and significant.


That you are concerned for your children is good and natural and healthy. The anger is also good and natural and healthy. It sounds like you don't know what to do next in your life, like a lot of people. This pic attached is something very important to understand and really please think about it for a while. Think about how the world is changing and what is coming - there will be a way for you to move forward and upward, no longer ground down by soulless, psychopathic corrupt evil people.


There will be new things opening up - opportunities to adapt to new energy sources, new technologies which will change manufacturing, and many other things. You will have the time to think of this before others - look at what is coming, and think of how you can find a spot to open up, that will be productive and edifying to yourself and our country - a positive feedback loop, if you will.


POTUS is not talking out his ass when we says

The BEST is yet to come

he knows what he's doing, so believe him!

Anonymous ID: 076c0c Feb. 1, 2020, 5:53 p.m. No.7996559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6591



The election on Crimea is something that is not ever discussed, most Americans didn't know it even happened. Most of those people have relatives that live a few miles away in Russia and went back and forth all the time. The election itself was monitored by OSCE and it was rated more free & fair that US elections (paper ballots, glass/plexiglass boxes where votes are dropped, IIRC counted right there, so no opportunity to dump votes in dumpsters!).


What else Americans don't know is that under International law, there are only 2 ways to gain territory:

  1. treaty between the two sovereign states

  2. referendum (plebecite) of the people who would be affected (in this case, the people on Crimea)


So Russia didn't in any way "invade" Crimea, nor did it illegally annex it or steal it. The procedure was very above board, legal and transparent.



On the other hand, this is where Israel is fucked - they keep "annexing" other countries' territory (Syria's Golan, Lebanon's Sheba Farms, and of course Palestine, which declared statehood in 1988 and was recognized by over 100 countries worldwide).




TY will check out