Anonymous ID: 287b59 Feb. 1, 2020, 5:59 p.m. No.7996607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6642

I just want you Anons to know that YOU are appreciated & have truly made a huge difference within each of your countries! YOU have become THE VOICE OF THE WE THE PEOPLE!

What you have done will go into history books. Q was just your catalyst & they help steer your digging but, it is EACH OF YOU that has made the GREAT AWAKENING a true period within our lives.

Many come to this board just to read the notables to get their REAL NEWS multiple times a day (I am one of them). I trust your notables more than ANY news outlet.

I’ve been here with you since Q started on half Chan…& it has been an amazing time to see how we have grown & how much YOU ALL have accomplished!

The MSM literally has their shit eaters here on every bread to shill, watch for Q posts & also get their breaking news. ANONS ARE THE NEWS NOW!


Be Proud of what you have accomplished & NEVER STOP DIGGING, MEMEING, & PRAYING!

Your hard work is paying off & JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED!