Anonymous ID: 38b13c Feb. 1, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.7996080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6097 >>6112 >>6138 >>6152 >>6160 >>6169 >>6183 >>6199 >>6248 >>6249 >>6318 >>6381 >>6388 >>6455 >>6481 >>6589 >>6630 >>6694

I don’t come here very often, mainly because I have no meaningful research to contribute.


Working, being a good husband and father sucks all my time and energy, so I barely get to lurk here from time to time, looking for some Truth. But I never get to help you.


Moreover that I process reality through introverted intuition, observation rather than by collecting facts and evidence.


However, without your work, I would be in the dark. THANK YOU.


I’ve been “woke” since I can remember, since school, I’m sure most of you feel the same. I think being woke is in the character, not a circumstance.


It’s a lonely fate. I’m sure most of you have had this experience.


I’m into the second-half of my life, however my Responsibilities are at their inception. I have a long way to go in order to fill them.


The thing is, knowing how difficult it is to thrive when woke… not fitting in, being unable to conform, I’m conflicted on how to best serve my children, for example.


I don’t want to start them into “the program” —already being brainwashed at school, where indoctrination supersedes knowledge—, while they already are owned by a dopamine dependency, hooked on electronics and jewtube retarded channels that only express negative thought-processes. Which they mimic.


The brainwashing is everyfuckingwhere…


Undoing all that evil is hard work. Incredibly hard work. And you can not just oppose it. One of the most fundamental laws in physics explains how the more pressure you exert, the more resistance you get.


So it’s not easy.


And ultimately, what am I trying to achieve? For them to do as I, to be educated, good people that can operate, function within the system?


I don’t know if I’m expressing myself correctly, here.


Not looking for answers, either. These are just rhetorical questions.


I’m just trying to express my complete estrangement. I’m at the end of the road, to be honest.


You guys are fighting for The Truth in these forums, I just come here to share how I do the same out here.


But I’m at the end of the road, as I said. Ran out of hopium long ago.


I’m really tired.


I earn my living by digging trenches, in full sun, in 100 degree heat. It’s not what I am, but the system threw me out there. Once you’re down there, you never get out (and yes, in case you’re wondering, I did learn to code! Amongst many other things. Doing uni degrees all these years is what distracted my mind from reality).


I can’t function as a slave anymore. My mind and my body are shattered. I don’t believe anymore, either. I think this war’s outcome is for everything to remain the same…


The good guys are cleaning the system up, quietly, resignations at the top, secret tribunals, making a seamless transition to new leaderships which they hope will renovate our societies.


What they haven’t factored is people like me, made to survive their entire life rather than live. Living paycheque to paycheque when things were good… too much pain and frustration to put behind. There’s just too much of it.


And then the outcome of this war has to be to pick yourself up and go join the normies, everyfuckinday, allfuckingday, and fill your slave duties.


And in your spare time, train your children to function within that system whilst trying to inspire them to develop and reach their potential, to ambition Responsible Liberty, to learn and create, to thrive, to remain positive, even optimistic, while they nevertheless enter the slave trade.


I can’t do this shit anymore.


I’m not going to suicide, either.


But I’m over it. I can’t do this anymore. I’m not about to meekly deliver my children to the matrix, either.


I’m angry as fuck and I don’t see a better future.