Anonymous ID: 3c097a Feb. 1, 2020, 5:28 p.m. No.7996311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6423 >>6559



It was almost perfect. Within days, Putin called for a poll of the Crimean people. Took 2 days. Remember the navy port, Sevastopol. Both Russian and Ukrainian ships & sailors there.


After the poll, Putin sent a few of his top military people to the Crimean base. Those officers and the top officers at the Russian base called for an emergency meeting with their Ukrainian counter parts.


at the meeting, the Russians gave the Ukrainians a choice. Free, protected and safe passage out of Crimea OR they could become Russian sailors. That day 80% of the Ukrainian sailors stationed in Crimea became Russian sailors.


20% were safely escorted north to Ukraine. Then the Crimean elections were held. 97% voted to join Russia. It was tough for them. Kiev shut of their electrical power. Even closed of a fresh water canal which supplied like half their water.


the Soros/Nuland/0bama goons did not get the prize. Sevastopol.

Anonymous ID: 3c097a Feb. 1, 2020, 5:55 p.m. No.7996573   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Same as in Malaysia. Had a good friend in Germany, in his 60's, meet this Malaysian lady in Portugal, or someplace in Europe. Married her. She talked him into buying land in Malaysia, try to turn it into a resort.


Took him a couple years to figure her out, she ran out. Cost him over a $million.