Anonymous ID: 5e7b1f Feb. 1, 2020, 5:55 p.m. No.7996577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6684

Hunter, Sam and the Sheikh: Hunter Biden’s Alleged Connection to Middle East Shakedown Artists


Hunter Biden’s corruption may not have ended in Ukraine, the hard partying politician’s son also met with a corrupt Sheikh who has illegally given massive contributions to Democrats about working on a project to unfreeze Libyan assets in 2015.


As the farce they call impeachment is winding down in the Senate, it has become obvious that no new witnesses will be called, and almost as likely that, if they are, Hunter Biden will not be among them.


It also now appears that the wayward Biden son has gotten away with not providing his financial records in his child support case in Arkansas.


Earlier this month Biden missed the court-imposed deadline to turn in five years’ worth of financial information. The records, which were demanded by Independence County Circuit Court Judge Holly Meyer, were in response to his failure to pay child support going back to 2018, and his claims that he was broke.


Judge Meyer had called for Biden to be held in contempt and he was ordered to appear in court on January 29th to face the Judge.


But as he usually does, Biden got out of it.


According to reports, Biden has now agreed to pay monthly child support to the mother, Lunden Alexis Roberts. He has also agreed to pay all the child support payments he missed, dating back to at least November 2018.


None of this is good news to those who are trying to determine just how corrupt Hunter Biden really is, because the facts are starting to show Ukraine is just the tip of a very big iceberg that could sink Papa Joe’s campaign.


Questioning of Hunter Biden, whether by U.S. Senator Rand Paul, or by lawyers in the Arkansas child support case could have been very enlightening.


Most Americans know about Hunter’s dirty dealings in the Ukraine and his father’s using his status as Obama’s Vice President to get him out of a tough scrape there. We are even starting to hear more about Hunter’s involvement in BHR and its dealings with Communist China, once again with his famous father’s help.


In fact, there are many close to the Biden family and Hunter in particular who claim it is a well-known fact that Hunter has never held a job he didn’t get with his dad’s help. While that, in itself, is not a crime, when all you’ve known is trading off your family’s good name, it is bound to put you into some shady company.

Anonymous ID: 5e7b1f Feb. 1, 2020, 5:56 p.m. No.7996586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6599



Coronavirus mark of the beast via hegelian dialectic


  1. Spread corona virus.

  2. Initially lie about severity

  3. Allow those effected to travel WW at the time of Chinese New Year to ensure maximum distribution.

  4. Use MSM to push huge amount of fear porn and deflect responsibility for the market collapse.

  5. Use fear porn to scare the masses then start locking down cities.

  6. Start controlling narrative about origins of virus, claim conspiracy theories about patents Bill Gates and co are false.

Anti-vaxxers push crazy coronavirus conspiracy on social media

Australian anti-vaccine activists have seized on debunked conspiracy theories to spread misinformation about the source of the deadly coronavirus outbreak, sharing false claims to suggest the disease was engineered in order to boost vaccine sales. Many of the posts being shared falsely connect the disease outbreak to a 2015 patent for an entirely different disease in the coronavirus family.

  1. Reliable facefuck starts hiding the truth.

Facebook says it will start removing fake posts and conspiracy theories about coronavirus

  1. Next claim figures are far worse and in fact a lot more people are infected.

  2. Whether they choose to kill a few million people next is still up for debate but I'm guessing they will or at least tell us that to ensure full compliance. Projection.

Bill Gates thinks a coming disease could kill 30 million people within 6 months – and says we should prepare for it as we do for war

  1. The rush for a vaccine, which mind you is already ready to go, used to stall roll out to allow pandemic to fester and grow.

  2. Push for full vaccine saturation WW.

  3. Those vaccinated have to receive the invisible tattoo, on hand or forehead???.

Bill Gates’ Plan to Use Invisible Ink to Tattoo Vaccination Status

  1. Those without the vaccine tattoo are not allowed to buy and sell, cause they might infect others which has long been the bullshit excuse behind the mandatory vaccine scheduling pushed by governments WW.. No t many question how such a retarded argument works.

  2. Tattoo on your hand most likely.

  3. Mark of the beast.

  4. Everyone is expecting an RFID chip something invented decades ago, no one is expecting a nano chip.

  5. People are now active on the 5G grid.

  6. Now your chipped you can be controlled, gene edited and will no longer be human.

  7. Your eternal soul lost forever.

  8. Be non-compliant they will just zap you from within warning or cause heart failure brain aneurysm you name it instant death if you really piss the AI control system off.

  9. Welcome to 1984.


I Pray to God in the name of the son, Jesus Christ, that this never happens.