Anonymous ID: b2b797 Feb. 1, 2020, 5:29 p.m. No.7996324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6407 >>6456 >>6493

I’m sorry, but I can’t resist.

Sorry for the jpegs,

And thanks for all the fish.


I made one reference to the postmaster stuff last bread. Neither endorsing or decrying. Just mentioning that it reminded me of the book The Crying of Lot 49, which has as a main engine to the plot a conspiracy about an alternate postal system and its power in the world. Pynchon is an interesting character in terms of “conspiracy.”


I get labeled a shill. Fine. Now I want to weigh in.

We’re anons. You have no way to verify this, and I’m not doxing myself. Not posting again today, either (places to be—been active on here all day).

I have a PhD in English. I looked into the quantum grammar thread. It does not stand up to my scrutiny in terms of how languages work, how grammar systems work, or how the English language has developed generally.

At best, it’s a different legal language than that which is taught in law school or referred to in legal dictionaries (which are different than standard, academic dictionaries). Legal language is a specialized and much more rigid category. I am not dismissing the concept as an alternate legal code (which would obviously have no actual authority). Someone trained in law would have to speak to that.

I am dismissing this as something that is not concordant with any reference material in general circulation, with any thoroughly discussed understanding of language. I would need to see actual documents which codify the quantum syntax to even begin considering the present proposals.


The most problematic part of the military dude’s video for me is his rhetoric.

He might not actually be saying that a (medical) doctor is a dock for the baby-vessel, but his presentation heavily implies that the system works that way, even hinges on it (to pick an early example). Very different origins to those words. I’m more deserving of being called a “doctor” than an MD is based on the original sense of the word (and no disrespect to Doctors (MDs) meant by that).


You can disregard.

I just an anon.

Still, you might read Pynchon?