Anonymous ID: bf1597 Feb. 1, 2020, 5:18 p.m. No.7996187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7993712 (PB)

>This is a whole other world of order right here right in our face.


>>7993712 (PB)

>This will not make sense to most. Just stay with me.



>>7995283 (LB)

Everything OLD is "new".


Some of us have known this shit for decades.


Many of you waking to these truths are the very people who derided and ridiculed those of us who were much further down the rabbit hole a very long time ago.


It is rather amusing to watch you guys "dig" for answers, as if you are finding something never known before, when ALL of this was known before. Literally, decades ago. The human trafficking. The Satanic Ritual. The bloodletting and cannibalism. The pedophilia. All of it. Already known.


Title 4 Flag, Admiralty Law, Maritime Law, Color of Law, Color of Title, Strawman. Absolutely none of this is new AT ALL. You guys haven't discovered/uncovered ZILCH.


Besides the Intel that directly pertains to the Q Psy-OP; current political events and insights surrounding POTUS, Q hasn't told many of us ANYTHING that we didn't already know. But do please continue with your Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew meets Scooby-Doo and the gang as you team up to discover "Mysteries" that were actually discovered decades ago.


And yeah, there are still a couple of WHOPPER REVELATIONS that NONE of you in 2+ years have even scratched the surface of.


>>7993712 (PB)

>Autistic thought process only for this one. I need to take a break before my brain bleeds.


Actually, considering that you just figured this out, (well, can't say that you figured out anything, you just happened to stumble across David Wynn Miller work), I wouldn't consider yourself as being that smart in the first place. "Autist" is a highly over-rated and over-used word.


Haters gonna hate. I don't fucking care.


All of this was ALREADY KNOWN. Every bit of it. You anons who think you are discovering these facts were either too young (to know or understand), or too deceived to listen to those of us who were telling you ALL of THIS decades ago.