Anonymous ID: d631ce Feb. 1, 2020, 5:11 p.m. No.7996106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6290 >>6298



In October 2018 the name of Mr AB came up again. Military warehouses of Chernigov had caught fire; allegedly thousands of shells stored for fighting the separatists had been destroyed by fire. And it was not the first fire of this kind: the previous one, equally huge, torched Ukrainian army warehouses in Vinnitsa in 2017. Altogether, there were 12 huge army arsenal fires for the last few years. Just for 2018, the damage was over $2 billion.


When Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios investigated the fires, he discovered that 80% of weapons and shells in the warehouses were missing. They weren’t destroyed by fire, they weren’t there in the first place. Instead of being used to kill the Russian-speaking Ukrainians of Donetsk, the hardware had been shipped from the port of Nikolaev to Syria, to the Islamic rebels and to ISIS. And the man who organised this enormous operation was our Mr AB, the old fighter for democracy on behalf of MI6, acting in cahoots with the Minister of Defence Poltorak and Mr Turchinov, the friend of Mr Biden. (They say Mr Matios was given $10 million for his silence).

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Vice News: Did the Islamic State go shopping for weapons in Ukraine?


Buried in the story was a claim that has tantalized journalists, and mystified weapons experts: The Islamic State has allegedly acquired missile launchers, the kind that can bring down a commercial airliner as it takes off and lands, on European soil. From Ukraine, no less — a country now awash with weapons and destabilized by political crises and 19 months of war against Russian-backed forces.


According to the report, the arrested ringleader — a Lebanese man named as Osama Khayat — had admitted to closing weapons deals at an undisclosed location in Ukraine. These arms allegedly included Chinese-made anti-aircraft missiles, also known as "man-portable air-defence systems" or MANPADS — specifically, FN-6 models — as well as other unidentified weaponry and telecommunications equipment. These, the report claimed, were shipped to Turkey and smuggled to IS fighters in the jihadist group's power base in Syria. An accomplice, a Syrian national named as Abdulkarim Mohammed Selem, was even said to have owned a Ukraine-based arms company.

Anonymous ID: d631ce Feb. 1, 2020, 5:24 p.m. No.7996251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6576 >>6603 >>6684

This example Causal Loop Diagram comes from the WHO course manual for investigators who are digging into health problems. Of course, investigators into criminal networks and intelligence analysts can make use of the same techniques.


> Causal Loop Diagram Course Participant Manual <


The course mentions a software package named Vensim. You can download Vensim PLE for free here:


Yes, you have to give a name and email address, but if you want to do real work in the real world and make a real difference, then you will stop cowering behind your computer, get off your sofa, and leave behind your days of being an armchair quarterback and cheerleader.


Remember, the Cabal would rather have you entertained with bread and circuses, than risk you becoming an effective enemy.


Investigative Journalists need backup from people who can dig through data, create causal loop diagrams, and figure out what forces are the root of the problem. Federal police forces need investigators who can dig through criminal networks and find out who is really in charge and how they control their minions.


CLDs can also help in following the money and value chains that prove bribery, kickbacks, or simple theft of taxpayer funds.

Anonymous ID: d631ce Feb. 1, 2020, 6:03 p.m. No.7996646   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It means Susucoin

If you click the Archive box at the lower left of your post, then the first n characters will be archives and signed in the Susucoin blockchain. I believe n = 500.


The point is that you can easily post a short message that will be saved forever. For the historians of the future.