Anonymous ID: f8e6e4 Feb. 1, 2020, 5:42 p.m. No.7996455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6508 >>6512



Yeah I have begun to share your outlook. The last few days I have been stuck in a black pilled loop. Mainly because of the Corona Virus.


Is this virus part of The Plan? If so it seems like a shitty plan because many are going to die.


If it's not part of The Plan, WTF happened to Project Looking Glass? How could this happen? It doesn't feel very much like Patriots are in Control when bioweapons are unleashed.


And yet the crazy shit we have seen happening in the last couple years is undeniable. There clearly has been the most incredible execution of the most incredible plan.


So how do we rationalize the apparent omnipotence of the patriots in control WW with the seriously bad shit that is happening to so many regular people in China? Did the cabal manage to pull one out their ass?


Or is this part of The Plan?


Is Satan real? Is the thought of Satan real? Does this imply we are in a simulation where Satan is prince of this world?


Is this how we escape the simulation? We all have to die? WWG1WGA?


Those good who know can't sleep.