Anonymous ID: 20fae4 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:53 p.m. No.7997172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7310

Past updates: >>7886559 lb, >>7894891 lb, >>7897071 lb, >>7900639 lb, >>7907339 lb, >>7912307 lb, >>7926240 lb, >>7927991 lb, >>7930548 lb, >>7935760 lb, >>7938038 lb, >>7941964 lb, >>7944325 lb, >>7950225 lb, >>7951105 lb, >>7962763 lb, >>7967695 lb, >>7974518 lb, >>7981576 lb, >>7987849 lb


Coronavirus Watch Update


BTW, the official name for this coronavirus is "2019-nCoV" - note that there are many other coronaviruses in existence, many of which have been identified with unique names.


Sorry I missed any updates - was doing stuff IRL - you can see saved screenshots at: - Archived 1 Feb 2020 17:02:24 UTC - Archived 1 Feb 2020 20:03:11 UTC


Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)

As of Jan 31, 2020 7 pm EST


Dashboard - Now Updating Hourly:

Archived at:


==Latest Stats and Deltas since I last posted the Dashboard update of 7 pm on 31 Jan 2020

(archived at

Total Confirmed Worldwide - 14,499 - Increase of 3125 additional patients

Total Deaths Worldwide - 304 (all in mainland China) - Increase of 45 additional deaths

Total Recovered - 339 (all in mainland China except for 1 in Japan, 5 in Thailand, 2 in Australia, 1 in Vietnam) - Increase of 87 additional recoveries


USA: 8 Confirmed Cases


Spreadsheet as of 1 Feb 2020 at 6 pm (Province/State, Country/Region, Last Update, Confirmed, Recovered, Deaths):




Good twats to monitor for local Chinese pix and vids of the situation - people are literally falling down in the streets - China heavily censoring outgoing news and social media so save offline whatever is important to you:


Authoritative info (more or less):


Citizen journalism, reports, info, reactions:




JHU press release about the development of the dashboard:

Archived at:



Save this Preparedness and Response Plan offline and share with your local docs and hospitals:


Cover letter/press release is at:

Archived at:


The Plan is at:

(unable to archive)


Johns Hopkins Institutions

2019 Wuhan Novel Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Plan

Version 2.0 Last Updated: January 22, 2020

Anonymous ID: 20fae4 Feb. 1, 2020, 7:05 p.m. No.7997310   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7996499 lb



>Anybody using the following link to follow infections - #'s out of China are WRONG

>Look at deaths - notice there's 'none' listed out of Wuhan

>If that were the case, are we to believe the source province of the virus has 0 deaths?

>How much are they leaving out on the total infected numbers then?



Note that Wuhan is part of the province named Hubei. See the spreadsheet below. Hubei has by far the greatest number of confirmed cases. Personnally, I wouldn't be surprised if they were off by an entire order of magnitude.




Spreadsheet (see cap):