Anonymous ID: 2d5b44 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:33 p.m. No.7996944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7122

Walking around without a protective face mask? Well, you can't avoid these sharp-tongued drones! Many village and cities in China are using drones equipped with speakers to patrol during the #coronavirus outbreak.


Global Times Twitter

Anonymous ID: 2d5b44 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:49 p.m. No.7997122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7134 >>7138 >>7149 >>7378


Army of drones deployed across China to disperse disinfectant


Footage has captured the drones hovering several metres above the ground as disinfectant liquid is sprayed from the underside of each machine. China's drone army fighting coronavirus: Farm, police and personal drones are repurposed to spray disinfectant over villages and cities hit by killer virus. An army of drones has been deployed in China to spray disinfectant over villages and cities that have been hit by coronavirus.


It is thought that the airborne devices are currently being used in the coastal provinces of Jilin, Shandong and Zhejiang. It is hoped that the disinfectant will prevent the killer virus from spreading further. One villager in the city of Heze, Shandong, offered his personal drone which was used to disinfect an area of 16,000 square metres (172,000 square feet) in a single morning. The unmanned aerial vehicles are proving to be a much faster method of delivering public hygiene than traditional means either on foot or by lorry.


Crop protection officer Qin Chunhong, from the village of Longfu, Sichuan, reportedly disinfected his village on January 30 using his own drone. He said: 'Drones can cover a much wider area and achieve very good disease prevention results. The respiratory disease presenting with similar symptoms to pneumonia is now a global health crisis, the World Health Organization declared yesterday.



Anonymous ID: 2d5b44 Feb. 1, 2020, 7:05 p.m. No.7997309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7327 >>7446

John Roberts Twitter

'''FoxNews Chief White House Correspondent. Husband of ABC correspondent


To anyone who thinks this might be me, I did not know Epstein, never met him, and certainly never flew on any of his aircraft.

Anonymous ID: 2d5b44 Feb. 1, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.7997446   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The inside story of how John Roberts negotiated to save Obamacare

Mon March 25, 2019


Chief Justice John Roberts arrived at the Valletta campus of the University of Malta on July 3, 2012, to teach a class on Supreme Court history. As he emerged from the back seat of a black sedan, he held his brown leather briefcase in front of him, almost as a shield. He wore a blue blazer, striped button-down shirt, and tan khakis. His clothes looked crisp, though his face was haggard. He was as exhausted and distressed as he had been in years. Roberts had left behind a storm in Washington over his opinion upholding President Barack Obama's health-care overhaul – the Affordable Care Act – a stunning validation of Obama's signature domestic achievement that transformed public perceptions of the chief justice. Republicans in Congress had been fighting the law dubbed Obamacare at every turn for two years, and all the GOP presidential candidates in 2012 had vowed to repeal it. And now Roberts, a nominee of President George W. Bush, had saved it. Going forward, the chief justice would be viewed with skepticism by conservatives, despite also having taken the lead on limiting racial remedies and voting rights, helping roll back campaign finance regulations and voting for stronger Second Amendment gun rights.


Roberts' moves behind the scenes were as extraordinary as his ruling. He changed course multiple times. He was part of the majority of justices who initially voted in a private conference to strike down the individual insurance mandate – the heart of the law – but he also voted to uphold an expansion of Medicaid for people near the poverty line. Two months later, Roberts had shifted on both. The final tallies, 5-4 to uphold the individual mandate and 7-2 to curtail the Medicaid plan, came after weeks of negotiations and trade-offs among the justices.


The ACA, signed by Obama in 2010, followed decades of failed attempts in Washington to control spiraling medical costs and provide Americans with higher-quality health care. It created a marketplace where the uninsured could buy coverage and protected people from being unable to get health insurance because of pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, cancer and other chronic illnesses. To support the system and draw in the healthy as well as the sick, the law required that most uninsured people obtain coverage (the "individual mandate") or pay a penalty, to be collected as part of an individual's annual taxes – a provision critical to the final ruling. The law also expanded Medicaid benefits to a wider range of needy individuals. The money for about 90% of that expansion would come from the federal government. But it would come with a strict condition: If states did not broaden their programs as dictated they would lose all Medicaid funds.
