Anonymous ID: 3f06e2 Feb. 1, 2020, 7:01 p.m. No.7997268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What happens when the roundup begins?


With all the noise created by the dems and media over the last 3 years how does the roundup not turn into a civil war with the opposition and even middle of the roaders freaking out.


In their freak out they consider the stuff trump is leading enforcing via AG Barr to be lawless. This is the precise narrative they are currently setting up. Heads will explode. Even mature adults are lacking the analysis and brain power to reconcile. The world is now just glancing at GIFs for 2 seconds. That's all the ability they have now.


The evidence needs to be staggering or this will get ugly.


BTW I miss coconut girl.