Anonymous ID: 67e4a9 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:25 p.m. No.7996858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6888 >>6890 >>6980 >>7054 >>7230

Part 1




It is with great regret that we must inform you of some news regarding the nCov-2019 “Coronavirus.”


My team, consisting of nine of the best biomedical researches known to the field, were contracted by the United States Department of Defense and placed amongst two satellite facilities whose location is currently classified. Together, we, along with multiple foreign researchers, have been working tirelessly sequencing and classifying nCov-2019. Preliminary results found at 21:00 last night have recently been confirmed by my team and two others in Asia and South Africa.


The Department of Defense, along with respective defense departments across the globe, have been briefed on the situation. Likewise, the departments have reiterated to the teams, including mine, to not convey the information I am about to post below. This being said, my team and myself have all swore an oath to science and humanity, and have agreed before accepting the contract to inform the populace of our results in the event the results suggest massive health risks. Consider this post a revocation of our contract, and relinquishment of all monies in association.


Due to the nature of this board’s existence, mission, philosophies, and total global reach, we have decided to post here despite the political annotation.

Anonymous ID: 67e4a9 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:25 p.m. No.7996863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6879 >>6904 >>6915 >>6980 >>7291 >>7306 >>7467 >>7484

Part 2


The following is our findings, in plain English for easier understanding.


nCov-2019, also described as 2019-nCov or known as “Coronavirus,” was reported to have started as Patient0 in a meat market in Wuhan, China. Despite multiple reports on the origin, along with current reports of multiple arrests associated with the virus’ outbreak through multiple countries, the results below are universal.


  1. The virus has been confirmed to have been engineered, with Coronavirus being the base medium at which additional genetic alterations were “installed.”


2a. Contagiousness is being classified at maximum. Confirmed: Airborne, contact(touch), bodily fluids including semen, blood, sweat, urine, fecal matter, saliva. (cont. in 2b)


2b. Animal Carriers. Testing is still underway, however it is confirmed that most mammalian fauna are susceptible to nCov-2019. Cross-species has been confirmed in Asia in canines and felines. Rodent results will be in tonight, possibly in the morning along with avian and amphibian/reptilian following shortly thereafter. Make no mistake, all governments involved are currently exhausting ALL possible resources, including no-limit financial assistance.


  1. nCov-2019 is on track to be reclassified as a “Full Global Pandemic.” Watch the news, as these will be the key terms. Infection rate is currently being simulated at the CDC in Atlanta. Latest report as of 13:00 today suggests over eighty-four percent of the global population will be infected within the next 30 days.


4a. Lethality is currently at sixty-seven percent. These metrics are difficult to measure, as causes of death are hard to determine. Those who died after being infected with nCov-2019 may have died from poor care and other external issues, as an example.


4b. My team has confirmed that many aspects of the virus have been engineered to be as contagious as possible, difficult to contain, difficult to treat, and near impossible to cure, however we are all working 20 hour shifts to try.


  1. Many preventative measures can assist in minimizing exposure. I’ll list them below.


Wash hands with antibacterial soap twice per hour. Sanitize with alcohol-based sanitizer after each washing and in between washes.


While unconfirmed, as a preventative measure wash your pets with antibacterial soaps. This includes dogs, cats, birds, and reptiles/amphibians.


Maintain a daily hygiene of one shower and shortened hair. Disinfect all surfaces that may contain bodily fluids. Bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms are hotbeds for bodily fluids. Use antibacterial surface cleaner.


Cover ALL sneezes, coughs, burps, and laughs. While not a mainstream method of infection, laughing and burping has a small chance to expel infectious materials in a large enough radius to infect small spaces such as elevators or public transportation. Sanitize hands/shoulder after every outward expelling of bodily fluids, and spray surfaces possibly in contact after the event.


Do not attempt coitus (sexual relations) with your significant other if you are feeling ill. Maintain this practice until symptoms are no longer present.


Do not share food or drinks. Period. Do not share utensils, food containment like tupperware or “share”-sized packaging. Teens tend to “waterfall” drinks to share, however nCov-2019 can survive inside liquids for hours. Refrain from this practice.


If you are feeling ill, do not travel. Containment is currently being stressed, please do not make it more difficult.


Do not storm stores for supplies. Attempts to stock up may result in an explosion of infections at the supermarket.


We will defeat this virus.


  • MedAnon


edit: while typing, I have been informed that dogs and cats are confirmed cross-species carriers. Wash and keep your pet’s hygiene at a maximum and do not let them come into contact with other pets. Although not confirmed, indication of canine/feline infectious capabilities suggests rodents as well. Do the same for your rodent pets

Anonymous ID: 67e4a9 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.7997018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7080



All Governments are exhausting every resource possible to contain nCov-2019 spread. China is ground zero. While tragically unfortunate, China has no practical option.

