Anonymous ID: 85b9d0 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:31 p.m. No.7996917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6939 >>6962

People have been missing the movie lists

That are sometimes posted

Before the signature of Q drops.


This one has three film titles

Red Wave

White Squall

In God We Trust


Let's look at them from bottom to top.

Bernie Madoff took the fall for running a Ponzi scheme rather than ratting out the people he was really working for. We all know why. Ratting on the Cabal means…

Crossing a Red Line

And that means that the Cabal will kill your family and all those near and dear to you. And then they will kill you.

So Bernie got a nice cushy prison sentence, alive.

And his family and friends got to pick up the pieces and go on with their lives.

The film "In God We Trust" begins to reveal the truth.

There was NO Ponzi scheme

It was a vast money laundering scheme that used investor's money and market manipulations to mask what was really going on and who really benefited. Many of the investors were not investing their own money, they were laundering money for a friend.


Here is the trailer:


And don't confuse it with the other film of the same name whose trailer was released at the same time, to fuck with the people who reveal their crimes.


White Squall is one we know well. It's about a bunch of people who discover that they are all in the same boat and that their well-being depends on setting aside ego and working together. Teamwork is the message. Within 4 years you will see that this extends to Russia and Space Force and the mining colonies on Moon and Mars.

Where We Go O(ne We Go All


Red Wave is a tougher nut to crack. Q did warn us that drops include disinfo. We have seen that sometimes two pieces of nonsense, googled together, lead to gold mines of open source info on the criminal Cabal. This may be like that.

On the one hand, the album Red Wave of Soviet underground rock bands teaches us that Russia is not what we thought. Even under the Communist yoke, there we free spirits there trying to improve life for all.

On the other hand, there is RedWave Productions, a film company from Atlanta that is making films outside of the Hollywood system. They don't need to bow and scrape before a fat-ass Weinstein-like pervert in order to get money. And they don't have people twisting their arm to tell the story the way that the big boss wants it told. Q is showing us the future of film-making, and if we want to, we can go and do that right now. No need to wait. The Cabal is now weakened and focussed on fighting Trump. Now is the time for us all to rise up, and to take actions in the real world.


Our chance of success has never been better

Anonymous ID: 85b9d0 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:43 p.m. No.7997056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7075

Some people are starting to notice that the Great Awakening

Is not like another four year election

But it is a Movement

A growing movement of people who take MAGA

More seriously than political labels.

These are people who are going beyond the ballot box

And stepping forward to…

Positive actions in the real world


Anonymous ID: 85b9d0 Feb. 1, 2020, 7 p.m. No.7997248   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Even the phrase

Alice & Wonderland

At the end of many Drops

Was a reference to a movie

But not the one that most people think of…


Dreamchild: The True Story of Alice and Wonderland

(1985 Movie Trailer)


> Remember…

> Good things come

> to those who DIG!


Anonymous ID: 85b9d0 Feb. 1, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.7997347   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You need to set up a 3D face model

And use FR software like this


Full details at the following URL

Anonymous ID: 85b9d0 Feb. 1, 2020, 7:17 p.m. No.7997424   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It appears that Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) Michael K Atkinson is married to Kathryn Cameron Atkinson who was named to Global Investigations Review: Women in Investigations, 2015. GPS Fusion’s Glenn Simpson’s wife Mary Jacoby worked at GIR and nominated Atkinson’s wife to the GIR Women in Investigations of 2015 publication.


Remember this 7 page letter?

Snakes everywhere crawling through the swamp.

And they are in league with the rats!