Anonymous ID: 8be601 Feb. 1, 2020, 7:21 p.m. No.7997462   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'Does POTUS have them in check re impeachment witnesses?

No witnesses, weak case?

Current witnesses, 1; sonland

sonland 'i want nothing, no Quid pro Joe'

w witnesses, wherz hunter.

hunter started all this in UKR w his dad

of course, he is part of the case

if not hunter, POTUS wouldn't ask about bidens/UKR

if POTUS doesn't ask, no impeachment

if POTUS doesn't ask, ignoring his duty

if hunter wasn't shady af, POTUS would need to ask

appears like bidens trying to cover up by blaming POTUS and trying to impeach him b4 POTUS/Ppl find out everything

Hannity will love that, 3 mil viewers; BOOM!

So when they say no witness, say 'ok'.

when they say witnesses, say 'wherz hunter'.

all the fake pomp in the World is NOT going to hide checkmate ds

try harder, running out of chances/ammo/Time

Public waking up

fake news ratings going down

it's obvious like a shill

it's over like a game

which 2 have been winning all along?

Master move: Vote all dems out, re-Elect POTUS, simple.
