Anonymous ID: b9187f Feb. 1, 2020, 6:19 p.m. No.7996785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7028

>>7996591 lb

Kekking out loud over here!! Crimea wasn't "invaded" nor was their referendum held "at gunpoint" so yes, it was very strictly within the bounds of and following to the letter, international law.

You mad Mike Rothschild, yeah, you mad!!


>>7996426 lb


Yikes! I read stuff on that site a long time ago. It was interesting and started off okay, but as you read their story you realize you're watching these people actually lose their minds. It was something I'll never forget.


>>7996067 lb

Thank you, anon.

The threaderapp link for the thread is:


One interesting thing that almost no one knows is this

Egypt knew neither Pharaoh nor Moses

Dr. Ashraf Ezzat's website

"The book’s title is not misleading. The author not only means every word of it but will also substantiate his claim with evidence-based findings.

"Dr. Ezzat, supported by a serious community of scholars and their amazing discoveries, will reveal one of the biggest acts of deception in history responsible for creating/concocting the myth of Egyptian Pharaohs. And yes, the whole story of Egypt ever being ruled by so called Pharaohs is nothing but a pure myth and a blatant deception.

The new evidence-based findings combined with the research carried out by the author of this book will help rid ancient Egypt of what otherwise seemed like a perpetual curse of (Jewish-made) Pharaohs.

Get ready to think the unthinkable and imagine the never thought imaginable, for if Egypt knew no Pharaohs then it goes without saying that Egypt never Knew Moses either. And if Moses never set foot in Egypt, then The Exodus’ road map into the Promised Land has to be redrawn.

"Now take a deep breath, and try to digest that the Israelite’s Promised Land is not in Palestine where the modern day Israel has been established for nearly six decades now. How is that for a paradigm shift, pretty huge eh?"

Anonymous ID: b9187f Feb. 1, 2020, 6:41 p.m. No.7997028   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Since the link to the book is not clear on the site, this link goes directly to the page that explains it

Ancient Egypt Knew No Pharaohs