Anonymous ID: e06bb0 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:35 p.m. No.7996962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Red Wave is a tougher nut to crack. Q did warn us that drops include disinfo. We have seen that sometimes two pieces of nonsense, googled together, lead to gold mines of open source info on the criminal Cabal. This may be like that.


>On the one hand, the album Red Wave of Soviet underground rock bands teaches us that Russia is not what we thought. Even under the Communist yoke, there we free spirits there trying to improve life for all.


>On the other hand, there is RedWave Productions, a film company from Atlanta that is making films outside of the Hollywood system. They don't need to bow and scrape before a fat-ass Weinstein-like pervert in order to get money. And they don't have people twisting their arm to tell the story the way that the big boss wants it told. Q is showing us the future of film-making, and if we want to, we can go and do that right now. No need to wait. The Cabal is now weakened and focussed on fighting Trump. Now is the time for us all to rise up, and to take actions in the real world.


seems very on point…

Anonymous ID: e06bb0 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.7997091   🗄️.is 🔗kun


definitely feeling something huge. every moment we've had to wait is for timing.


remember that. even the insignificant moments of nothing have been paramount leading up to whatever happens

Anonymous ID: e06bb0 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:54 p.m. No.7997183   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm trying to decipher all the new information for the actual actionable intel.


My goodness anons. There is a tangible solution right within our grasp, we just have to harness our collective power and make it happen.


we know that we have been falsely claimed as property and auctioned off as collateral for a loan that ended 20 years ago. we have been identified as a taxable 'vessel' and under the law of admiralty/maritime.


a whole host of our constitutional rights and BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS have been violated we do not even own ourselves.


We are 'cursed at birth'. our paperwork needs refreshing ( is this why VOTER ID? is this why new enhanced DL's for flying? )

old system only APPEARS to be active because we haven't updated to new system (the quantum one)


the BANKS have defrauded us, and any outstanding debt we have can be erased given we take the right steps. We can reclaim our souls/identity as sovereign beings.


^ This is where I need anon help.


Why do I keep getting the feeling like I'm the bad guy? Seriously?

Anonymous ID: e06bb0 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:58 p.m. No.7997238   🗄️.is 🔗kun





woooooo that's a list i dont have my hands on yet.


Anons, anyone have this list already? cause… thats a lot of text to look for missing letters and i'd hate to repeat if not necessary..

Anonymous ID: e06bb0 Feb. 1, 2020, 7:05 p.m. No.7997308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7345 >>7361


odd they would get that word wrong, and you would correct it….


considering how significant connotation is to the matter at hand.


(postmaster, our rights, good v evil, neutral courts, "doublespeak")


"Connotation" branches into a mixture of different meanings. These could include the contrast of a word or phrase with its primary, literal meaning (known as a denotation), with what that word or phrase specifically denotes. The connotation essentially relates to how anything may be associated with a word or phrase, for example, an implied value judgement or feelings.[2]



In logic and semantics, connotation is roughly synonymous with intension.[3] Connotation is often contrasted with denotation, which is more or less synonymous with extension. Alternatively, the connotation of the word may be thought of as the set of all its possible referents (as opposed to merely the actual ones). A word's denotation is the collection of things it refers to; its connotation is what it implies about the things it is used to refer to. The denotation of dog is (something like) four-legged canine carnivore. So saying, "You are a dog" would connote that you were ugly or aggressive rather than literally denoting you as a canine.[4]

Related terms


It is often useful to avoid words with strong connotations (especially pejorative or disparaging ones) when striving to achieve a neutral point of view. A desire for more positive connotations, or fewer negative ones, is one of the main reasons for using euphemisms.[5]


Semiotic closure, as defined by Terry Eagleton, concerns "a sealed world of ideological stability, which repels the disruptive, decentered forces of language in the name of an imaginary unity. Signs are ranked by a certain covert violence into rigidly hierarchical order. . . . The process of forging ‘representations’ always involves this arbitrary closing of the signifying chain, constricting the free play of the signifier to a spuriously determinate meaning which can then be received by the subject as natural and inevitable".[6]


>"signifier" ?


"The picture will be the signifier"


the actual photo .jpg, or the figurative "picture" that we've built in our heads about this Postmaster stuff?


see how language is utterly demolished?


now i'm thinking of georgia guidestones and the living language.

Anonymous ID: e06bb0 Feb. 1, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.7997345   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Euphemism comes from the Greek word euphemia (εὐφημία) which refers to the use of 'words of good omen'; it is a compound of eû (εὖ), meaning 'good, well', and phḗmē (φήμη), meaning 'prophetic speech; rumour, talk'.[3] Eupheme is a reference to the female Greek spirit of words of praise and positivity, etc. The term euphemism itself was used as a euphemism by the ancient Greeks; with the meaning "to keep a holy silence" (speaking well by not speaking at all).[4]