Anonymous ID: eee8f1 Feb. 1, 2020, 6:45 p.m. No.7997085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7159 >>7238 >>7469 >>7494



Found the web page with all the "War Castle" videos on it - 14 in all.


So far I have only watched the first one.


I see some of you have watched also, but the one thread you all seem to tug at is the Postmaster one.


What I want to know about is this assertion that in 1999, the 3rd International Bankruptcy expired & we were a hair's breadth away from losing our independence & becoming property of Great Britain again…




Is this true??? Have any anon's ever done digs on this?


I've been mostly a lurker for about 2 years, and this is the 1st I've ever heard such a thing.


But the gist of what he said - if I understood correctly- was that we were set to become part of Britain again, thus part of the EU, thus the last major domino to fall & make way for the NWO to become reality.


He seemed to imply that the FEMA camps, ample supply of coffins, etc, was to deal with us patriots that wouldn't willingly go along with their plan.


Am I misunderstanding??


Apologies if this is old news… It's new to me, & I find it quite disturbing that we may not actually be out from under the crown after all.


Here's the site with the videos:


They're the ones labeled "War Castles"