Anonymous ID: 31751b Feb. 1, 2020, 8:12 p.m. No.7997927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7976 >>8029 >>8199 >>8234

The following video and photographs were taken by members of the Task Force after passing through Vale, Oregon on US Highway 26 after one of the members spotted a demonic looking tree that escaped the attention of the others.


This location is literally in the middle of nowhere with limited WI-FI and no population surrounded by very high mountain hills.


Two ‘shoe trees’ were observed. On each end of the stretch of highway where the trees were seen there appeared to be outposts. On one end (before we came upon the trees) was a camper in the middle of nowhere. On the other end (after we saw the second tree) we saw an outpost manned by a live person in a tent who had no vehicle.


Tunnel openings could be seen in the hills.