Anonymous ID: 41c5ae Feb. 1, 2020, 8:06 p.m. No.7997872   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Most of the geological features that they attribute to "glaciers", were not actually caused by ice. It's all bull shit. Uniformitarians have absolutely no imagination, so the only theory they could come up with, was to invent whole whole tens of thousand year periods of fabricated "records" in order to "explain" Nature.


Uniformitarians were not supposed to mention any type of catastrophic event, because it would give the credibility to the catastrophists, and other things like "Creation" "myths". So, instead of looking into the matter scientifically, the uniformitarians chose to slander the catastrophists by saying that it was they who were stupid for believing literal interpretations of the Bible, which still goes on to this very day. There is plenty of evidence that SHTF in the "Biblical" days, so to say. But it was not exclusive to one region. There were multiple global catastrophes that occurred in the relatively recent past of our planet.


Funny thing is, even though uniformitarians made a bunch of shit up, just to avoid the notion of catastrophe, they still needed one to wipe out the dinosaurs. So, technically, at the very least, you have to consider that the catastrophists were definitely on to something. Worth taking a deep dive into if you're in to that kind of thing.


Darwinian "evolution" via "natural selection" is propaganda that has been woven into the core beliefs of several generations. It's so wrong on so many levels. I can't stand clown world