Anonymous ID: a379f3 Feb. 1, 2020, 8:28 p.m. No.7998060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8074 >>8099 >>8122 >>8125



IP hopping may be occurring. Nature of work and location may be triggering it. I’m not IT, however the Department of Defense subcontracted all IT jobs for this operation. Hearing that Team 3 (Asia) may have had a break in viral security.


Being told by colleagues that relocation as early as the next hour may be required. Never have I ever seen this amount of urgency.


I can only guess that Team 3 has tested positive for the virus. Will report as soon as my new station is established.


DoD so far has not contacted my team about these posts.



Anonymous ID: a379f3 Feb. 1, 2020, 8:52 p.m. No.7998246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8254

Current Info (typing live)

Team 3 (Asia) has gone silent. I have personally attempted to contact colleagues there. Hearing reports of viral break, however all communications have ceased from their location.


Awaiting callback from Team 2…


Team 2 response, “hasn’t had contact with T3 for over an hour.” Believes “T3 may have had a viral break.”


DoD contract states, “any external contamination as a result of human or mechanics error will result in immediate ceasing of the local operation”


edit: Email from T3 suggests Asia Team may have found a viable cure. Says human trials are not possible due to time constraint.


If true, Team 3 may be attempting to use their cure on themselves. Silence is highly unusual.


edit 2: T3 communication reestablished. Cure administered to subject “Jackie” Doe…


edit 3: “Jackie” Doe shows signs of immediate relief. Awaiting phlebitic reaction results…


edit 4: Results positive for extermination of nCov-2019. Preliminary results indicate that those infected will always be carriers, however no longer symptomatic.


edit 5: Communications silent as Chinese government begins administering airborne cure.




The relief being displayed on my colleagues faces right now is truly a force. Executive being briefed shortly. Relocation for cure development and distribution.


Considering the chances of finding a cure were estimated to have been below three percent, T3 finding it tonight really makes me rethink just what is helping us right now. No way we are alone, here.

