Anonymous ID: e775be Feb. 1, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.7997835   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun






Definition of period


(Entry 1 of 2)

>1 : the completion of a cycle, a series of events, or a single action : conclusion

2a(1) : an utterance from one full stop to another : sentence

(2) : a well-proportioned sentence of several clauses

(3) : periodic sentence

b : a musical structure or melodic section usually composed of two or more contrasting or complementary phrases and ending with a cadence

3a : the full pause with which the utterance of a sentence closes

b : end, stop

>4 obsolete : goal, purpose

5a(1) : a point . used to mark the end (as of a declarative sentence or an abbreviation)

(2) โ€”used interjectionally to emphasize the finality of the preceding statement

I don't remember โ€” period

b : a rhythmical unit in Greek verse composed of a series of two or more cola

6a : a portion of time determined by some recurring phenomenon

b(1) : the interval of time required for a cyclic motion or phenomenon to complete a cycle and begin to repeat itself

(2) : a number k that does not change the value of a periodic function f when added to the independent variable especially : the smallest such number

c : a single cyclic occurrence of menstruation

7a : a chronological division : stage

b : a division of geologic time longer than an epoch and included in an era

c : a stage of culture having a definable place in time and space

8a : one of the divisions of the academic day

b : one of the divisions of the playing time of a game


what period are we in, coach?