Anonymous ID: 000000 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:09 p.m. No.7998366   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is an OTC antiviral for HSV1.

Never thought before that it might be broadly antiviral.

Most likely it's nothing for Corona. Might even make it worse.

Maybe it works on HSV2?

Be me. HSV1 since childhood.

Read labrat study. Resveratrol effective for HSV1.

Try it. The tingles stop within an hour.

Dose dependent response.

Small doses slows and limits progression.

Big doses stops it dead.

I usually take it for a few days after symptoms.

Minor complications if you take it long enough like mild tendonitis.

I've done this dozens of times over many years.


I don't mean to offer false hope. It keeps me up at night not sharing this though.

I intend to use it on myself if Corona comes calling.


Cheap stuff from Amazon works well. GNC stuff works but seems low potency and has a big price.

I take about 16gm/kg two or thee times per day during an outbreak.

Standard this isn't medical advice disclamer.

I am not involved in health care. I just read their papers.

Sourced from some very common Chinese invasive plant.