Anonymous ID: 0faa20 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:02 p.m. No.7998314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8387 >>8432 >>8458 >>8673 >>8779 >>8927

About time people start fighting back…WHY isn't this in the American MSM


Florida House panel to debate bill criminalizing sex-change surgeries & puberty blockers for kids, as 5 other states consider bans


A bill that could make it a felony to perform sex-change surgeries on minors as well as inject them with drugs to delay puberty is set to go before a Florida House subcommittee next week, as more states eyeing similar motions.


The ‘Vulnerable Child Protection Act’ will be on the agenda of the Florida House Quality subcommittee as it meets on Monday.


The bill is sponsored by Republican Rep. Anthony Sabatini, who has long opposed the practice that permits a doctor to treat underage patients suffering from ‘gender dysphoria’ with medicine that slows the onset of puberty and to perform sex-change surgeries on them, providing their parents OK the procedure.


“Common sense,” the lawmaker tweeted on Saturday, welcoming the news of his proposal moving forward.


Common sense

— Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini) February 1, 2020


If passed, the law would make it a second-degree felony for any health care provide to engage in the activity aimed at altering a minor’s sex.


When he filed the bill back in January, the lawmaker compared the sex-changing treatment to maiming, tweeting that “no parent should be allowed to sterilize or permanently disfigure a child.”

Anonymous ID: 0faa20 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:04 p.m. No.7998332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8394 >>8474

All Charges Dropped For Laura Loomer Trespassing on Governor Newsom’s Mansion

The court's decision comes two months after Laura protested sanctuary city policy on Newsom's front lawn.


Political activist Laura Loomer was in Sacramento Superior Court today after being prosecuted for trespassing on California Governor Gavin Newsom’s mansion nearly 2 months ago.

Loomer, with the help of conservative radio host Ben Bergquam, was protesting Newsom’s questionable sanctuary city policies on his front lawn.

The DA wanted them sentenced to 15 days in jail, 3 months of probation, and a trespass notice to stay away from the Governor’s mansion.

This morning, Loomer and Bergquam’s attorney, David Wohl, was able to get all charges dismissed.


Prompted by the debate on illegal immigration, Laura Loomer and Ben Bergquam protested against California Governor Gavin Newsom’s sanctuary city policies at his Sacramento mansion in late January of this year. After jumping over Newsom’s fence onto his property and with loudspeaker in hand, Laura and her crew attracted the attention of local police rather quickly. She and Bergquam were both arrested and charged with trespassing.


The DA wanted them to go to jail, but all charges were dismissed after a court hearing this morning in Sacramento.

Anonymous ID: 0faa20 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.7998363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8431

The Vindman Twins Are Creatures of John Bolton

The American people have the former national security advisor to blame for the presence of the self-serving brothers on the National Security Council staff.


During his four decades as an accumulator of power in the nation’s capital, a holder of high offices in the State Department, and finally a stint as President Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton has been well known for his scrupulous attention to the hiring and firing of his staff.


He always has demanded unwavering personal loyalty as well as fealty to his own—not his president’s—policy agenda. He has performed the most rigorous vetting on all who have been selected to serve on his various staffs, both the small number of political appointees a political appointee such as himself is allowed to have as well as the more numerous personnel selected from the foreign service, civil service, military services, and intelligence agencies.


The extremes to which Bolton goes to enforce his Bolton-centric scheme of things were exposed dramatically in the episode of his handpicked choice as deputy national security advisor, Mira Ricardel. The latter had a well-deserved reputation as “Bolton’s Bolton”—that is, a screamer, a browbeater, and a toxic boss par excellence. Ricardel’s exercises in Attila the Hun’s management methods were so over-the-top that they attracted the displeased attention of First Lady Melania Trump, who took the rare step of publicly calling for Ricardel’s dismissal. Ricardel had denigrated and disparaged members of the first lady’s staff

Anonymous ID: 0faa20 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:18 p.m. No.7998425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8507

The Movie is starting to get better then halfway decent and moved into the good category…Won't even call it a B movie anymore and even made popcorn(Haven't eaten any yet) kek


Bill Barr Assigns His Top Counsel at DOJ to Oversee Lingering Mueller Cases


US Attorney General Bill Barr assigned his top aide to be the interim US Attorney in Washington, D.C. to oversee the lingering Mueller cases.


Mr. Barr chose his top counsel at the DOJ, Timothy Shea, to replace outgoing US Attorney Jessie Liu to “oversee some of the lingering cases from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.”


And the lefties are triggered.


While the position does require senate confirmation, federal judges may vote to appoint a US Attorney after a 120 day window.


General Mike Flynn recently withdrew his guilty plea, after federal prosecutors in a sentencing memo sought to put him in prison for up to six months.


Shortly after Flynn withdrew his guilty plea, federal prosecutors from the US Attorney’s Office backed down from their sentencing recommendation and asked for probation instead of prison.

Anonymous ID: 0faa20 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.7998577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8673 >>8927

Hindu Mahasabha Leader Shot Dead in Indian State of Uttar Pradesh


This is the second murder of a right-wing Hindu political party leader of late in Uttar Pradesh. In October 2019, national president of the Hindu Samaj Party Kamlesh Tiwari was also shot dead in the city of Lucknow.


A leader of the party Hindu Mahasabha (All India) from northern Uttar Pradesh was shot dead by two assailants on motorcycles in the heart of the state capital Lucknow on Sunday morning. Ranjeet Bachchan, a resident of the Gorakhpur district and home to the state Chief Yogi Adityanath, was on a morning walk along with his brother when the assailants opened fire at them.


लखनऊ में हज़रतगंज के उस जगह की पहली तस्वीरें जहां पर हिंदू महसभा के नेता #रंजीत_बच्चन की सरेआम गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई! यूपी पुलिस मौके पर पहुंच गई है! @ranveerabp @ABPNews

— Sumit Awasthi (@awasthis) February 2, 2020


​While the politician died on the spot, his brother has been admitted to hospital in critical condition.

Anonymous ID: 0faa20 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.7998664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8681 >>8714 >>8732

Oh My! 40% of Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Spending Went to Loverboy’s Firm


Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch requested an ethics investigation in September into whether Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) improperly used campaign funds for her paramour, Tim Mynett.


Judicial Watch expanded their request for an ethics investigation into Ilhan Omar after previously demanding a probe into allegations of marriage fraud, immigration fraud, tax fraud and identity fraud.


There is overwhelming evidence that Ilhan Omar married her own brother to defraud US immigration. She also may have perjured herself several times in her divorce statements.


Judicial Watch says there is enough evidence for the Justice Department to launch a criminal investigation into Ilhan Omar.

Anonymous ID: 0faa20 Feb. 1, 2020, 10:02 p.m. No.7998741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8769


>Many years ago as a young man of 19yo, on a USN ship I was given a vision, that I would see the end of this corrupt system we humans have endured in for many years


1948+80(usual lifetime of a generation..Not exact)=2028….You'll make it ..God willing ..Mind you just a Hypothesis on my part

Anonymous ID: 0faa20 Feb. 1, 2020, 10:08 p.m. No.7998777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8814 >>8927

Iranian National Charged with Bank Fraud and Lying to Federal Agents in Connection with a Scheme to Use the U.S. Financial System to Send More Than $115 Million to Iranian Individuals and Entities


The Department of Justice announced that Bahram Karimi was charged with conspiring to commit bank fraud, bank fraud, and making false statements in connection with his involvement in a joint project initiated by the Governments of Iran and Venezuela in which more than $115 million was illegally funneled through the U.S. financial system for the benefit of various Iranian individuals and entities. The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Alison J. Nathan.


“Karimi allegedly conspired in an infrastructure project initiated by the Governments of Iran and Venezuela,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers. “He then lied to banks about Iranian involvement and took advantage of the U.S. financial system to benefit Iranian parties. The Department of Justice will continue to prosecute those who misuse our financial system in violation of U.S. sanctions.”


“As alleged, Bahram Karimi knowingly and willfully facilitated the circumventing of sanctions against Iran, and then lied about it to FBI agents,” said U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman for the Southern District of New York. “Karimi allegedly enabled the concealed transfer through U.S. banks of more than $100 million from a Venezuelan state-owned company to an Iranian construction firm, and when questioned, told the agents he didn’t know that was prohibited by the sanctions.”


“At the end of the day, these charges reflect the use of our financial system to generate U.S. dollars for Iranians and Iranian entities. That’s why our government has robust sanctions in place against Iran and Iranian entities who seek to use the U.S. banking system for their own benefit,” said Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney, Jr of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).


As alleged in the Superseding Indictment and statements made in court filings and proceedings: