Anonymous ID: 43b98c Feb. 1, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.7998724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8747



The first PDF is the article from 2010 that Ron referred to.


2nd is a discussion of 2019-nCoV and Wuhan's virology lab that caused to delete the user's account entirely.


And 3rd is another article where someone looks at the Coronavirus timeline and suspects an accidental release of the pathogen. Of course that might mean it got out before they were ready to let it out, or some employee helped it escape before they cranked it up to 11 on the dangerous scale.

Anonymous ID: 43b98c Feb. 1, 2020, 10:31 p.m. No.7998911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8943 >>9023



We don't clean out Israel

It is a sovereign nation that cleans out itself

However we do help the good guys on their side by doing things that the bad guys do NOT like, such as moving the embassy to Jerusalem.


Remember this plan was created long ago, maybe in Reagan's time, and maybe even back in Eisenhower's. Trump was born into this plan, his father raised him for an important role in the New York context. Trump was sent to NYMA on purpose because that is where the breakaway society of Germans NJMZa had their base. Remember Trump started out as Batman with his sidekick Rudy, a millionaire playboy by day and undercover crimefighter by night.


NYMA is in upstate New York. The X-Men's school, Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters is in upstate New York. The Avengers are trained in upstate New York at the New Avengers Facility after moving out of a Trump Tower-like location.


I think NYMA was also used by the Cabal, but whitehats within it, were selecting special young men for a different role. Like in Godfather III there were people from the Families who were taking the Family business legit.


Back to Israel. Long term planning…

Putin got his job as Russia's President in a sort of coup where the existing President, and senior powerful oligarchs decided that they were being tricked by the Americans and would do better on their own. Then, Putin stared them all down, like the way Trump stared down the banks when he could not make his mortgage payment. In Trump's case the banks decided they did not want to own a building so they made a deal. In Putin's case the Siloviki (most powerful oligarchs) realized that there was no other choice but chaos, so they made a deal. And Putin's deal was quite simple. Pay your taxes and invest in Russia. During Yeltsin's years, the Americans were steadily working to weaken Russia and strip everything of value so it would break apart into several divided and weak states. Of course there were many military people who were PRETENDING to shut down factories, while they kept things going in secret, even developing improved weapons.


So, in Russia, Putin began a 20 year crackdown on corruption. Last time I was there and tried to bribe someone to just fake ethnic status on a replacement birth certificate, they told me (in 2011) that '''A Job Is Worth More Than Money). Tells me that in one decade Putin had transformed the culture. And I also know from experience that Ukraine got even worse to where even honest people pay bribes, even though they do not like it.


Oligarchs who would not play ball were punished, like Khodorkosvky. Others just left and fucked with Russia from Israel or England. Berezovsky regularly funded terrorists and any kind of opposition/criminal groups he could, not just in Russia but all the other ex-Soviet republics. But under Putin's management things got better in Russia year by year for everybody, as long as they were not corrupt. Putin runs the country like a business executive, not a dictator. He has been very successful because Russia is a resource-rich country and it's people are highly educated. A Four year degree in college in the USA is roughly equivalent to Freshman year in a Russian University.


And the really stupid leaders of Western countries gave Putin a present that he took straight to the bank. They imposed sanctions on Russia. It's as if they haven't a single clue about how economics works. This meant that Putin could promote import-replacement all over the country, and any hardships were blamed on the foreigners. And it meant that all that spending by Russians, stayed in their own economy and drover that engine right up into boom times.


Meanwhile, Putin made it easy for Russians with Jewish ancestry to make Aliyah. So they went to the warm climate of Israel in droves. American Jews may like to visit Israel, but they don't want to live there. End result is that the 20% of Israel that is ethnic Russian has transformed the country and its culture, and they don't like the Cabal at all because they are very sensitive to the ideas of socialism and Communism. Russians know that this really means that a small Cabal of Party members live like Gods and everyone else has to serve them.