Anonymous ID: 452fd3 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.7998602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8632

'Americans should DEMAND we start arresting Democrats who conspired to overthrow the president of the United States.


Who’s with me on this?'

Anonymous ID: 452fd3 Feb. 1, 2020, 10:22 p.m. No.7998865   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'Nice work Anons.

The World is changing.

Were Anons a factor of that change?

Did we gather great wins Together?

#TheFlippening always cracks me up.

1 day Anons be like 'how come they don't do polls anymore'. kek

1 day Anon be like 'wow, we did it'.

i nearly tear-up now thinking of then.

But i know, only together.

So i PRAY (you) and we ALL work together.


'all your))) ships belong to USALL'

'we are on a ship'

o7 SwordAnon

GO TwtPro!

America, enjoy your coffee and the show.

Anons get the news out.

Truth to the Voters, how will they Vote?

If they know what you know, how will they Vote?

Teach them, w priorities on top.

Notables are the easiest.

Hijacking hash is the easiest.

Sometimes doing the hardest makes people look thrice.

You can do what has never been done before, but only Together.

1000 people doing 1000 dif things will go no where.

1000 people focused, BOOM.

One day, w Truth to more, defeat any poll, any Vote.

Truth will keep us clear of Socialism.

Too bad Venezuela didn't learn in time.

Did Canada learn in time?

How did they Vote?

Luckily WE had Q and Anons.

Luckily America had POTUS.

If you weren't having impact, would the shills be here?'

Anonymous ID: 452fd3 Feb. 1, 2020, 10:34 p.m. No.7998938   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'whoa ty, makes a nice meme kek

Biden won't like it if Social gets this out.

On the big moves, be sure to confirm.

Last thing we want is big move fake news, kek.

Confirm, then Social.

Biden will be up early yelling at the reporters.

'Stop asking Questions about Hunter. Do your job and go ask him about blank straps.'

When ALL work together, who has the power?

Even less than 10 can change the World, maybe.

Especially if we help them.'

Anonymous ID: 452fd3 Feb. 1, 2020, 10:40 p.m. No.7998979   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'We have many talents and skills, able to overcome fake news if there were more of us.

However, the grind is real and work scares many away.

Sometimes skeleton crew.

In those times, do what is possible w this thought in mind, 'get News(Truth) to the People'.

It's a 3 part game.

dig, meme, PRAY gives us the MAP.

We become the News.

But only if we share the News the best we can.

Distribution is hardest, trickiest, fixed against (you).

Think around the problem and most importantly work together.'

Anonymous ID: 452fd3 Feb. 1, 2020, 10:45 p.m. No.7999015   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'Great Nights and Days we've had together.

Great Nights and Days we still have now.

ds on their))) back heel.

No left or right to run.

All are exposed if the People look.

Glass jaw exposed by LIGHT.

Anons preparing the final blow.

1 final countermove.

Their master piece w the help of Autist and Patriots.

WW watching (you), hoping for your GREAT win.

Very close now, 12 months left.

Final bosses are not easy.

W moar, mission easier.

Perhaps more is the mission.

Last Star Fighter, prepare your boat.

WE are on a ship, we can work together.

We can survive the storm.

We know how.

We know who has the power.

We know they want Truth and Notables.

We will not fail them.

They will have to fail us.

