Anonymous ID: 4b0a98 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:11 p.m. No.7998385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8397



Some old digs


Had seen the name Optima in relation to Ukraine Companies while digging telecoms/illegal activity/trollfarms from companies owned by Ukrainian Oligarchs, which led into China ties.

Rough notes but context is there.

There are a bunch of companies under the "Optima" name, connected to Igor Kolomoisky.

This deals with Optima Telecom in Ukraine.


System capital Management acquired Optima Telecom in 2005

In 2005 Ukraine's leading financial and industrial group System Capital Management has acquired Farlep-Invest Holding and Optima Telecom, and consolidated these assets into Farlep-Optima group. From 2005 to 2008 SCM has acquired and successfully merged a number of assets, including companies CSS, IP Telecom, Matrix, Vilcom, and over 30 others.


Farlep is actually the operational management arm of Vega Telecommunicatioins

Vega Telecommunications Group is among the leading players of the Ukrainian market of fixed telephony, broadband Internet access and data transfer.



System Capital Management is A major Ukrainian financial and industrial holding company Controlled by Rinat Akhmetov.

Rinat Akhmetov is a Ukranian Billionaire businessman and oligarch. Accusations of ties to organized crime have never stuck. He is a practicing Sunni Muslim.

Released in a WikiLeaks diplomatic cable, Volodymyr Horbulin, one of Ukraine's most respected policy strategists and former presidential advisor, told the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine in 2006 that the Party of Regions, which "enjoyed deep pockets, being largely financed by billionaire Donetsk boss Rinat Akhmetov" is partly composed of "pure criminals" and "criminal and anti-democracy figures".[37] In a U.S. diplomatic cable dated 3 February 2006, then U.S. Ambassador John Herbst referred to Akhmetov's Party of Regions as "long a haven for Donetsk-based mobsters and oligarchs" and called Akhmetov the "godfather" of the Donetsk clan

. The largest company in the SCM Group is Metinvest, which is a mining and steel business and is generally agreed to be Ukraine's largest private business and is one of the larger steel businesses in Europe.

Following the Orange Revolution, Akhmetov was pivotal in arranging a lasting relationship between his employee and close friend Paul Manafort and defeated presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovich.[79] Also, Akhmetov ensured proper translation services for Manafort through Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russia Army trained linguist and known Russian intelligence operative that operates Manafort's office in Kiev.[80] Kilimnik has been central to collecting fees owed to Manafort's company by the Russia-friendly political party called Opposition Bloc.[80]

Manafort asked Kilimnik to pass the data to Ukrainians Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov.

Rinat Akhmetov and Viktor Pinchuk purchased a steel factory, Kryorizhstal, in 2004.

In 2004 Pinchuk and Rinat Akhmetov, two of Ukraine's richest men, acquired the Kryvorizhstal steel factory for about $800 million.[5] Later, the first Tymoshenko Government reversed this sale, and held a nationally-televised repeat auction that netted $4.8 Billion.



Anonymous ID: 4b0a98 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:13 p.m. No.7998397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8631 >>8985




Why did the Ukrainian oligarch “overpay” himself more than $42 million for his own coal earlier this year? One of the local experts says the businessman is just compensating for his losses from the Donbass blockade and assets nationalized in Lugansk and Donetsk. “On the one hand, money is taken out of the country and transferred to the accounts of his own company in U.S. as profit. On the other hand, growth of expenses on coal, and consequently, on metallurgical production allows reducing profits and paying less taxes. At the same time, this does not affect the group’s rating as the money remains in the company. Only the state budget of Ukraine suffers from all this,” the expert says.


He is sure that businesspersons holding oil refineries and car filling stations practiced such “compensation schemes.” “Oil refineries were publishing their losses, while the profits are transferred to car filling stations,” the expert told EADaily. “The idea was to optimize tax burden. For instance, 43% of Kremenchug oil refinery belongs to the state, but operational control is in the hand of Privat Group of Igor Kolomoisky. If oil refinery generated profits for the accountable period, it would have to share it with the state. If the margin was transferred to car filling stations owned by Privat, there was nothing to share with the state. One can see a similar situation with import of coal from U.S. Artificial reduction of profits of Metinvest’s metallurgical combines enables the group to evade profit tax in Ukraine.”


*Side note these threads deal with Rinat, Kolomoisky, and Pinchuk +IMF



System Capital Management also owns Urktelecom

Ukrtelecom JSC (Ukrainian: Укртелеком) (PFTS: UTLM) is Ukraine's monopolist telephone company, also active in Internet service providing and mobile markets. The company was governed by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of Ukraine with 92.9% shares belong to government until Austrian investment firm EPIC bought a 92.79 percent stake in Ukraine's main fixed-line operator Ukrtelecom UTLM.PFT from the Ukrainian government for $1.3 billion.[3] This stake was resold to System Capital Management of Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov.[4]



As noted by its press service, in late December 2015 Ukrtelecom signed long-term strategic partnership agreements for financial and technical support with China Development Bank (CDB) and Huawei, with the aim of completing the modernisation of its network and accelerating the expansion of advanced telecoms facilities across Ukraine