Anonymous ID: 51aaee Feb. 1, 2020, 10:07 p.m. No.7998768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8862


>The 2020 Super Bowl halftime show

Marks the upmteenth year I haven't given a shit about a stupid, occult-filled annual ritualistic indoctrination ceremony woven into the fabric of our pre-programmed "society", that glorifies a "sport" that has caused generations worth of brain damaage, while simultaneously subjecting hundreds of millions of people subliminal messages that lead to all sorts of developmental problems, like the kids who grow up to be alcoholics after watching cartoons sell beer, and later nearly nude super-models, which cause unrealistic expectations in the psyches of both males and females, alike.


Super Bowl is just another sick and twisted ritual they use to maintain control of the masses. And they're not going to stop doing it as long as we stay dumb enough to continue to support it. Stop and think about the most common asked question going into tomorrow is: "Who do you want (or think) to win the Super Bowl?". Even if you don't normally give two shits about sports, they want you to pick a side, therefore [Division]. Now-a-days, when people ask me about my opinion on sports, I treat it as if it were an addictive substance I was trying to kick. Like, "Nah, man. I don't "do" sports anymore". I get funny looks from a lot of people who are still hooked. Even get some that lash out, a bit. Kind of like telling an alcoholic friend that you can't be his drinking buddy anymore.


Same thing goes for hollywood movies, tv shows, pop music/culture, whatever. It's ALL bull shit.