A ID: 60fb40 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.7998514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8539 >>8581



Patriot Anons

Q & USSS Protect POTUS just in case GO GO GO Please be safe everyone

Tome Hanks tweet shows Villia is he talking about Mar-a-Lago?????

I looked up CC on acroym & it shows Cyanogen chloride


I added some info just in case if it helps


Also known as CK, cyanogen chloride is a highly toxic blood agent, and was once proposed for use in chemical warfare. It causes immediate injury upon contact with the eyes or respiratory organs. Symptoms of exposure may include drowsiness, rhinorrhea (runny nose), sore throat, coughing, confusion, nausea, vomiting, edema, loss of consciousness, convulsions, paralysis, and death.[2] It is especially dangerous because it is capable of penetrating the filters in gas masks, according to United States analysts. CK is unstable due to polymerization, sometimes with explosive violence.[7]

Chemical weapon


Cyanogen chloride is listed in schedule 3 of the Chemical Weapons Convention: all production must be reported to the OPCW.[8]


By 1945, the U.S. Army's Chemical Warfare Service developed chemical warfare rockets intended for the new M9 and M9A1 Bazookas. An M26 Gas Rocket was adapted to fire cyanogen chloride-filled warheads for these rocket launchers.[9] As it was capable of penetrating the protective filter barriers in some gas masks,[10] it was seen as an effective agent against Japanese forces (particularly those hiding in caves or bunkers) because their standard issue gas masks lacked the barriers that would provide protection against cyanogen chloride.[9][11][12] The US added the weapon to its arsenal but the CK rocket was never deployed or issued to combat personnel.[9]



Please Q & USSS Protect POTUS