Anonymous ID: 83ed7f Feb. 1, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.7998560   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm glad you liked it. Just as an FYI, I don't put specific sites on those since there are so many and I don't want to be thought of as playing favorites.

Anonymous ID: 83ed7f Feb. 1, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.7998609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8630 >>8652 >>8667



Well, watching the destruction of the D party will indeed be enjoyable, but remember, the 'bernie bros' are full on fucking Communists, so after the 'city burning' starts, POTUS will have to call out NattyG to stop them. Do you think they will all go home and be nice, give up muh Communism after that?

As the D party implodes, it's reasonable to speculate that they will activate pAntifa and their other provocateurs & wreckers, and also 'active' some MK sleepers? How about their other cells of sleepers? MEK? Others? What havoc can they wreak? Aquifers, power grid, telecom, distribution of foods (or poisoning foods) and on and on.


Cheering for the metaphorical burning down is one thing, but think through what is likely to physically happen as the noose tightens closer and closer on our targets (cabal here) - they will lash out in many directions, ever more wild and violent and less and less sneaky and finesse about it. If the BernieBros go 'apeshit' and get destructive, it will be used by the cabal to maximum damage, and it depends on how POTUS handles them whether they can be talked down or need to be contained.

Anonymous ID: 83ed7f Feb. 1, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.7998728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8750 >>8772


>free energy (not available) and drugs

These people are "true believers" and those are the most dangerous, you could ask some Russians who survived.

So they go out, fuck shit up and take drugs and aren't "true believers" anymore? That's not how "true believers" are.


DNC can't take POTUS down at the election.

The issue is the violence of the "true believer" BernieBros (and cabal minions already mentioned) AFTER they fuck up the DNC. Once "true believers" engage in violence, it's like a dopamine hit, and the excitement is such a thrill, a cheap hit of POWER they don't have in their own lives. The danger is them continuing AFTER fucking up the DNC.


I do remember that - I didn't listen kek, but you are right, they might use something like that.