Anonymous ID: 92a5c1 Feb. 1, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.7998558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8612 >>8689 >>8911

I posted this at the end of last bread. It's not copy pasts and I won't post it again but I would like to know why none of this concerns any of you? Between this and the role Kushner has been playing. I'm tnot new and have never attacked anyone but Kushner ininvolved in the plan before. W&W know this is true, all that matters. I'm moreso looking for a response from them or a "helper"anyway.


I think I'm a big fan of Rogers but when things don't add up it's hard for me to drop until I can see how it fits Can i get a little help?


How can Rogers be w Team 8(Unit 8200) before we have cleaned out Israel? Not sure why he would work with an Israeli Intel Firm anyway. While I'm 99% sure Q is a plan to save us I'll admit a part of me holds out a 1% chance it's a cult psyop to throw their old assets to the wolves while at the end of the day coming out clean by showing the multitude of ways you put them behind bars. Israel being last doesn't help to counter this theory either. Nor does Kushner's role within the WH (Netanyahu often slept at the Kushner's when in NY and his gparents were part of "The Founders", the Kushner wealth isn't even theirs). Would be pretty brilliant to coopt the people rsching you for sometimes decades(Q rschers) to get rid of your old agents. The cover gained by being now portrayed as the Saviors of humanity would allow the space to create the third temple they so desperately want to put Satan on. I don't think they thought it was possible anymore unless they appeared to give us a win and allow us to think things have been cleaned up. None of us can argue with th efact that Babylonian Mystics(Talmudists) are still firmly in position of power throughout the globe. Sorry but this is all hard for me to make sense of right now. If you can offer me any clarity to put me at ease I'd appreciate it.

Anonymous ID: 92a5c1 Feb. 1, 2020, 10:47 p.m. No.7999023   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You knew about Putin before me. I didn't know who he was with until he flew Su fighter a few meters below airliners to avoid radar and bomb Syria for the first time. This is an interesting narrative you have put together.


Do you have any insight as to why Manafort groomed Yanukovich? Him agreeing to groom someone who only mos after being elected signs a 10 yr economic pkg w Russia looks kind of sketch when you consider he spent time running a U.S. Presidents campaign. By your narrative Manafort would already be working for the good side that had been laying low. If this is the case though putting him in D5's campaign was a risk i'm not sure they'd take given Yanukovich association.


Who killed Karlov?