Anonymous ID: 5a61c9 Feb. 1, 2020, 11:05 p.m. No.7999106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9154 >>9213 >>9468

>>7998903 lb

There are likely lots of things going on at the same time all woven together.


First you have to understand that China is a friend of the USA. Even the CCP is an ally. Look at the last party congress where they replaced the Hammer and Sickle with the five star national emblem.


There is an old Chinese saying: The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. It means that China is a big and diverse country. The emperor seems to be in control, but only because the regions allow it and because he does not demand too much. The CCP took the place of the emperor but we know, from the level of corruption in China, that their hand is light on the tiller.


Remember , there are 56 ethnic groups in China and 297 languages spoken. Although 70% speak Mandarin, for most it is their second language. There is a lot of regionalism.The Triads still exist even if the leadership prefers to live in Taiwan or Hong Kong.


And beyond that, the royal family of Japan is originally from the Chinese Li clan. The royal family of Korea was also from the Li clan. And a very powerful man from the Li clan, sits high in Hong Kong, ruling a vast empire. It was Li-Ka-shing who tried to buy the Port of Long Beach. It was he who provided the money to make Huawei into a powerhouse. CK Hutchison Holdings is a vast empire of businesses and holding companies. The whole Umbrella Corps appeared to be a Freedom movement but it conveniently blocked the streets when President Xi wanted to extradite criminals hiding in Hong Kong. And emperor like Li-Ka-shing is nothing without his minions, and so the umbrellas sprouted like mushrooms after the rain.


Xi is in a strong position. He had to be to get the job and to continue leading China through this time period which is difficult for the country. This tells us that factions in the PLA military do support Xi. Factions in the CCP also support Xi. The country is divided because it has a lot of corrupt people and their minions, who are not yet ready to change their ways. The threat of an epidemic allows Xi to order things that the people would not comply with in other times. Yes, there is a disease. Yes it is spreading. But something is wrong. It looks like an epidemic to the average citizen, but...


It provides great cover for police operations, for military operations. Just give the soldiers and police a saline injection, tell them it makes them immune, and they will happily go to work in the hot zone. I would not be surprised it they are tracking down the hardened criminals, the muscle and the hit men, like MS13 in the USA, and then giving them a free vaccination containing an overdose of carfentanil. Solve two problems at once. Bye bye criminal, and hello dead bodies to show there really is a serious illness going around.


At least one commentator has already noticed some statistical anomalies with the data about the spread of nCoV in China. So far people attribute it to mistakes, incompetence, etc.


The Bottom Up rule that was applied in the USA, applies to China and every other country. But as sovereign nations, they get to implement it in their own way. Notice how Trump has let North Korea loose to do their own thing. They have different problems. They have to educate people. They have to build up industry that the clowns would not allow them to have. And they have to keep up appearances. I expect that when the dust settles, that North Korea will have some role in space launches because of their ICBM program. Take off the nuclear warhead, put on a cargo capsule, and you can supply kimchi for the Lunar Mining Colonies.

Anonymous ID: 5a61c9 Feb. 1, 2020, 11:19 p.m. No.7999166   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7996939 pb


Even the phrase

Alice & Wonderland

At the end of many Drops

Was a reference to a movie

But not the one that most people think of…


Dreamchild: The True Story of Alice and Wonderland

(1985 Movie Trailer)


> Remember…

> Good things come

> to those who DIG!


Anonymous ID: 5a61c9 Feb. 1, 2020, 11:25 p.m. No.7999197   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You are making a mistake that I refer to as

Armchair Quarterbacking

You are placing far too much importance on your opinions

And on the opinions of others.


QResearch is about digging

About finding the facts

And about recognizing the patterns in those facts

QResearch is about making connections and drawing maps

About building on the research of other people

And then passing on our findings

Which are necessarily incomplete

So that others can build on them

Or take them in a different direction that we overlooked.


Your questions are fundamentally silly

You would do better to learn what a causal loop diagram is

Learn how to make them

How to simplify complex ones

And how to analyze events based on the CLD.


Our game here is not LARPing, it's …

Intelligence Analysis

Anonymous ID: 5a61c9 Feb. 1, 2020, 11:39 p.m. No.7999243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9348 >>9649 >>9747 >>9758

Was Eric Ciaramella a part of Obama/Brennan "Trump Task force" ?


Threat inflation also is the direct consequence of the Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine adopted by the USA neoliberal elite after the dissolution of the USSR (Wolfowitz Doctrine.) The two feed off of each other. When far-flung crises and conflicts are treated as if they are of vital importance to USA security, every minor threat to some other country is transformed into an intolerable menace to America.


In reality the USA is very secure from any foreign threats. So fake threat are invented: neocon propagandamachine and necon factions in Goverment and Congresstry to make other countries' internal problems seem essential to our national security. Ukraine is at most a peripheral interest of the U.S., but to justify the policy of arming Ukraine we are told by the more unhinged supporters that this is necessary to make sure that we don't have to fight Russia "over here." Because the U.S. has so few real interests in most of the world's conflicts, interventionists have to exaggerate what the U.S. has at stake in order to sell otherwise very questionable and reckless policies. That is usually when we get appeals to showing "leadership" and preserving "credibility," because even the interventionists struggle to identify why the U.S. needs to be involved in some of these conflicts. The continued pursuit of global "leadership" is itself an invitation to endless threat inflation, because almost anything anywhere in the world can be construed as a threat to that "leadership" if one is so inclined. To understand just how secure the U.S. really is, we need to give up on the costly ambition of "leading" the world.


Threat inflation is one of the biggest threats to U.S. security, as it increases changes if nuclear confrontation with Russia and China. It also drives fledging alliance between Russia and China which are worrying about extremely aggressive turn of the USA foreign policy and its military interventions. The latter makes "Full Spectrum Dominance" doctrinenot only absolute, but suicidal and their promoters like Ciaramella, Fiona Hill and Vindman the real threat to the USA national security.Because it repeatedly drives the US to take costly and dangerous actions and to spend exorbitant amounts on unnecessary wars and weapons.